[] Arcanor Elemental Forcewave+Seekers - Tactician - 150-170 in 8:30 min

How new are you? If you don’t have mythical Arcanor, don’t bother with the build.

Ahw :frowning: What kind of build do you guys recommend? Right now I’m still following this guide while leveling, I’m level 50 right now, but if there is someother build thats easier for endgame farming im down to swap. Would be nice if it’s a tactician build since I’ve already invested alot into this charachter :smiley:

There are several beginner builds here http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=79419 under “builds for beginners”

and where you level 56? That is like… 10 hours? That is nothing.

The thing is that this build’s skills, gear and devotions are all based around the skill modifiers on the Mythical Arcanor sword. Without that item, you really can’t make this build.

So then, recommended build comes down to personal preference. If you want to get straight to endgame farming, you’d be best off to follow malawiglenn’s advice. If those builds don’t sound fun, try looking through that thread for builds that have the marker (g1) or (g2) as you won’t be running into the same problem that you are having here. Those builds might not be as easy as beginner specific builds, though.

I will update the old Forcewave build(s) once FG is out :slight_smile: Will try to do a Forcewave build for beginners for each mastery combo possible LOL

Hi there. How about that update, ha? Can you make it work for the rest of us, pretty please?

nah I made a spinner warlord guide instead. Will soon take big break from Grim Dawn so no more guides :slight_smile:

Any update on this fluff?

Eh, I’m working on making Defiler good. Some Blightlord changes?

And also Blazeseer discussion hopefully today.

Then I should give some love to the Terminator Desolator build, especially with the new Justicar.

But on topic. FW seems kinda weak to me outside
of crucible buffs. It looks and feels great with new FX but kill power is pretty bad

The Nerf to RR to censure certainly is not good for the build,Imp have higher CD than initial patch.But sure should be at least decent in Crucible.

But the buff to Justicar and FS is;) I’m confident the build will do well after re-tweaking it

Edit: You meant FW probably lol…Well yes probably worse now

Yes FW,I was not clear and both builds have similar building blocks;)

I made a similar setup to this using the Bonemonger set. It blew through 65-70 in SR with no deaths, but I haven’t had time to push beyond 70 yet to see how it fairs in that range. I’m thinking of swapping the Elemental Balance rings for a Reign of Ice and Fire and Light’s Oath to be a little tankier and convert more piercing into an elemental damage type, but then I lose some bonus cold damage.