[]Tears of Fire - (Mortar Trap/Immortal Purifier/170 Cruicible)

The regular mine skill.

It’s listed in the patch preview thread under Demolitionist.

Thanks, I just had a read. Some people said it was from 1.8 to 2.0 meter change so I was confused for a while there

got enough da there man? :rolleyes:

You need to be using mark of calamitious desires for medal. 120 fire to mortar and 100% phys to fire conversion! opop

thank you for the suggestion. that medal does look best in slot for the build!

I built this originally when all the top builds stacked 5K DA. Being able to tank without moving is especially important for mortar trap build because if your targets are stationary, more mortars connect, so more dps.

Probably in the current state of game, dont need as much DA. Testing to see what is a good balance.

You think she needs more DA? 3.8k should be enough.

I dont understand that medal she used though :eek: its not a grenado build at all

Didn’t know about the medal. Also, probably use Rune of Ulzaad’s Madness or Rune of Ishtak’s Mercy as the medal augment.

https://www.grimtools.com/calc/bVAYjRlV unless people can recommend any other changes.

I haven’t really spent much time with your devlotion tree, but at a quick glance seems okay. However, I think the below would be much better as far as item optimization.


Major changes:
+2 mortar traps (7!! now vs 5)
+50% of lightning converted to fire (now heavy ordinance is actually useful instead of unconverted lit - a significant increase to base mortar damage)
+more base damage to mortar traps (flat lit from scepter converted to fire)
+15% additional reduce ele resists from scepter
+3 extra dmg procs (from scepter and 2x rings)
+800 armor and 25% more absorb
+200% more increased % fire damage

-400 OA
-400 DA
-27% crit from ammy change (some crit is offset from scepter/offhand)

Overall the pros outweigh the cons by a wide margin. I think the above changes should have much more dps (mainly from extra traps and lit conversion). It should also be a lot tankier with the big increase in armor. Loss in DA doesnt really matter since DA is already so high.

Also linked a Shieldbreaker varient on the original post for theorycrafting.

No belt component? You can get 50 extra armor from spellscourge plating there :slight_smile:

why so low pierce res?

Must have missed it. Put an ugdenbog leather. Then you can get more pierce res from augments if you like. Spellcourge plating works too.

Why do you want such overcapped pierce res? I dont seem to have trouble tanking anything with pierce damage. (Fabious and Mad queen i can tank all day)

I dont wanna overcap it, but getting close to 80% is nice.

Ok I wanna see video someone facerolling MQ with 20% pierce res :slight_smile:

Ah i see, it was maxed cuz i was looking with buffs on (blast shield). Yeah we can move some augments/components around a bit to fix that.


thanks for catching!

This probably is better but I might end up sticking with the pistol for the 0.7 second cooldown.

Yeah, can do the pistol as well. Better yet, do both. Put the pistol/offhand in 1 weapon slot, and in the 2nd switch, put the scepter/offhand.

That way, use the pistol when setting up, then switch to scepter when u have enough mortars up.

It’s just so very hard having to wait 17 more days til FG launches. There’s so many new things to try out.

Updated theorycrafted build (also see pg 1).

https://www.grimtools.com/calc/YZe7jpX2 (in progress)


7 mortar traps
100% of phys converted to fire (for mortars)
95% lit converted to fire (for heavy ordinance/base dmg increases to mortar, devotions)
60% cold converted to fire
lots of devotion procs converted to fire (fissure, reckless tempest, hand of ultos, blizzard, elemental storm)

Any comments on my build are welcome!

Personally I’m gonna have to stuck with the first theorycraft. Never used Storm Box and don’t care to start. Only downside is the prefix’s from Grimtools seem to be gone since there is no Commando’s prefix for the Malmouth Arcane Girdle.

I’m going to be testing my own mortar trap purifier when I get home today, I might make a thread on it if it goes well.

Why the Rune of Elgoloth over an Anderos Amplifier for your MH?

The Anderos gives pertinent +% damages, similarish flat damage, much better +skills, and a nearly necessary -2 secs to mortar trap CD

Although balancing the spirit/cunning/physique necessary to use all that is going to start getting rough.

Mine doesn’t look to bad with it. https://www.grimtools.com/calc/lNklBaq2
Doesn’t have as much circuit breakers but armor looks nice and so does OA/DA.
Although this is a best in slot build with those MI’s. I’m also thinking about switching the 7th mortar trap from the conduit to a rune of halakor.

I would suggest it risky to rely so heavily on Seal for your elemental resists. One slip up and misstep out of the radius at a bad time and…the blast shield, but cold is at 60-ish%. Also makes using a mobility skill/augment risky. ymmv.