1. What is it?
Obviously it’s a caster based on full diviner’s set. If you was looking at this set you will notice that this is a semi - caster semi - pet set. But in my case I completely neglect the damage from pets for the sake of direct damage from reap spirit.
2. How good a reap spirit is?
Now I consider this skill only as a source of direct damage, it’s not a build about pets, and how good they are I can not judge.
In order to get at least some good damage from reap spirit, you need to obtain a full diviner’s set, it is necessary to pump out the reap spirit to 26/16 and it is absolutely necessary to use the amulet of the immortal whisper with the bonus damage from the reap spirit. Of course, you also need to collect as much RR to aether damage as far as possible.
If you do all of this, you can enjoy damage from 40K to 120K for a single uses of reap spirit with 0.7 seconds of cooldown - and that is quite a decent result. Of course, reap spiritt also deals vitality decay damage, but for this build the damage from him, as from pets, is irrelevant.
3. Reap spirit and that’s all?
Sure not. Like any self-respecting spellbinder you got eternity as relic and Aeon’s hourglass for 2-3 devastation a row, withs ravenous earth, mirror, mark, nullification and so on. You can imagine that you are playing for an aether’s tank, where the reap spirit is your main projectiles, and the devastation is artillery.
4. Show us build already
5. Are this build suited for crucible?
Yes, I managed 150 gladiator crucible without buff/banners (only with hoarfrost ointment). But I changes my pants to harmony because in my standard setup build do not have a skill disruption protection.
5. Do you got a some videos?
Yes, today a recorded some nice fight:
Special thanks to Ptirodaktill for his Spellbinder Rei, it gave me some inspiration during to my work around this build