[] Blackiron Whirlwind - DW Pistols Physical Cadence Death Knight, Gladiator farmer (~12 min)

For best performance you should take Assassin’s Blade first, because it provides resistance reduction skill. With Assassin’s Blade, Break Morale and Spectral Wrath you’ll deal huge damage anyway. Then rush for Empyrion.

If you don’t have pistols, craft random ones with physical damage until you find Havoc. Or just trade for Havocs in a network game. Havoc is BiS on level 50, because you can’t have Deathdealer’s Sidearm until 75. And Havoc is pure physical gun with such great proc. Do not try to go Vitality damage with guns, it’s a dead end.

Hey veretragna,

how important do you deem reaping strike for this build? I’m asking because i dont have the deathdealers sidearm yet (i want to play selffound only) and without the conversion, the adcth is probably negligable, correct?

If so, would you recommend chosing a different 2nd class (such as inquisitor or demo) or would you still go with necro?

Thanks for your input!

Don’t pay too much attention to WPS skills, they are supporting and they usually work via weapon damage. Regardless of conversions you’ll have decent Weapon Damage on Reaping Strike and its lifesteal will work anyway.
Death Knight is very powerful ranged character and the most effective physical gunner, so I suggest leaving it as is. If you want to try Fire or Elemental based ranged style, then you should try Vindicator, Purifier or Tactician.

Alright, thanks for the quick reply, i’ll stay on Death Knight route then :slight_smile:

Very interesting and unique. I like the reliance of default attack skills to add some flavor to the DK genre.

Hope you’ll enjoy it :wink:

Omg,this is what i have been looking for, a dual guns shooting dk. I am now level 44. Been copying this build. Excellent work. Thank you.

Opps got to go!!! …because ITS HIGH NOON!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! KEKEKKEKE

How can you copy a level 100 build with a level 44 char? :rolleyes:

I copy bits by bits. When i go up a level. I will put the points in the relevant skills and devotion. Lol. I am new to this game. Right now i am level 52.

Only fun and laughter so far. Bang bang bang!!! Kekeke

Just finish the last boss in campagin in veteran mode. Going on to the ash of moulth . . The npc for changing mastery and skills is missing…damn it.