[]Luminyasha - Luminari based Low Life Purifier

  1. You can still play a dual gun purifier as first char http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=74454

  2. My guess:

Green Xroad
Yellow Xroad
Red Xroad
Sailor compass
Solemn Watcher
Remove Hound
Remove Hammer
Remove Yellow and Green Xroad
3 nodes Rhowan’s crown
5 Nodes Revenant
4 Nodes Ultos

My guess:

Green Xroad
Yellow Xroad
Red Xroad
Sailor compass
Solemn Watcher
Remove Hound
Remove Hammer
Remove Yellow and Green Xroad
3 nodes Rhowan’s crown
5 Nodes Revenant
4 Nodes Ultos

(there are more ways than this)

Hi, I am just wondering why are we using Hawk instead of Scholar’s light. It seems like Scholar’s Light gives more damage and protection (resistance)

Because as usual Ptiro’s build is starved on OA and Hawk provides that and a very nice crit damage bonus (which build also lacks) and even cunning requirment reduction for pistols which is also very useful when playing non-pierce ranged builds.

it makes sense. thanks

Hi, I play only campaign and farming nemesis. Can I farm kuba,reaper comfortably with this build ?

I havent green shoulders with of kings affix or thunderstruck prefix. Does replacing prismatic diamond with leathery hide make sense ?

I didn’t tried Reaper in vanilla, so I dunno. Alex meteor can oneshot you . Chuppa is easy, but you need to replace ring enchantment with bloodied cristals.
You can replace leathery hide and pick one node in empty throne, or you can use different boots/shoulders/pants setup to cover resistances.

This build is dead. I mean, literally, I died on trash wave. :cry:

You can probably just try to increase your hp to compensate for the censure/seal nerfs.

Like dumping Luminary and going Justicar =)

It’s a shame this build died so abruptly in 1.0.7. But honestly, a lot of less tanky ranged auto-attackers abusing Inquisitor’s Seal had it coming. I am yet to test my latest vindicators builds.

I do hate Storm Spread nerf tho. I don’t feel like it was justified at all.

Problem is - go Justicar/LD or gtfo >_<
Not sure why SS was nerfed too, it was inferior to chilling rounds at ultimate levels. 4*.90 vs 10*.33 and flat dmg didn’t scale stellary either. :cry:

Or go 2h-Vindicator - problem solved :slight_smile:

Builds update https://www.grimtools.com/calc/dVbPWKQN
someone “balanced” my favorite blue amy, so its a Coduit time. Outside of conduit no changes. 4runs on one set of blessings+banner. Complete faceroll.

You can try tainted Ruby of gar’dal ammy for more offensive setup, ptiro.

BTW, how’s the dummy kill of this build? I stopped overinvesting in WPSes lately. Seems like investing in auto attack replacer yield the better returns.

Probably, but i think that green amy with something good of something realy good is better here. Or not.
Didn`t time. Bursting rounds maxed for AoE. Others are onepointers due to point starvation.