I’m not silenced. I just expressed my opinion and didn’t insist upon it. If he’s not comfortable with it then it is what it is. I like to play offensive and am used to it and do it on all my builds. The ultos conjurer for example can forgo judicator rings for glyph rings and do even more tremendous dmg and better kill times (well under 8 min with no lag). But people freak out when they see low DA so i’m not posting that version as well
Btw I added your setup to starter post with remarks. I think it is great! But I’ll stay on mine as well
Hey no worries. At least someone found use for those shoulders i’ve always liked.
Btw you could mix and match for balance. Keep shoulders for slow phsy res but use mountain amulet. Mountain ammy>> Sentinel shoulders
And you never will be (I hope)
I just complimented OP on the solidness of his initial build, he knows his shit!
Almost forgot this message! I already used these shoulders.
How about this one?
Isn’t Essence of Beronath gives more flat damage and attack speed then Mountain ammy??
Love the build veretragna - especially that it uses not commonly used items. Great ideas from all involved as well!
Thanks! I love original ideas and original builds.
Not trying to shit on the build, haven’t tried something like this yet, but what is the point behind using a 2-hander instead of dw? Folk wisdom is that builds with tons of flat damage prefer dw… Is Feral hunger with those gloves just that good?
Also, I’m guessing that, since Upheaval is a WPS, its lightning dmg gets converted by the Korba hood as well. Is this correct?
Because he can. DW Korba is one of the strongest and most popular builds around and it becomes boring always using a well-established build
My goal was not to make most damaging build, Malkadarred Korba already outperforms everything in this game. I wished to create something strange and beautiful. Plus finally make use of Bane of the Winter King somehow and make it viable for Crucible. In conclusion this build is surprisingly great.
Yeah, Feral Hunger is what this one is built around. 470% Weapon damage and huge crit damage modifiers from Stormcaller’s Pact, Dying God and Doombringer make Feral Hunger an absolute beast in case of crit damage per hit - 750k in campaign and 980k in Crucible (so far).
Yep, any WPS attack dealt with Savagery gets the conversion from lightning to cold. That’s why it is applied to Upheaval too.
Cheers mate!
I had to sacrifice some OA and % Cold damage to get 200 DA and Racial bonuses against Undead and Chthonians. In this setup this build safely farms 170 waves with only 3 blessings and without the Vanguard banner. With 4 blessings it rocks.
After 3 days of extensive testing under 3 blessings and no banners I wrote a little nemeses guide tor this build. Updated starter post as well.
Nemeses kill order and priorities on waves 160 and 170
- [li]With default safe setup you have some racial damage bonuses: 22% to Humans (Iron Maiden, Fabius, Aleksander), 27% to Undead (Moosilauke, Zantarin, Reaper) and 12% to Chthonians (Benn’Jahr, Grava’Thul).[/li]Always try to kill Grava’Thul first, he’s our worst enemy. Then quickly smash Reaper (even 2 Reapers if you get them both in melee combat). If you have Aleksander on the area, watch the sky in process and evade his brick-to-the-head. Once Grava and Reaper are dead, deal with Aleksander and keep Kubacabra for last, evading his bloody pools. Don’t try to kill Kuba first, he has very high Cold resistance and we don’t have any racial bonuses against him, so you can’t blow him out quickly anyway.
If you encountered Reaper earlier than Grava, don’t look for Grava further and smash Reaper instead. If you don’t, Reaper will now follow you, and if you engage Reaper and Grava at the same time, it would be hard fight. - With reckless setup, under Vanguard Banner, you’re able to crush them in any order.
- Not even mentioning vanilla nemeses, they die fast and can’t even scratch you under Wendigo totem.
I’m so excited! There’s one more non-obvious build ahead.
An aether twin-brother of Mekeritrig, using Savagery and Temporal Arcblade.
Just theorycraft currently, I’ll level and test it soon.
Imo you need at least 20K aether in GT. But It’s a concept I’ve spoken to other players about. Tell us how it goes
Aether damage in GT doesn’t apply Lightning->Aether conversion from Savagery. Actual converted aether damage must be near 20k
It should work. I once made a vortex of souls version of this and it worked in cruci (though it was slow) even with worse stats. A melee version should be fine.
Avenger hat or necro hoodie are better for aether setup. HoS >>>stormcaller.
Indeed, HoS must be better damage-wise, especially if I have Dying God.
What are these? Clairvoyant? Bloodrager?
There is place to maneuver - i can remove Krieg helm, SoTH and get Manticore instead.
The one with 20%wd to Savagery. Another option is 2sec Mot hoodie.