[]Tears of Fire - (Mortar Trap/Immortal Purifier/170 Cruicible)

thanks again - I thought that you might refer to the physical version but felt reluctant to bring it up, as the person you quoted was another guy than the one creating this build. Sorry for the confusion.

this is basically my experience essay I added when I translate this build.

here is my current GT link


What I added is…

There are 3 reasons why I followed this build.

1.I just love traps or setting up some sorts of Turrets because I just hate to do a dirty job myself XD.

  1. I want to off from some controversial Korean’s mortar trap build (he was too cocky).

3.As my purifier was from that Korean (https://www.grimtools.com/calc/b28q3aLV), it was not that effective in 150-170 Crucible. If I try tanking, I got killed. Even if I run away from those monsters, those mortars did not do a proper job. Anyway, it was depressing.

Soon I found this build, decided to change in every way. However, following every aspect of gear was too hopeless with my limited resources (My limited time and RNGesus is cruel to me).

I remember some another Korean who relied a lot on crafting (it is in Korean, thus I won’t post the link) to get high DA. I compromised myself to craft some stuff and uses other stuff to get high DA. Yet some stuff you have get them just like this build.

When you look at my link, it is terrible. I didn’t have much luck with RNG and only focused on DA. At least with 24/16 Mortar trap, I still can do enough dps to do my job.

If you can follow Cmak414’s build completely, I salute you. Yet I was (or am) not. There are some stuff I like to mention when I change my character’s gear.

1.Rings. You can craft of rings. yet, make sure another ring is Vine Ring or Living Ring, because you gonna have the problem with Vitality Resist.

2.Shield. I thought about Myth. Untouchable to get higher DA, but do not try. Because that Aegis Shield comes with some resists as well when you equip a one-handed gun with Shield.

3.Glove. aim for min. DA 100. DO NOT BOTHER WITH CRAFTING (Cannot get better glove myself from crafting and that purple is much better).

4.If DA is still low, try Runebound Topaz instead of Seal of Annihilation as desperate method.

5.Pants and shoulder, by this time, you might have the problem with elemental resist. one of these pieces has to cover your elemental resist like Nature’s Bounty. I was lucky to get Nemesis’s pants to cover some elemental, thus my shoulder went for only higher DA.

6.Why I used Ignafar? I had limited resources to make Korvaak or could be lazy to make. beside Ignaffar has also good flat DA too.

7.Badge… MUST BE KYMON. Fire damage is not main issue. Actually the main issue is Chaos resist you gonna face. I had no choice but farming Kymon after some pointless crafting.

8.Devotion. Even though that Aura of Censure got buff, do not try the latest version yet because Empyrion’s Light is still too darn good to pass if your DA has not reached 5k yet. If you can survive well with more than 5k DA in Crucible, you can consider the latest version too. Me? I am still sticking to old version.

9.Amulet. Just get Myth. Herald of Apocaylpse. its Meteor skill is good for burst damage at crowded enemies and nemesis as well. I tried 5 Mortar Traps with Conduit, but it is not that good when I face unexpected moments.

In my view following minimum 80% of build is too hard, but it is not that impossible yet. with some efforts and luck, it is possible and fun build too. That’s why I did translating.

I wanna thank Cmak414 specially. I wanna thank Moon Child (달닮은 아이), Defense Guy (수호가이) and those who played Crucible with me.

that’s what I added in that post in Korean GD Community in Naver.

Here is my version of this build.
Slightly changed some items to get better fire damage and changed devoition to take Stone Form instead of Elemental Storm. I don’t think that elemental storm is very useful (IMO).
My items are not BIS, so some stats may be increased, but this builds allows me to farm 170 pretty safe.

I can’t understand the devotion points spent order.
Can you help me with that please?

Well… I do not remember the best way, but you may do:

Yellow crossroad
Solemn Watcher
Ascendant crossroad
Eldritch crossroad
Bard’s Garp
Chaos Crossroad
Solael’s Withchblade
Undo all crossroad except Chaos
Undo Bat
Obelisk of Menhir

10 characters

New player here, how are Attribute points supposed to be assigned in this build?

I saw the calculator links, but I would like to know the reason behind the decision on those stats.


Generally for any build, you want enough Cunning/Spirit to equip gear and the rest into Physique as the extra health/DA it provides is helpful for Ultimate. You also need pretty high Physique for heavy armour pieces such as Mythical Chausses of Barbaros which requires 1035.

While levelling, I would more or less go entirely Physique and either put points into Spirit last or use a Tonic of Reshaping to reset your attributes when you have your final gear that requires Spirit. You can get one every difficulty.

Thanks for the answer, I didnt know about that potion.

Are you working on a 1.0.6 update?

Hey Dude, The build looks amazing.

I was wanting to give her a try but I get a little confused during the leveling process and not know how to place skills properly and in what order. Im an old gamer with brain injuries from being young and stupid. lol. Is there any way you could give me an outline for skill training? i REALLY want to give this build a try. No pvp or hardcore or anything. Im too slow for that stuff. lol

Thanks man.

With Grimtools now including the gear from Forgotten Gods, this build does need some adjustment. Change the helmet from Dagallon Faceguard to Mythical Mask of Infernal Truth and change the gloves to Mythical Dawnshard Grip. With those you can actually have SIX Mortar traps up at a time.

Thanks for that, I was initially bummed out reading the upcoming patch notes thinking that my mortar build was going to be nerfed.

Although I hate losing that cast speed from Embergrips. Might end up sticking with them, as they don’t look like they changed. I’ve been playing mostly just campaign, so I probably don’t even need the 6th trap. It’s nice to know it is an option though.

As the OP, I took a break from GD for a while, but will come back when forgotten gods is released. I plan to revive this build as my first forgotten gods toon so stay tuned, i’ll be sure to be updating this guide!

Sounds good. Wonder how much better this build will end up doing in Crucible. Farthest I got was wave 100 in Gladiator cause I don’t want to use healing potions lol.

https://www.grimtools.com/calc/r2B38rWV is basically the same as I had before except for the helm and gloves.

I just reinstalled GD today and tried 150-170 using my old toon and was able to do it fine. Pretty sure it is very unoptimized for new balance changes etc though.

Well, like I stated I died on wave 100 cause I didn’t want to bother with health potions (and I should probably bind Meteor Shower to a skill other then Mortar Trap). I hate Thermite Mine though cause I can never tell if it’s working despite having least half a dozen in the same area.

Probably also helps you’re using a shield instead of an off-hand as well.

Thermite mine’s radius is getting buffed from 1 to 2, so that should help.

I don’t have all the gear yet that is listed, but I did change up the devotion procs. I put elemental storm on mortar, eldritch fire on inquisitor seal, and fissure on BWC. Since I play mostly campaign, I found that having fissure on mortar would end up being wasted a lot of times. Like it would often proc on a single trash monster yards away and not hit anything else. Having it on BWC, I can use it to focus down the tougher mobs.

In crucible I don’t think it matters as much because fissure is always going to be hitting something as the mobs are always grouped up more.

On infernal knight set you mean? Or the regular mine?