[]Bone Charmer DW Savagery 94%WPS leechtank

The more I look at your build, the more I like it. Love the fact that you always took full offensive approach in most of your build.

BTW, have you perhaps try dark one set for this concept? Might not be able to have 26/16 savagery though.

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Thanx. I don’t own Dark one set - I’m lazy to do that spoiled quest >_>

While dark one is great the oa/da bonus and partial chaos conversion on flame torrent don’t come close to the huge flat damage loss, life steal, and extra skill points.

big n00b

Great build btw. I tooled up something similar, but this version looks perfect <3

Farming dark one set is easier than farming 2 decree of malmouth… :smirk:

Yeah, like tomodak mention, it might not be good for ritualist. It might be better on conjurer version of this build where solael’s witchfire and possession flat chaos can be converted to flat vitality.

Anyway, good job! Love it!

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With increased couldown on MoT and Aeon we no longer can chain them. That’s a pitty. But due to new crucible buffs we can do it w/o MoT at all, lol :smiley:
Added new boss video.

Yeah its really fine with the buffs and monster tweaks for all mot only builds

Hi Ptiro. I have been exploring a build something like this.
What is the reasoning of why you did not use eye of the storm relic?
Just by swapping it, your weapon sheet damage is buffed by 10%.

All you gain from eye is 1-72 flat vitality and some minor vit decay. Mog provide +1 necro that result in 40 flat vitality from soul harvest, some bonuses to WPS, more life, more OA, more RR, 0.1 second MoT duration, 4% DA bonus from relic completion bonus.
Dont look at tooltip in GD tools cause it lack 100% conversion on actual build.

You can still get that by switching the belt to +necro. I am thinking something like this:

Untested though, haven’t been levelling a ritualist.

It depend on gear in your possession I guess. BTW Guthouk belt is better . 25% dmg to humans is big deal.
https://www.grimtools.com/calc/4VxYkebZ this should be the absolutely BiS setup for Crucible cleaning.

cool build :wink:

Updated build with brand new pantsu. Soulwarding is new meta, boyz :stuck_out_tongue:

Why do you bind Acid Spray on Reaping Strike? I heard it’s bad to bind devotions to WPS-skills, because you have a 20% chance of hitting with RS and then a 15% chance to hit with Acid Spray.
You could bind it to Devouring Swarm or Wendigo Totem instead.

Time to remodel this build using tankier blood knight set and use that reaper pants that has +3 soul harvest now, ptiro!

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Nou, time to use 2 piece Bloodrager :cool: and enjoy 222%Weapon dmg autoatack with 94% WPS chance. :smiley:

Hmmm, this is more interesting options indeed.

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Updated build and devotions route.