[] S&B Cold Infiltrator - Rune of Hagarrd Frostburn Tank

This is a duel wield build despite the thread title, the original concept used S&B and has evolved into this.

Apostate - I messed with an apostate version as well for a while, but I’ve decided I like the infiltrator play style much more so I’m not really fooling with this one anymore. See these two posts for similar builds:
[] Gin Yursis - DW Cold/Frostburn Apostate - http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71923
[Cold Caster] The Dreadweaver - Cold based Rune of Hagarrad/Bone Harvest Apostate - http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=69924
I’ll leave my old apostate here for posterity.
https://www.grimtools.com/calc/d2jOLRqV (missing one skill point from other you quest)

Despite the lower HP, around 15k with blessing (19k now with crucible changes), I find this version to be more survivable and it does a lot more damage. It’s more spiky in the incoming damage, but with a 5 sec PB, and 15 sec WoR your incoming heals are pretty frequent. I also added a haunted steel in the newest version for extra burst healing with bloodthirster. So while you may drop more you also go back up more often. You do have to have your finger ready on blade barrier for that oh shit moment though more so than mark with the apostate. The increase in damage I imagine is mainly from the 40 cold RR from Night’s Chill (-15 from amulet for 55 RR total), this version has just over 200 RR while the apostate only has around 150. It’s very noticeable when your RoH shotguns someone the difference in damage. After running both through gladiator a few times I much prefer this version. Clear time for 100-150 is about 20 minutes on average, 5 faster than apostate. Clears 150-170 in about 11 minutes.

Infiltrator - https://www.grimtools.com/calc/DV9AdO6V
[] - Nothing changed really, moved 2 skill points, changed an augment that’s about it. You have over 17k HP now with the new health buff so if you want to try it with a more offensive medal you can, it still feels better to me with Mark of Divinity as listed. Some other medal options are an Infiltrator’s Wendigo Eye of the Dranghoul with +2 PBurst and +2 Deadly Aim, or perhaps a Mythical Mark of Dark Dreams.

Screenshot is with Veil, Aura of Censure, Word of Renewal, and PBurst up, nothing else.

Jumped into gladiator today and filmed a run on the new [] crucible, health + dmg blessings, as you can see my mark went off 3 times during the run which is why I prefer to play with it still. Once on 160 and 165 which are tougher waves, and then once on I think 168 when I was just being careless.

//youtu.be/KcfkfnImK-Q Videos below:
In this video picked up 3 buffs, ran 150-170 twice before the buffs ran out. About 23 minutes clear time total. Had a close call on the second wave 170 against reaper, should have let my frostburn finish him, but I stayed in too long instead and almost paid for it. Go in with 100 tributes, come out with 94 and a bunch of loot.


150-170 Gladiator Crucible videos, about ~11:30 clear on both.



MQ video, average kill time 10-11 sec:


My first build post, hope you enjoy.

so reserved I can’t even

Maybe it’s just me but I feel like the shield isn’t doing much in terms of tankiness. Low block chance and the blocked damage isn’t impressive. Maybe I’m just used to only seeing soldier as shieldbearer but for this I’d rather go offhand or dw. Also, I suggest Oleron’s blood to make use of that huge flat frostburn on your weapon damage, seeing that you can’t afford to cap SS.

^What he said.

To paraphrase superfluff, shields are only effective when:
i. You have 60% block recovery reduction or 100% block recovery reduction. Any other value is meh.

ii. 60% block chance.

I think you’re gimping your DPS way too much by using the shield.

I think OP liked the CDR +%elemental dmg and the immunity to projectiles proc. Sadly it’s hard to proc that. 10% on block is pretty low even on a soldier char.

@OP i’d just go for a crescentmoon and seal of might. Max hagarrad. With the crescent mod it will hurt

I’m pretty sure I have a crescent moon in my stash, I’ll have to check when I get home and I can try it out. I don’t know where I could get points to max hagarrd though, I think the only reasonable place it probably dropping lethal assault. I’ll play around with y’all’s suggestions after work today.

Trimmeda tiny bit from certain skills (don’t rely too much on crits from seal, and Ring of steel is not worth without fumble component in crucible) and maxed rune. Also changed loves(conversion from them will ramp up rune and chillspikes even more)

Nice I was actually thinking about trying to find some way to max hagarrad when I first was doing the build, I’m excited to give it a try, if it tanks just as well and has more dps I’m all for the changes. I for sure have a pair of those gloves, and I’m fairly certain I got a crescent moon sometime recently so if so I’ll change it up and see how it works out. One question, why the seal of might, just for the HP and phys resist? I don’t really need the other resists it provides. I was considering trying out a oleron’s blood like a couple of people have suggested too.

Edit: I think I’ll also need to take one point from shadow dance to put into breath of belgothian for quicker burst heals and to enable me to duel wield.

I updated my original post with advice from you all and after doing some testing to see what felt best for me, thanks to those who gave input.

Yeah forgot about that in the calc:D

This Apostate is very similar to what Chthon and then I did :3
My one is viable for Crucible 170 farming

Nice I’ll have to look up your version too and check out what it can do. I like my infiltrator version much better of my two, but I don’t know that it could do 170 as is. I’ll try it as some point soon, would probably just involve more kiting, I can face tank everything to 150 as long as I’m on seal.

Edit: So I looked at your build for a while and see you are getting 12% ADctH or so base (+bloodthirster when you need it), I didn’t really think about doing this because hagarrad doesn’t have a weapon% dmg component, but bone harvest does. Is that where your main healing comes from, does the sacred strike add in a lot too? Looking at my infiltrator version I would get some from blade burst if I had haunted steel, but I don’t know how much, might be worth sticking on one of my weapons though since I don’t need two seal of the nights.

Other than that it is very similar, looks like the main devotion difference is just switching amatok into hourglass. I’m guessing the extra ADctH and TD with mark is what lets you get through 170 where I don’t think my apostate version could. I Found with my larger health pool it went up and down more slowly, but sometimes I was stuck with no way to replenish when on potion CD and waiting on the 15 sec WoR and just had to stall a little. Having PB every 5 sec on my infiltrator I never really had to do that, but your ADctH would help with that.

I’ve taken down Gladiator 170 now, on my first try since making changes actually, was doing 150 and decided to just keep going on see what happened. Well you can see in the OP screenshot what happened haha, thanks everyone for the advice, I’m thoroughly enjoying this character.

I’ll do a few more timed 170 runs soon to see how the average time and reliability is, but honestly I didn’t really have much trouble this time.

Really nice result and great build! Congratulations, well done.

BTW, how do you make these spoilers that roll and unroll on button push? :slight_smile:

Check them all here

In these case it’s spoiler2 /spoiler2 each in between [] brackets

Thanks! Now I know too.

Thanks :slight_smile:
And yea as Superfluff said spoiler2 ftw.

Edit: There is no way I’m missing to change the thread title is there? It’s a bit inaccurate now and I don’t want to mislead people looking for S&B builds.

Added MQ video, average kill time 10-11 sec. Will try to do lokarr and maybe some crucible videos when I get time.

So big frostburn crits! You kill Rashalga twice faster as my Apostate can.

Hi, thanks for posting this build. It is exactly what I was looking for :slight_smile:

Sorry if this is a dumb question but how are you dual wielding? I have looked to see which armour/skill/relic gives the ability but cannot seem to find what you are using :confused:

Edit: found it! not familiar with Nightblade and hadn’t noticed Breath of Belgothian.