[] Bleed Witchblade Butchering 170 Waves of Crucible.

Shield, LOL !!!

I’m leaving guys, no need to reply. :rolleyes:

Thanks guys. And yeah, while Bloodrager was Drizzto’s build, Fluff’s Markovian build was also a big inspiration for this one. In fact, I initially wanted to go Markovian so I won’t change gears from my physical one but I wanted to see more big numbers so I switched.

But u see how Savagery is bad in comparison to Cadence when u’re using a full set that benefits it and u don’t even use the skill or the class. :rolleyes:

While this is just your usual Cadence bitching, I’ll address this truthfully for those people curious about the Cadence/Savagery comparison.

I’m taking Cadence not because of Cadence itself. Look at the grimtools, it’s a one-pointer ffs. It’s Fighting Form, which is the second best Bleed source in the game after Blade Arc. I already explained why I took Witchblade instead of Shaman above and that does not involve Cadence at all. I even think that using Savagery might yield higher numbers overall because of the stacking buff that will also apply to your Blade Arc/Counter Strike hits.

The reality is that this would happen due to Savagery mods on helm for example. CoF rr is higher than swarm so it comes out kinda even .

Warder has just a bit more OA from tenacity which helps.

Savagery works at it’s best with 2h unless trickster

Not really, if you do not have the mastery you obviously cannot have the skill. So if you want to make any argument it would have to be Occultist vs Shaman - and that cannot be made either as he repurposed an existing char and had no Warder.

If he had Shaman mastery instead of Occultist and still went Cadence, then maybe you would have a point

Time for you to leave as you promised.

So in the end it all comes down to BoD heal and aspect resistances versus Wendigo sustain, Blood pact damage and Tenacity stats.

Good choice picking Cadence for Bleed. It’s bleed potential gets overlooked too often.
Nice build

Btw just noticed
Is 20 point CS better than points in Cadence?

What a bloody display! :cool:

totally. It’s why it can clear trash so well with BA on VS. Mad mark used it for the same reasons and relied on it a lot. It’s a good choice no doubt

Aside from what Superfluff said, I tried maxed Cadence and had energy issues so I immediately noped out. Blitz fans could put it there but I personally don’t like using Blitz everytime it’s off cooldown and not having the mobility when I need it.

Also, CS is the third best bleed source in the game after blade arc and fighting form.

I know CS is good for bleed but you have plenty of flat damage on your hands which should work well with Cadence which is why I asked

Yeah that really kills the mood. Thanks for the clarification

Did you try Markovian Madness in the expac at all. Or did you purge most of your save files like I did? :rolleyes:

I had a thought but it’s redundant at this point i think. A bloodthirsty pit axe would be the dream(especially with the new mod it has) but this build posted is more than enough. You can slap on mark, or a combo of eldritch gaze+Benn shoulders+ chest/ammy from rager and works very good too

Nice catagory Chinese DA worship… (except me I guess ~~)


You’re an offhand player so you’re the exception :p. Serious question, other than offhand builds (which imo, would need to sacrifice too much to get those da levels), do most crucible builds in your community get those levels of DA? Cause I think it might just be a coincidence that you shared 3 DA worshipping builds at the same time.

Here is some similarity of all high DA builds that they all have solider/inquisitor in their class. Without military conditioning and field command, it will be hard to stack up max DA no matter hard you try. And there’s 2 more conditions for those who has a preference to get this much DA level. Melee fanktank type of build would tend rely on DA given these classes normally has no good life regen skills. Higher DA goes, lower chances to get hit. And there’s type of players who can move their finger tipes around no more than 4 active skills , too much would sort of “disabling” them. Resorting to DA is their one only option.

However, most DA players are not satisfied with status quo. All using DA as a way out is very limited to cretivity of builds. But how difficult it is in Crucible 151-170 is the true limitation to all. Hope devs can figure out better way to return fun to us.

Well that’s true. Maybe add Shaman to the mix with tenacity. I’m glad you shared your community builds though. Next two builds I’m planning will involve some mix of the principles applied in the high DA builds

What the hell happened with your profile Lokarr?

Well, I’m glad to be able to communicate with fellow players from the larger community.:stuck_out_tongue:
BTW, I’ve updated 2 more builds in my thread.

He knows de wey.