[] Aizarincu - DW Cold Runes Infiltrator, Gladiator farmer, Ravager viable

Especially Rimetongue Pendant! +% Pierce and Cold damage, additional RR proc, and +1 to Inquisitor and Nightblade will make this amulet very BiS for every Pierce or Cold infiltrator.
UPD: Or even pierce blademaster.

Nice one. Rune stronk lol. Btw, I find it weird for you to have Haunted steel and Coldstone in a build that doesn’t focus on weapon damage. Os there any particular reason for that? I think Chillspike seals are better especially since you don’t have much OA before lethal.

Coldstone gives +100% cold damage, while Seal of the Night gives only 50%. I don’t want to take the chillspikes because shooting 'em breaks our kiting. It seems more dangerous for me to stop and shoot the spikes.

Haunted steel provides some ADCtH against trash enemies (especially when applied through ABB to all enemies in radius), so I decided to leave it. If ADCtH was useless, I’d take one more Coldstone to boost Rune’s damage even more.

OA is totally not a problem because of Rune of Hagarrad DA shred, effective real OA is near 3200 without Lethal Assault.

I’ve heard (unconfirmed) that rimetongue was too good to be true and got changed. Not surprising but hey, we’ll see in a day or two.

Update for this patch is generally a nerf to this build. Without this much DA hard aether hitters became a big threat.
Added a fresh grimtools link and corresponding video.

After a few hours of meditation I decided to make this build even better, and added more HP to withstand heavy incoming damage. And I faced them - 2 Aleksanders in the same wave.

Updated the starter post with new links and added a simple variant of assembly including only one MI. Successfully tested them both in 170.


Using JoV’s advice I stopped stacking defenses and went more offensive. 8-9 minutes average cleaning time under 3 buffs.

>> Grimtools << Update [] Offensive version


Congrats on the build man - that is damn impressive clear time with only 3 buffs and NO banner!

So many rune infiltrators around - going to have to make one :slight_smile:

Infiltrator with RoH is amazingly strong right now, so do it before any nerfs hit :wink:

Killed Ravager of Flesh with this build.
The key is to place runes between his strikes and heal using Pneuma or Word of Renewal if damaged.
Took 17 minutes of running around like headless chicken :smiley:

[b]please could you tell me how to start with devotion point

i get confused

please list them from the first


then what??


  • Crossroads Chaos
  • Viper
  • Crossroads Chaos

The key idea is that you can make devotions self-supporting. Viper requires 1 pt of Chaos and provides 2 pt of Chaos, so you can remove not-needed Chaos node from Crossroads when Viper is completed.

Sometimes you need to take temporary sources of needed points. For example, take Crossroads Primordial, Crossroads Order, Sailor’s Guide, Wolverine, Lion, then take Bard’s Harp and you can safely remove Crossroads Primordial and Lion now, since Bard’s Harp gives 2 Primordial and 2 Order points and can support itself.

Devotions: swapped Behemoth and Staff of Rattosh for Ultos. Better damage and OA that way, and survivability don’t suffer much.

New record made with Rune of Hagarrad burst (solo, Cruci buffs, no banners):

you bind Hand of Ultos to Inquis. Seal though? Does that actually work?

It does, but the weapon damage portion is zero cause seal doesn’t have weapon damage. I think it’s better bound to chillspikes

That info is outdated. korsar tested this - celestial powers with % WD bound to pseudo-pets actually deal player’s weapon damage, ADCtH works too if you have it

This was changed? Wow Flame torrent on a pseudo pet. Hmmmm.

How does this version compare to Feelgodstoya’s Roh infiltrator?

Idk honestly. Didn’t compare them. This one is fast and reliable content destroyer capable to kill Ravager, that’s all I know

Any changes in ?