[] Faceroll aether Battlemage & Death Knight (no MI, s&b, cdr, 25min gladiator)

U have two points to remove from overcapped Reckless power

Since i don’t have a battlemage or a deathknight to test. I wonder if this setup would work with Octavius set and Edge of Sanity and using forcewave as main attack.

Haven’t done aether FW in expac but this is my 2c

Octavius Set is good for pure physical FW.
If you want Aether FW that badly then use Temporal Arcblade (although you’d lack conversion so I suppose Mythical Wrathmourne should be better, not sure)
Pair it with Justicar Set and use Magelord Rings for Fire->Aether conversion

Edge of Sanity’s intention is probably to go Aether Melee/Caster and use Aether FW as a nuke. Imo they should add a second skill mod to it for 100% Pierce->Aether conversion to make it better. It isn’t meant for spam wave

This , I farmed the Kriegs set because I knew where to get it , I’ll do that everytime , with 1400 hours under my belt and very few sets completed , this is a damn Godsend .

Please introduce more sets like this .

From what I’ve seen so far from Saf’s posts in other threads he respects off beaten builds the most. So generic builds regardless of what content they destroy don’t impress him. It’s kinda similar to how non-Crucible builds don’t impress you at all.
So I am 75% sure Saf’s comment didn’t insinuate whatever you just said. He is indeed interested in creativity

I can understand you using number of views to judge a build’s popularity but it is very easily possible to miss out on builds this way. For example, I have a Krieg Battlemage posted, in fact I have had an Aether Blitz Mage posted since vanilla( before Krieg set ;)). I won’t comment on its strength in the crucible since I don’t test anything there but I would say it’s pretty comfortable in MC. There’s also other examples like THT’s builds who holds the records for the shortest build guides on the forums but his builds are pretty good for Glad Crucible. You might have missed out on his threads as well due to low views on his threads. He’s somewhat obsessed with Vitality damage type and Ravenous Earth skill. Anything by him uses those two things :rolleyes:. Then there’s Sobertooth who also did Crucible builds in vanilla days. These are some examples off the top of my head

If you want some recommendations for your other thread then I’d recommend (off the top of my head) trying out -
Infernal Tremors Pyromancer by Sobertooth
Physical Meteors Witchblade by Fluff
Markovian Warborn Commando by Fluff
Pierce Cadence BM by JoV
DEE Conjurer by JoV
And pretty much anything by Drizzto since he literally only posted crucible builds in vanilla (where the fuck is he these days?)
I am not sure about the number of views on the threads I recommended but you might have missed out on them since they weren’t updated for AoM.

Btw, I replied this late cause all the crucible comments buried this comment deep. I was browsing the thread for any residual crucible related comments when I noticed this

Good job with the cleanup Eis

I can swear I had a comment here with some answers to someone. And now it’s gone. Strange.

I have 5 (!!!) THT’s builds in my thread
Sobertooth - ok, I’ll check
Physical Meteors Witchblade by Fluff - will check
Markovian Warborn Commando by Fluff - it’s doubleblitz commando possibly? alredy have that
Pierce Cadence BM by JoV - I alredy have your own pirce BM
DEE Conjurer by JoV - I have his DEE witch hunter, seems similar
And pretty much anything by Drizzto - I respect Drizzto a lot, I even updated his DEE witchblade for AoM myself, but it seems to me that most of his builds are heavily outdated. Hope he’ll come and refute this opinion or makes some new great stuff.

Thank you for recommendations!
Eis - is this guy some kind of moderator who deleted my comment?

Good that THT’s work is getting attention
Markovian and Warborn Commando is nothing like double blitz
Pierce Cadence BM by JoV is DW and was meta before Blademaster nerfs
DEE Conjurer isn’t similar to DEE WH, in fact DEE conjurer by him is the most innovative conjurer on the forums along with Fluff’s Double Bolter (check that as well)
I haven’t played them but I think Drizzto’s Bleed Warder should still work in crucible then only one I have my doubts is the Shadow Strike BM since SS got nerfed after that build in response to the Cold Shadow Strike meta. You should try the Bleed Warder

Eis is a mod who responded to my report of moving comments to a separate thread.

