[] Nature's Avenger - A Phys/IT Titan - the 2h reign begins - Gladiator 150-170 in 11 min

He wrote " Now you can pump brute force 1 point per level and 2 points in mastery until you reach exclusive."

Thanks you! ^^

how much hp you guys got after the patch. ?

I have other devotions now like Ulzaad so itā€™s hard to tell


seriously I did not change my setup since pre 1.0.7 and now i got 4k hp buff, like what??:eek:


Cunning/spirit give hp now

can you post now ur fg setup? :stuck_out_tongue:

yes you right fluffy. and boy this build got very little hp buff so ignore my previous post as I was reading stats wrong:mad:

I cant wait to see the real "avenger"build from you. Oathkeeper plus inquisitor for the win:cool:

Itā€™s not gonna be Archon thatā€™s for sure. I find Warder far more versatile and stable. Archon needs a bit more work on this set imo

PS: youā€™ll get just ONE Paladin from me you hear? Just one

With Forgotten Gods around the corner i thought if it would be good to change something about the build:


Dropped Crab (iā€™m not sure how important it is) and wraith + some hp to get Ulzaad and some stun + slow resistance. Sadly i had to drop 1 point in Oleron. Not sure if this is better. What do you think?

Looking forward to play this build with FG and I havenā€™t followed the last changesā€¦ Is this build still strong?

Inviato dal mio ANE-LX1 utilizzando Tapatalk

Yesterday this build (from the OP) cleared 150-170 +Extra w/o banners and with buffs two times in a row. Gladly, all these nerfs missed Avenger.

Good to know, I enjoyed the build very much! Same devotions and skill setup of the first thread, right?

Inviato dal mio ANE-LX1 utilizzando Tapatalk

Crabā€™s ā€œshellā€ is a pretty decent proc and the constellation as a whole does help both defensively and offensively. But iā€™m sure that the new devotion setup that weā€™ll see soon enough is closer to the one you posted. You can drop % phys damage node from Dire Bear to get the top node in Oleron, it doesnā€™t affect the setup and it would be a noticeable improvement, IMO. Then again, you can ditch Bear altogether and give up on the top node in Oleron and get Arzakaa as a bonus.

I think i will try this configuration:


i bind Azrakaa proc to Savagery, but iā€™m not sure to what iā€™m binding Blind fury now. Maybe instead of sailorā€™s guide one should use panther for extra % crit dmg and OA.

This build seems easy to play, maybe trying it in FG
btw is this build updated for fg?

my not so hardline/scientific dummy testing:

(assassinā€™s mark always on doomforce)

blind fury - savagery, shifting sands - devouring swarm = 36s
blind fury - upheval, shifting sands - savagery = 33s
blind fury - savagery, shifting sands - upheval = 30 s

Nothing else really spams blind fury or shifting sands quick enough imo.

Edit: its early so correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but putting shifting sands on upheval gives it a 10% proc chance per attack, right?

This is one of my main builds. How do you like the changes youā€™ve done to it? Shifting sands that much better?

@Superfluff, is this viable in

Iā€™m not Superfluff, but the Avengerā€™s set did get buffed in, and Iā€™m pretty sure that some iteration of this is still pretty viableā€¦

Judging by the GT link in the OP, he doesnā€™t seem to play/update this build anymore, though; so you might have to do some amount of adjustments yourself (probably starting with the class combo: since this buildā€™s publishment, the core set got tailored more towards Archons ā€“ who should deal a bit more dmg than Warders due to Celestial Presence etc.)

That being said, for at least main campain & roguelike dungeons this setup should still be fine, too ā€“ and definitely fun to play :wink:

Thanks for the reply @Cinder.