First of all THANK You for the Guides. I did try the Elementalist till 50 and didn’t like him to much. Then i was glad that i did find another one of your newbie builds. Got that one to 22 so far. and boy is leveling slow :(. I’ve read ur leveling tips but i feel iam doing it wrong or something…
I do not think that you have some magic trick for me to get him going faster ;(
But again thx for ur guides. Hopfully ill stick. Nice game but way to complex for me :furious:. Not to many newbie guides out there, so thx again for your guides!
Well, you can at least upload it to Grim Tools so I could have a look.
The easy way to improve damage is to use Serrated/Vicious spikes in your guns - their activable buffs improve damage quite a bit. Then if you have Guile relic recipe craft it and equip at level 25, it gives a stupidly strong activable aura. Then once you have Deadly Momentum it’ll get better.
On veteran it’s not that important, but I would go with Angrim on any char and any difficulty. All of Angrim’s bonuses are useful for any build, moreover it’s the only blacksmith with %armor bonus. Duncan has %energy regen instead.
Also please note that the aura granted by Vicious Spikes does stack with itself. With this information in mind I assume there is no reason to use Serrated Spikes if Vicious Spikes are available?
It’s builds like these that show how little do we mortals know of the hidden things and the HUGE GAP between casuals and high performance tweakers.
Didn’t even consider about respecing ones mastery bar.
Still it’s going to be intresting to test this one in campaign now that I have leveled her a bit in Big-C.
One thing though…is Haunted Steel with Berserker Cowl/Cap sumthink a viable option after 25 since and for how long?
Will be testing wih yellows to see how far I can get with this since there doesn’t really seem to be an item releated gimmick with this one
Yes. To be honest, I just didn’t knew about this back when I was working on the text.
You overestimate me a great deal. I’m nowhere close to some theorycrafters out there.
In 22-34 range I usually level in Guardsman set (chest, head and shoulders), which offers decent protection till you’re able to get faction gear at level 35. I don’t use Haunted Steel because it’s an expensive component that isn’t necessary for levelling.
Stupid Dragon I think you are a very kind genius for sharing your beginner builds with us noobs. I loved the Lightning Elementalist and am currently working with the gunman. I even feel some confidence to attempt to play a magic character for the first time
yes, but its more then evry 3rd, can shoot like 10+ shots without it proc and other times it proc 3 times in a row, it seems so odd. if its 100% evry 3rd i should be able to count a shot evry 3rd ?
hey, Stupid dragon
i have some problems with your build, i think i messed up my skills. Maybe you can watch at my skills and show me my mistakes?
If you are playing 2H then go for Kraken as soon as possible. Typical Kraken rush is 1 crossroads green - Scholar’s Light - 1 point crossroads blue - Eel - respec crossroads blue and start working on Kraken.
Then I think get Falcon for levelling since it goes well with ranged Cadence (later switched to Toad). Also get Hawk for the easy OA boost. At this point you can remove Scholars Light. Then I’d try to get Chariot and Hydra for more easy OA and damage. Get Panther if you want to get rid of eel sooner.
Yes. It’s a relatively common ring, but when it comes to builds like that I go for the cheapest version. I’m using faction stuff on hagarrad infiltrator even if there’s Silver Sentinel set of all things. Not posted this one yet.