Here you go^. Since you seem to be having fun, that’s the thread with all the comments

i prefer Mythical Mark of Anathema on my battlemage :slight_smile:

I ask you not to make any reports again about anything in my threads. I was pretty happy with that discussion and now it is moved to a separate thread which no one cares about. That is not ok. Please.

Sure, it’s a good alternative.

i’m having trouble understanding how your devotions have very little aether damage and you have hungering void (i’m not finding your dmg conversion how does hungering void help? purely for AS and crit%?) …

Yes, purely AS and crit damage. And that’s a considerable dps boost with no downsides. Also Dying God by itself gives a lot of OA (which means crit chance), as well as Spear of the heavens. This is an extremely offensive devotion choice and it’s 100% worth it because we have the most tanky mastery combination in the game and have a shield.

i’ve been doing something similar but Bulwark as my my exclusive and the 40% absorb is pretty funny (even nerfs aether ground). i do want to try this version though, would definitely clear gladiator faster (mine can do it but slower), and all of my devotions are about shield, hp or aether dmg. sitting at 2100% aether dmg with 2900 OA 2700 DA 13.5k hp, etc.

my dps is much lower though, it’s only about 34k on paper before procs.

The core devotion is Aeon’s Hourglass. Its proc will allow to use Blitz, Callidor and Krieg’s Wrath a lot more resulting in a significant dps boost. And you can’t pick it together with defensive devotions efficiently, you won’t have enough devotion points.
Building defensive for a battlemage has no reason at all - why be defensive and spend time tanking stuff when you can just kill everything twice as fast and still be nearly immortal? Optimization :slight_smile:

Have you tried using Agrivix’s Malice relic on this build?

No I haven’t.
The point of Mogdrogen’s Ardor is to have a massive bonus of skill points to work with and that definitely helps. Plus some AS.
Agrivix’s Malice gives half as much skill points so it’s half as good. Other bonuses it provides are negligible.

Thanks for sharing this build. I’m having a blast with it. I have 2100+ hours in Grim Dawn and this is my favorite character.

what is the exact differences comparing arcanist with necromancer? I think i would prefer more HP from death knight than Maivens negatives.

And assuming Death knight olerons rage would be better choice? as you can save a lot of skill points in necro tree, I quite like that linked death knight build, the god killer one. It has insane OA, Though it only has 3% lifesteal, how does it heal? I would change around some skill points.

is twin fangs purely for red/green and 3% lifesteal? How much use does cadence get in these builds? I notice cadence doesn’t have devotion attached?

I’ve always liked battlemage especially before they nerfed Maivens back in b30 days.

You’re welcome! I’m glad to hear that. Enjoy!

I don’t know what DK build with 3% lifesteal you are talking about. So I will compare my battlemage with DK from from my compilation of builds thread. It has 15% lifesteal.
I’ll hide this, so the devs will never know:

Both DK and Battlemage can clear gladiator under 25 min buffed. I don’t see how you can build a DK without a least 1 green MI with stun res - well, technically you can drop the medal and take epic one (Vanguard star, Mark of fierce resolve), but that would obviously lower the damage.
Their OA and DA are the same, DK has a lot more life (but doesn’t have Mirror nor Maiven’s). With 2 perfect MI DK has 19k life and Battlemage (without MI) only 12,5k. Doesn’t matter really, since they both stomp everything.
Unfortunately, I must admit that DK is easier to level up.

DK also heals with Reaping strike. Twin fangs are for red and green affinity points, yes. Oleron’s Rage is questionable, Menhir’s Bulwark privides flat physical, which is converted to aether and that’s a considerable damage boost (and damage absorbtion is never excess). Cadence performs great, it’s the second best damaging skill after Blitz in these builds. And you need Deadly Momentum anyway, since it buffs ALL your damage. I found binding devotions to other skills than cadence more effective, but you can test yourself.
Back in the days battlemages were weak. With Krieg set they are top tier together with death knights.

Wait a minute!
I just noticed that Absolute Zero, skill modifier for Olexra’s Flash Freeze, heavily reduces physical resistance!
This should help a lot while leveling as a physical!
Put 1 point into Olexra’s Flash Freeze and max Absolute Zero while you’re still physical.
Try it!

Like OFF, only works while enemies are frozen.

That said, Absolute Zero’s Frostburn is great for leveling with, and always applies in full effect.