[] The Nades Thrower: Purifier fire caster

He has elemental storm for that

as superfluff said i prefered elemental storm mostly cause i kinda lack skills points, part of why i took beronath amu (and for OA ofc)

I got the legendary pistol pairs lying around for a while now, both normal and mythical, so I decided to give this a try.

Real nostalgic since my first characters in Grim Dawn tried to focus on grenades (and failed miserably, he is just a mule toon now).

It is working out a lot better than I thought. Though it’s a shame that all these grenade skills require so many points for them to be effective. And it’s really annoying when I misjudged the terrain and the throw got block by a tree or sharp corner of the walls…

All in all a good and fun play though, thanks much for sharing!!

im glad you liked it, actually my very first char focused on canister bomb aswell,like all build if you focuse on couple of skills you have to overcap them UPDATE

basicly switching everything into lightning, here a quick update, staying on same concept as before
