[] Gwynevere, the Titan - 2H Tremor Forcewave tactician, Gladiator farmer (under 10 minutes)

Gotcha, thank you! I knew there was a reason, I’m just a casual and didn’t see it :slight_smile:

Who said that Tactician can’t complete with Witchblade or Death Knight in terms of damage and clean times?
Today’s update shows the Forcewave Tactician’s true power.
Meet Gwynevere, the Titan.

Smashes the Crucible in 10 minutes.



People who think RR is the single most important stat of all lol. They forgot the shitton of flat damage you get from Steel Resolve and Arcane Empowerment then crits from Deadly Aim. Though I’m surprised you didn’t get Arcane Empowerment considering the amount of conversion you have. Blade Arc looks sweet tho.

Also, I bet Commando can do the same thing too

It is one of the best ways to increase damage. And Death Knight and Witchblade can also get a ton of flat damage through conversion, pretty much have the same amount or probably even more. Well, not so much Death Knight, but Witchblade can get a lot from Second Rite.

Not saying Tactician is a bad choice because it’s not, it’s still really strong. But after playing all three, Death Knight and Witchblade hit harder while being just as sturdy.

After endless attempts in Crucible I realized that capped Blade Arc gives much better damage output and clear times than Arcane Empowerment. 564% WD on 12 targets with 70% additional crit damage - hell yes! :smiley:
Arcane Empowerment simply can’t complete with it, I tried them both.
If I could have both Arcane Empowerment and Blade Arc! But between them, I choose Blade Arc.

Existing characters complete under 12 minutes, not 10.
Some day I’ll respec into Occultist instead of Tactician to check this out :slight_smile:

Is dropping the Judicator’s Signets (aka 350 OA and 150 DA) worth the 14% total damage increase and 10% RR? I think yes, but doubting


You’ll never know until you test it but I vote on judicators. I just can’t stand looking at 2.5k OA.

I did a quick test: damage difference is almost 0, but now it’s unsafe to play. Judicators are bis.

Hello veretragna,

Currently following your build from scratch. So it would take quite a while for me to get all the showcased items - although it is a matter of time in the end.

Wanted to ask you that if you ever made any (better) changes to this as far your recent testings go that you think might work better? Asking just in case and considering you have submitted more recent builds on the board that clears the Crucible faster than this build - no idea if the clearing speed is a big criterion to consider while comparing builds between each other though(?)
Note that I’m at the verge of learning the overall in-game mechanics for a while.

Have some questions:

  1. Which faction would best fit this build?
  2. How Health Regeneration is important? Trying to figure out if I should prioritize that mod over others to make a valid a choice.
  3. If I get it right Constitution is less of an important feature since it is an out-of-combat health regeneration mechanic.
  4. What is the reason to not get an eskill from Inquisitor?
  5. It seems like you undo some devotion points to twink the build at the end if I’m not wrong. Which ones should first I get from now on? (Probably not gonna grab Rhowan’s Scepter until I find a solid mace though)
  6. Ever tried to build a combination with Nightblade? And if you did, wondering how it compares to this?

My build

Thanks already!

Green text.

Oh man, both the dated and clunky nature of this forum and game blowhard. I just get so annoyed that I could not even multi-quote you despite I clicked on it, which instead only keeps quoting "‘Hi!Green text.’’

Well, I’d love to hear what devotion change would you update this build with?

Any suggestion on which faction a two-handed physical build should side with?

Exclusive Skill. Later I noticed you get Oleron’s Rage already, I initially thought we could choose one per class.

Oh never thought, Nightblade would be left outside the ‘‘physical circle’’ as far as physical damage is concerned since that class has the most passive skills among others.

Some questions:
1.According to my current build, which skill(s) should I prioritize first?
2. I’m allocating my all attribute points into Physique, right?
3. I see these abbreviations on the build titles: (c+/c)(g5/g3) What are these?
4. I also see these terms at the build titles: Piercing, Bleeding, Internal Trauma. These are categorized under physical category already in-game UI?
5. Currently, there is only one Witchblade build for and that is a chaos build. Would you consider making a physical build out of it?
6. How would you differ this build from the rest Tactician builds? (Since I’m a newbie I’d like to know what makes this build special in the first place.)


  1. See here http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=79419 under “Rules for Posting”

  2. It just lists what kind of damage types are most
    Yes, game have bad naming. Physical damage = Physical damage, Pierce, bleed, Internal Trauma (And Internal Trauma is Damage over time (dot) version of Physical)… The thing is that each of these damage types scales with cunning.

  3. Checkout Vertrangas Carrot tank build(s): http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78759
    Many of the 1.0.6 builds are still viable in current patches and the author have often made changes in the build thread. But the thread title needs to be changed by moderator and that is kinda tricky :stuck_out_tongue:

  4. Tanky and deals lot of damage, simple to play. It is a spam build so in the end it is also lot of what preference the player has in terms of gameplay style.

Faction gear:

(FG) https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/11634
(FG) https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/11635




Gear you can buy from secret vendor in Bloodgrove (blueprints, check their stock - if they dont sell it, re-visit vendor)

Farmable gear:
Good helm that makes war cry have almost 100% uptime.
Get one with high armor, resistances etc.
Comes in different levels.
Drops from Fleshwarped aetherials, like around Fort Ikon and homestead.

Good weapon, drops from chtonics. Get one without damage conversion, and with +%physical damage, flat physical damage and possibly also casting speed. You need to make sure you get one around your own level.

I have intended to make a new beginner forcewave build/guide once the new expansion is out.


This question requires some attention.
I have only one Witchblade and it’s mentioned Carrot Tank. It’s good for and as well, there was no need to redesign it, just to swap some points in and out, make Field Command 12/12 etc.
But for FG I redesigned this build into Warlord and I’ll have no witchblades once FG expansion hits.

So you will reset class with GDstash and not keep a backup of WB?

I have a backup :wink:

@malawiglenn: Thanks a lot for the helpful links! Which mastery do you think to combine soldier with when FG hits?

I think I fail to see the progression, probably I don’t know where to look lol. Could you care to explain a tad more specific maybe?

Same for devotion progression: how can I see which gradation you followed for grabbing each of the devotions taken? And if possible, which ones did you undo?

Did you mean “Warlock” by any chance?

  1. FW uses cast speed and Blade Arc is based on attack speed, right?
  2. I don’t seem to use Blade Arc, moreover, most of the time I just spam FW into the masses since FW is a no-CD and an AOE skill. I almost never in need of using BA, at all which begs the question: Am I using the build in a not intended way? BA is the other maxed out active skill next to FW in this build and more likely considered as an alternative skill. Would it be right to drop it? I just don’t see it fits with the rest of the skills imho, please correct me if it’s vice versa etc.

Thanks for answers already!
