[] S&B Cold Infiltrator - Rune of Hagarrd Frostburn Tank

Yea, it also gives you ~5 sec PB heals instead of about ~8 so it helps a lot with survive-ability. It can be a little taxing on mana if you aren’t getting much leech and between harp procs which is why I threw an arcane spark onto my medal. You’d probably be fine with something else on the medal, you just might have to hit a mana pot every now and then, more a QoL thing.

Recorded one of my 170 runs, video added.

This is a fun one, added a video doing 150-170 twice in 23 minutes using the same set of 3 buffs before they expire. Total cost for completion 4 tributes. Also switched out my medal and ring in the build to get that circuit breaker.

Any alternatives for pants ?

Some well rolled solael-sect or grava’thul’s legguards could possibly work. Maybe some mythical deathwhisper leggings or shadeleather, nothing much else comes to mind. Just make sure you cover your resists. I think the ones I have in the build are BiS though, +7 to skills we use and the energy absorb can’t be overlooked.

how are you able to dual wield?

Breath of Belgothian in the nightblade tree, transmutor for Pneumatic Burst

Thanks for really cool build just a simple question can this build done with no MI ? I don’t have gollus ring [with correct affix] and stonehide of kings but I do have bunch of other stuff. Just looking for ideas.

Sure the ring is mainly just for the +OA and +DA from the prefix/suffix, I just used gollus as the base because it gives a nice chunk of HP, but it certainly isn’t mandatory. The boots again are a nice chunk of HP and DA, but mainly for boots just make sure you cover your resists. The stun res and proc on these is nice too, but you can probably get by without it.

Hi Crabcakes,
I’m completely new to the game. This is the 1st build I want to try.
Can you please give me some more details about devotion route and skill leveling?
I have some hard time figuring it out myself.
Thank you.

I’ve heard Word of Pain on the inquisitor side is a pretty fast and easy way to level though I’ve never tried it myself. When I leveled this hero I did it with the Dual Blades tree of nightblade along with blade burst and ring of steel, though I won’t particularly recommend that. I think most people don’t level with what the build will end up being. If you do want to do that then just do your Rune of Hagarrad and probably some blade burst, night’s chill, and PB for heals.

As for devotions I’d probably start with blue and green crossroads, Eel for 5 blue and Hawk for 3 green. This gets you enough for Amatok spirit of winter which gives you blizzard, it’s a very stong proc. From there probably take Wolverine for 6 purple and then do Chariot of the dead, complete it for now for the bonus, you can remove the 1 point later. After you do that you should be able to get crown for the proc. After that you should have a pretty good handle on it and just go for whatever you want next.

Hope that helps and that you enjoy the build.

Have you tried to do Lokarr already? Just wondering how it went

I haven’t actually tried, I farmed up his full set on one of my other characters and haven’t been back since.

Hi there,
could you please tell me where does the frosty-spike effect on the ground come from? Is this some WPS or some item skill?

thanks in advance

You mean the big aoe of spikes that goes out in every direction? That is the core skill of the build, Rune of Hagarrad.

Hi there,
sorry for stupid question, just out of curiosity, is this build capable of killing Ravager/Mogdrogen?

I’ve never tried, but highly doubtful, you’d probably need a more specialized build for that.

This build probably can kill any Ravager. All you need is to time your heals, DA is enough to not be critted. Even my Aizarincu can do that, and it’s not DoT build. DoT builds have a general advantage on such battles, they can kite more.

From my thread:

Hi guys,
I just hit lvl 94 with this build, so I am ready to equip most of the end-game stuff, but I need some help with itemization and skills.

  1. Since the Amarastas Blade Burts is our main damage skill together with RoH, what is the reasoning for not maxing it out? Is it the high energy cost of lvl 26 ABB that is not sustainable or?

  2. I am generally not familiar with casters that much (my other 2 chars are ranged purifier and ultos conjurer), but I assume the sheet DPS is not the deciding factor when gearing? I assume the sheet DPS just affects only the ABB, but not RoH? So it is the RoH damage tooltip that is the most important (with other factors ofc like crit %, reduced CD to RoH, RR etc.)?

  3. Do the RoH modifiers (like “add XX damage to RoH” from Mythical Crescent moon for example) affect the RoH tooltip DPS?

  4. As for the itemization:

  • Amulet: I dont have the Mageslayer protector, what would be a good alternative? Empowered essence of Beronath/Starfury Emerald maybe? Also, wouldnt technically Runebinders Gem be the BiS with the +damage and +crit to RoH?

  • Weapons: I also dont have Mythical Crescent Moon, what would be a good alternative? What about Olexras Chill, Dreadweaver, Chillflame Evoker and Amarstan Crusher? Any particular reason to pick Beacon Of the Winter Veil over those?

  • Rings: How would the Elemental balance rings work for this build? Also Mythical Reign of Ice and Fire seems rly good as well.

  • Pants: Why Mageguard ones over Deathwhisper leggings?

  • Gloves: Why Chilling Grip of Iceskorn Talons?

  • Medal: What about Mark of the Dark Dreams or Undying Oath?

  • Relic: Ignafars Combustion vs Nidalas Outbreak?

Sorry for longer post, I am just little bit puzzled about gearing this toon:)

  1. It’s not a damage skill here, it’s a buff (Lethal Assault). You cast ABB, receive the buff from it and that’s all. No reasons to max it

  2. Sheet DPS can be even zero, because you deal damage with Rune of Hagarrad. Its sheet damage is 0, because it’s actually a pseudo-pet that can’t be measured directly via stats pane.

  3. As said above, it’s a pseudo-pet and its sheet damage is always 0. But in fact it does tremendous damage and modifiers are applied correctly.

  4. Ptirodaktill had a RoH build too, but with full Runebinder set and 2x M. Crescent Moon. It works well.

Weapons: Beacon Of the Winter Veil is selected because of Frostburn duration bonus which is core of this build. Builds that aim for flat, not DoT damage should probably use other weapons. My Aizarincu, for example, uses 2x Chillflame Evoker. Ptiro’s infiltrator uses 2x Crescent Moon. Dreadweaver is not for this build, it’s most useful for cold Necromancer, like my Gin Yursis. Olexra’s and Amarasta’s - can’t say much about them, didn’t use these.

Rings: all proposed rings work well. Personally I use Alkamos legendary rings for Pierce->Cold conversion, Crabcakes uses Band of the Eternal Haunt for additional cold RR.

Gloves: Chilling Grip provides Pierce->Cold conversion too, and built-in Pierce damage of Rune gets converted into much more useful Cold, skyrocketing our damage.

Medal: any one can be used really, Crabcakes probably likes this one more because of circuit-breaker that can save your life.

Relic: no doubts, Ignaffars is best-in-slot, it gives additional 10% elemental RR, elemental damage, DA.