[] Nature's Avenger - A Phys/IT Titan - the 2h reign begins - Gladiator 150-170 in 11 min

Damn, we got deep into Crate/Upheaval conspiracy. Glad I started this mess. Can’t wait how it plays out in the end :).

Hopefully to make 2h wps + Upheaval interaction even better:)

I will settle for consistent for now. Ceno’s results are weird, how does it even get 10% basic attacks when FH is modded to 100% weight? So strange :smiley:

OMG, you are right.
With new patch even 13/10 Upheaval result in DPS loss.
https://youtu.be/T029Nci9Jx4 no upheaval.
https://youtu.be/BnTEY-nfEjE upheaval.

Because I only have a 70% chance to crit. So I get 50% Basic Attacks, and of those 70% of them crit, which activates upheaval. The remaining 30% of the 50% Basic Attacks are just Basic Attacks.

Shouldn’t every attack be a feral hunger proc at that weight? I just read the game guide to make sure I’m not being stupid but it clearly states that at 100 weight every attack is replaced by wps.

Unless I’ve been doing wps wrong for over two years, in which case, well shit

Yes it should, but upheaval is buggy and interferes weirdly with WPS. The build still works well as can be seen, but it could be better :). Same for any other build that has Upheaval

Elemental balance proc absorbing by the wall :slight_smile: Try to use more open areas)

Ok, so I was going to publish a bug report, but this already done :smiley: Lets wait, what Zantai say.

Sry mate, thought you weren’t going to. If you want to add anything to the OP then please let me know and i will edit it

No, it’s ok, you described it better then I could have :smiley:

But Fluff, I didn’t take BA for just damage, I took it for amazing IT ticks it provides. It works naturally with both Doom and Ground Smash to ensure, that your DoTs will always be there for you.

So yeah, I’ll stick to it, heheh.

Would this build be okay for someone just starting?

Yep. Only get’s harder at lvl 80 if you don’t have gear, but otherwise you send foes flying

[b]0.6.1 Hotfix made Upheaval interact properly with WPS. This+changing Targo devo to Bear and a much better roll on Weapon cut kill time by 1:30 min to 9:40 total. Max dmg from 720K to 917K(outside of banner). This build deletes 3 Nemes at once.

Bind Maul to Doomfoce to create meme moments slam dunking large opponents like at 0:17 and 3:47 in the vid. Blind fury on Savagery is imperative for max DPS

All changes & new video included in guide[/b]

Off topic fluff but I am curious if you think Maul requires a buff or not. It was weaker than Bull Rush last time I checked

Slightly weaker, yes. Considering they’re on different tiers this should be the other way around.

This build looks immense!

How would i go about levelling a character for this? just pick Shaman and level up the 2h stuff first then max out the shaman side of the tree, then swap to Soldier and start maxing that?

Pickup a decent 2h and just go to down?

I personally like to use Primal Strike with a 2 hander (melee or rifle) until I hit level 50 then respec, whenever I have a build that requires shaman.

Depends what you want from it. With 2h massive damage like in this case the higher than buill %weapond dmg + extra radius makes it quite good, and especially fun with doom force. I like it.

It can’t have higher % weapon dmg cause then Blind fury won’t be top.

But, 1 thing i’d change to it and will give feedback on it. Make it 20% chance to proc. There is no reason for Flame torrent to have 25% but a tier 2 single burst proc have 15%.

@FalcUK. Ti’ll lvl 70 just smash man :). Savagery+TRasnmuter and tenacity, Feral Hunger, ZT, Break morale, Assssin’s mark when you hit 1000 OA ( you need to invest in OA so get stuff like Hawk, Tenacity, Field command asap)

A good green Troll 2h is great

what a beast mode this has become! Are the rings being used the best here? or are there options fluff?