[] Bleeding Glass Shards - bleeding trickster build showcase (definition of a glass cannon)

Damn. I’m used to these vids just showing the run itself.

You just couldn’t take my word for it too, damn you! :smiley:

Oh and don’t forget the other 3 runs were 5:57, 6:00 and 6:08. So it’s consistency should not be in question either. Mutators barely have any effect on runs (except the ones that lower your health/DA and so. Thread with slightly more caution then)

I mean it was that damn 6:46 vid that made me hype blade spirits too much. Cause with supercharging it turnrd to 5:57

11/16 did ~40-50k dots on dummy and 26/16 did 50-72k. Out of ~390-420k (a bit more since i forgot to re-attach living shadow)

Updates from the patches ( I need a place to just dump it and summerize):


Legendary - Bloodsong: added 35 Bleed damage / 3s modifier for Blade Arc
Ghoulish Hunger: increased base % Attack Damage Converted to Health to 40% but reduced its scaling with rank and reduced Duration to 5s

I think only the non-myth. version ??? :confused:


Mythical Bloodsong: increased Pierce Ratio to 45%, damage adjusted accordingly

What are alternatives for the green boots?
Myth. Final March
mayhaps even Stormtitans

Overall build became stronger in latest patches thanks to Bloodied Crystals and more flat pierce damage from swords (meaning we leech a bit more).

Alternative to green boots would probably be Stormtitans but green boots are prefered. Thunderstruck of Readiness/Attack/Protection/Arcane Winds/the Dranghoul/Cabal/Survival/Reptilian Resiliense would do.

Overall build is in a very fragile state of balance because Bloodrager doesn’t offer any Nightblade support and Tricksters lack stats in general. Buffs to Jackal and Lion made build tougher, but I think those buffs are probably going to be reverted.

Mythical Windshear Greaves got buffed with Bleeding, sadly no Health or Stun Resist (but Physical Resistance and +2 Whirling Death).

For FG there are excellent augments for jewelry for even more damage and Stun Resist.

sadly, if you take 3 stun resist/flat bleed augments and Windshears, your DA and OA goes to shit.

Yeah, Windshears is not my first choice either.

But you can go with 2 Augments. :wink:

Put your money where your mouth is, man :smiley:

Which on these forums means - show me working grimtools link )))

Your version (only 1 augment…you won´t give up your Prismatic Diamond :p): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/q2mWB55Z

Squeezed a 1.000 Damage more out of it. :wink:

Wow, an augment from Forgotten Gods and green boots of GDstashing, man, you are a genius!:smiley:

Also, giving up Jackal in a kiting build with low running speed, especially after 2% physical resist has been added to it, as well giving up 15% slow resist. Masterstroke :slight_smile:

I didn´t give up Jackal. You had only 2 points in it, 2 % Resistance is on last node. Low running speed? What are you talking about? In Crucible (and this a Crucible build) Burst of Speed will be up nearly 100 % of the time with 2 Belgothian´s Rings. Look at the video in your opener. :stuck_out_tongue:

I changed components, augments and devotions for better Energy Management. And you can always change boots to Stormtitan Treads.

Still 1.000 more damage. :wink:

I haven’t updated it with my current build. Current build has 3 nodes in Jackal and 4 in Ghoul.

Your changes in Devotions are no good unfortunately as well as the removal of Traveller’s Boon augment from a ring. I might find room for new Forgotten Gods augment, but will do it differently obviously. Also, 1000 more damage is not 15% damage boost, probably like 5% and if it comes for the price of survivability then it’s a no go.

Bleed Trickster already has one of the highest damage outputs in the game, so it’s more about balancing it with decent survivability and quality of life. Adding damage to it is a no brainer, but making it consistent endgame farmer is very dificult.

You should update. There was no Traveller´s Boon.

The only change in Devotions was taking two points from Jackal to Spider and Empty Throne to Owl. What do you lose with the last change? Exactly 7 Stun resist. For OA and -5 % Skill Costs.

Sure, boots might be an issue. 35 % Slow Resistance without Arcane Winds-Suffix (talking about GDStash? ;)) might be a problem. Component on Medal give you OA/DA-Shred plus more Energy Management.

150 Armor plus 2.000 Health are only the icing on the cake.

Here is my current spec. I don’t have Thunderstruck of Arcane Winds (although they would probably be bis). Having 8% aether/chaos resist from empty throne is kind of important.

I will look more into what sacrifices could be made in order take that new ring augment, it’s not easy to tell just by looking at Grimtools. Sure, OA shred from Veil of Shadow and Rend, but at the same time, it’s still Trickster, one little boop to its balance can ruin the build.

In other words, stay tuned for Forgotten Gods tests.

Having 8% aether/chaos resist from empty throne is kind of important.

Not anymore imo. Take a look at the new armor augments.

@ spec: Thought so.
Compare it with mine (same items): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/eVLvbL9N

Well, I am not ready to give up Traveller’s Boon ring augment, 45% slow resistance is in my opinion close to minimum slow resistance every melee build should have.

You are also giving up Sanctified Bone in chest - big mistake for a Bleeding build, in the end, your spec is a damage downgrade against Chtonians and against Undead.

Also, just to clarify, you know I min-max my builds to death and then test them, right?

Well, I am not ready to give up Traveller’s Boon ring augment, 45% slow resistance is in my opinion close to minimum slow resistance every melee build should have.

I beg to differ especially now with FG coming. 2 movement skills with rune…when one is needed one can be used to hop out of the shit.

Also, just to clarify, you know I min-max my builds to death and then test them, right?

I know you build them for Crucible. And that´s the difference perhaps between you and me. :wink: