[] Dark Physical Pyromancer - Killing Grava'thul w/o Healing Potions - A Tanky S&B Pyromancer

-It’s not really Physical that much until you get your hands on the Beronath sword, until then, your damage is a mix if you’re going Fire Strike anyway.

-Besides that, 10% loss of damage will hurt a bit but at the same time, you don’t need as much DPS for Normal/Elite and it’s arguably better to be able to facetank than have to kite and waste time waiting for your health to regen.

-30 seconds should be enough between major encounters such as Bosses or large groups of Heroes. The passive ADCtH should hold you over for the rest.

Leveled the commando version of this build, and I wish I could rename my characters, because his new name would be Honey Badger; this build just doesn’t care. Face tanks everything, and keeps going; this is my main farming build atm.

So, since I basically refuse to waste my time revisiting 3 difficulties for a new build, I’ve currently taken the approach to tweak the same combo and test devoitons and stuff. Using farmed items only (No GD stash). (plus…I’m not a fan of Inqus and some others for balance reasons).

But firstly, the general idea and devotion path for this build is pretty nice. So thanks to TZ TZ for this.

I however found the build to be a bit limited in combat scope and kill speed is a rather slow for me.

This is a variant suggestion to consider if you like a little more variety in play. A bit less tanky short-term, but overall more durable.

Grimtools variant of Dark Physical Pyro
I tweaked it a bit to include Sigil of Consumption for leech, Pox for better OA at times, and BWC 18% node for a bit more definitive safety. The “%chance when hit” procs are good and fun but unpredictable for battle control. The “% on block” more so. Use consumables, etc

I changed:
-swapped lizard+crossroads blue for Sailor. (nod to Mad_Lee for spotting this too).
-added BwC and High Potentcy node for a little better control of overall % physical damage reduction vs the current proc luck.
-put points into SoC (see belt change) for big damage and leech. Reduced reliance on Blast shield 5s window. (base 3x SoC potentially adds up to 13K dps, depending on armor)
-put a point in Pox and Fevered Rage. When used well, Fevered’s -25% DA to mobs and bosses can open up ~ 25-30% crit chances for all attacks.

  • belt: Gladiator’s Distinction belt for 100% vit->phys conversion
  • amulet: Conduit of destructive whisper with 13% guaranteed physical RR
  • relic: Eldritch Pact relic has a strong proc with a short CD potentially triggered by every attack. (base damage potentially adds up to 14k dps, depending on armor)
  • SoC boost shield: common MI (Vampire Bonewall) shield readily found in the Mountain Deeps. My prefix is rare and the suffix is magic.
  • SoC boost medal: Rylok Crest MI readily found. My prefix is magic and suffix is rare.
    -rings: Black Matriarch and Mythical Ring of Fire and Ice. There is ~10% wpn physical dmg loss from the switch from the Harmony pair due to Harmony’s flat fire/cold, but this is made up via the Matriarch proc (10%RR) and %bonus + speed bonus of the pair. The Fire and Ice proc requires more attention to positioning than the Elemental Harmony pair -> due to potential interruption by terrain effects.

SoC: This is a quite powerful leech for most things.

  1. you can actually have 3 in play at one time due to the duration boost of the MI shield…
  2. at the current investment, the typical damage for one SoC = 98vit + 54 fire + 64 choas + 60 vit from items = 276 physical * ~1700 = ~4500 phys damage.
    -even with a 2k mob armor, that’s 2500 @ 40% leech. With %RR, say …75%, that will be 4500*1.75 =~8000; 6000@40% after armor.
    -in the extreme case of a boss with 95% LLR, 2k armor, and you have 75% RR, that’s around 120 leech. So it this case, you need to use it as a damage source rather than count on HP leech
    -it can proc the Eldritch Pact proc.

Also, I hardly use BWC, so the point in demon fire would probably be better spent on SoC. BWC is mainly for the very few big phys hitters. But with already high %phys resist and leech…ymmv with BWC

-Basically you can Fevered Rage everything with this and chew through mobs quite fast. Fevered Rage means huge crit chances @-25% DA to mobs = big increase in damage output. Use SoC liberally when Fevering, for healing and damage.


  • Grava’Thul: careful to not Fever if you are debuffed. He has 85% LLR, ~2200 armor, but only 5% physical resist - so stacked SoC should just barely leech enough. Or kite as required.

  • Lokarr needs very careful fevering, as with him your leech is very small (90%LLR and 85% physical resist, ~2200 armor) -yet his little friends leech very well; note that a few SoC on a group of a few of his friends can work well, if you can keep them within SoC…while focusing on Lokarr. Hit him with fevered only if you feel comfortable.
    Otherwise, Lokarr will require some kiting and it could take a while at standard dps.
    Also, don’t forget about the various helpful potions around GD, as they can make this quite a bit easier.

  • Elite Avatar of Mogdrogen:… uses of risky Fevering are very few and far between so damage will be relatively low and it will take a long time. The main risk periods are when there are no animals on the map for SoC leech, as Elite Mog has 70%LLR , 85% physical resist, and 3200 armor; he can whack pretty hard even with 80% over-capped lightning resist. So kite when needed and wait for animals to be summoned for focused periods of leeching + face-tanking Mog. All-in-all, the build feels pretty durable through this fight. A SoC on any animal will ~ refill your health.

There is also a second potential variant, but Tip the Scales is very finicky for energy replenishing so this one will need energy pots fairly regularly. Imho it’s not quite as fun of a devotion path as the original, but it performs just as well and plays more-or-less the same way. Targo’s reflect and armor increase can be a fun gimmick and Trample plays a little differently from Targo’s Hammer. It has more DA and less OA, but you really don’t need that much DA.
Grimtools: alternate devotion path

I’m levelling as a forcewave gazer man commando, And i’m around level 40, when do you guys suggest me to switch to this build ??

Looks like a cool build! thumbs

So…I’m not that familiar with leveling this as a Commando…and I’m not the author.

But I’d suggest you post this question in its own thread for advice on how to proceed. Most any soldier veteran can give you some direction.

Hi, I wanted to know why you need to max flame touched.

Primarily for the flat OA. Secondary is the [relatively small] flat fire that will be converted to physical for some extra damage.

Belzzzz, how far would you estimate that the Full Markovian Command version can get in Shattered Realm?

Not far in my opinion. Due to the tankiness, I think you can reach SR-75 boss stage but the probability to have a non-red timer is pretty low.

Frankly, I retired this Commando a long time ago (to play the Barrelsmith Set). The damage output was already quite low back then. Any Fire S&B Shieldbreaker has proven to be as solid as this Commando, with way more damage, either with Judgment (that has received a damage buff in or with AoM (that has been nerfed slightly, I don’t know how it impacted Virtue Builds exactly).

Maybe some hybrid fire retaliation could be an option for Commando. Yet I assume this would always be an inferior version of Shieldbreaker.