There’s been some discussion in this forum about how Devastation carries the Arcanist class, and as a result, it’s other skills not named TSS are shit. Now it’s obviously true for AAR and PRM. This build will show that CT is not among those things and it can achieve really good results even without devastation.
GRIMTOOLS: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/4NOKbEON
Video: https://youtu.be/oX5ko_HQwUo
Char sheet with permanent buffs on. DPS is for Siphon souls which is why it’s low.
Build Explanation
Maximizing CT Damage - Build uses Agrivix Set to boost CT to its max potential. Coupled with maxed Cast speed, Reckless Power, almost 100% Fire to aether conversion, 100% Chaos to aether conversion and Dying God, CT already deals a good amount of damage, consistently hitting 100k+ damage per cast and going upwards to around 200k max, if what I saw was right, However, CT damage isn;t enought by itself, that’s why…
Proc Fiesta - Stupid Dragon might chime in and point out that it’s just the procs doing the work. And it’s kinda correct. The trio of Flame Torrent, Guardian’s Gaze and Agrivix’s Malice is sick. The procs in this build contribute to around 50% of the build’s dps, based on dummy tests. I didn’t go full fiesta on the setup linked above though. My original setup had Balance rings but friggin spanksalot had to point out that it’d do less dps, and yeah he’s right. But if build didn’t show the performance it does currently I might have kept using balance rings cause they’re cool.
Since CT does around half the damage and most of the proccing is done by CT, this is still a CT build instead of a proc build Sorry Dragon.
Where the points that are supposed to be for devastation go to? - I originally had them to Bone Harvest but per sir spanksalot’s suggestion, it could be more streamlined without it. BH will make this theoretically faster but QoL comes first. Now the points mostly go towards Siphon Souls for that sweet lifesteal.
Why Decay even with the helm mod? - Because it’s better reduction. And Maw of Despair mod is single target that might not affect a nemesis until I kill him if I’m unlucky.
Good guy Mercymaker just decided to try this build out on a better pc and it’s one hell of a monster. Sub 7min runs, fastest at 6:15 using 3buffs+banner. THAT’S 2 MINS BELOW MY CLEARTIME LOL. That’s how bad my laptop is Enjoy!
Special thanks to sir spanksalot for almost singlehandedly optimizing this build. Though FU for making me use AD rings and discover that it’s that much better. I miss my balance rings.
Thanks for reading!