[] No Devastation CT SpamBinder - EZ 8:25 170 clear (bannered)

But it converts vit to aether. Literally unplayable.

There is Diviner set. You can also do blood knight binder.

There is also a video on these forums with a guy doing Crucible in 5:25 with 3 buffs/1 banner with a Binder.

Please. Let’s buff Defilers and Sorcerers first :slight_smile:

Lmao. Saboteurs and elementalists need a buff too. And why?


@video: It could be the god awful lag which made the video play like a flip-book animation, but I didn’t see flame torrent at all. Did you bind it to a skill?

@spanks it’s there, but on low graphics it’s mostly overshadowed by agrivix malice visuals.

@demo thing with demo classes is that they all have different problems.

Sorc - top tier survivability but overshadowed by purifier damage-wise.

Defiler- should have great survivability in theory cause mark+blast shield but no item support.

Sabo- opposite of defiler. Okay item support (justicar lol) but bs and phys res can’t carry it’s squishy butt.

Elementalist - no exclusive support. Items that support it also supports inq, meaning purifier/vindicator are better. Also suffers in a similar way as sabo but not as bad (see ultos builds)

The only way to buff one without making the others broken is to give each of them sets, which probably won’t happen

Improve non-FS skill mods on items is my suggestion. Look at that blazerush for example. Give it some bigger buffs to grenado (e.g. -%CD, -% energy cost).

What would be cool is if they gave items specific bonuses when equipped by a specific class combination.

For example, giving a DW arcanum sigilis sorceror a WPS which gives -% ele RR.

The issue with sorc is even different for different builds. For a gunslunger I’d pick Seal and Vigor over Mirror and Maiven. For kiting builds it’s bad QoL of Thermites. For aether builds like AAR and CT it’s lack of RR. Your IK sorc is probably the only Sorc build that makes perfect sense to me.

Defiler just lacks natural synergy, and sabo is the same. Their damage types and rr access are all over the place. With Justicar I can’t help but ask why Sabo instead of Purifier.
It is very possible for Sabo and Defiler to share a set without making either of them broken.

Problem with Elementalist also differs from build to build, but overall it doesn’t need much help.

I think it’s possible to balance all of these with just one set and a few small buffs to demo followed by a few small nerfs to inquisitor.

Most fun build I’ve played in a while. I forgot about ol’ CT spam.

I hate to point this out but you have 1 more point than you need in CT. As in you’re at 27/26 but since 26 is the cap a point is wasted. This means you could add 1 point into devastation…

Thanks! Also for pointing the excess point. Don’t put it onto devastation tho. Not having it is the whole point of the build :stuck_out_tongue:

If you want it tho then take it. But max it instead of just putting in 1 point. 1pt devastation sucks.

I secretly dreamed of having a CT spellbinder ever since I made a similiar guide for sorc. But never touched binders because they are basically figured out it seems. Although one thing that I haven’t seen is Agrivix ct binder + Anasteria helmet, how good would it be.

Check out this thread http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=77902

We had some interesting discussion with X1 exactly about this build (Agrivix + Outcast secret).

This is what X1 came up with, cleared 170 under 8 min with it https://www.grimtools.com/calc/eZPe4lgN

This is my version https://www.grimtools.com/calc/r2B6OzJ2 (no Guardians gaze, but took Hourglass for better survivability, also dont mind the amulet, using this one cos I just dont have Shard of Agrivix lol). Just not sure if 7% LL is enough, losing Maw kinda hurts in that regards and I think Ill have to switch out Seal of Corruption for Seal of Blades.

I am not entirely convinced that the Outcast secret is better than Maw overall. Obviously, if you going for fastest possible clear its better, but you are less durable and it feels a bit like glass cannon. I would say if you are rly experienced crucible player, go with Anasteria helmet, otherwise maybe rather stick with Maw.

And then there is this xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYWIb_xmmbs (5:20 clear time, maybe a WR?) basically a bit modified Ptiros build (full CDR, Clairvoyant set).

Tried that one (basically this exact build but with max devastation and annie helm) and it didn’t up the cleartime significantly. Maybe 30s maximun decrease. What I gain in damage tho, I lose in lag. On better pcs, pretty sure it can do 7min runs.

@Aerinqq it was around 8 mins :stuck_out_tongue: not below. But it’s the lag in my case.

Yeah, saw all that. I think if you go Time Dilation + Agrivix + Anasteria helmet dying should be very hard (but again, no 3800 DA, so probably not reasonably powerful)
EDIT: In one of the links you have peerless eye instead of shard of agrivix. Big mistake imo, gotta take full set for that flat RR.

Well, from 8:30 to 8 is actually pretty huge performance boost, I mean time is already very low for any kind of build that is not spellbinder or tactician or rune infiltrator. Did it feel glassy tho? Because my gut tells me that Maw really does not add to surviviablity that much compared to Anasteria helmet.

Indeed! I was just joking around about that last point. I hate how many Arcanist builds rely on devastation to pad out their kit, so that’s just another reason i loved this build. I put it into mental alacrity so I could stand next to afk strangers online and spam CT that little bit longer.

Better spots might be necromancer’s mastery bar for raw stats, inferno to help your multiplayer physical bros out more, OFF potentially for SR in upcoming expansion… and maybe iskandra’s elemental exchange would actually be better than mental alacrity since the energy leech does go into CT a bit, and you get regen, more dmg.

My transmog for this char:

For something wish such extreme power and AoE something flashy made sense to me.

Yeah man, I would love to complete the set and use Shard if I had it :frowning: one of the few legendaries I am still missing. Maybe I should switch to Clairvoyant since I have full set until I find the Shard.

Biggest thing with maw is nice armor it provides (huge flat + can be crafted for additional armor) and the 6% LL. Switching to Anasteria helmet, we lose like 200-300 armor and the LL, which I feel needs to be compensated with Seal of Blades, that means also losing Seal of Corruption and the proc. (X1 did it with just the 7% LL, but well, I am not such a good pilot). Also the helmet adds quite a lot of lag, got the same problem as X1 in this regard.

The loss of maw is actually noticeable for me in terms of sustain but I didn’t mind it cause I can kite with devastations on, unlike the no devastation build.

Really liked the build idead but i am kinda new… how to u think its the best way to lvl up in hardcore? Necro? Arcanist? when should i start mixing both? what skill better for lvling! thanks for the help!

I don’t play hardcore, I’ve never played hardcore, and I don’t plan on playing hardcore so when I level chars I just goof around and do whatever I want cause I’m not afraid of dying. The endgame build is HC friendly cause it’s a binder but levelling is something I can’t help much about.

Maybe you just go the normal levelling routes for necro/arcanist. Either go ravenous earth or fireblast+OFF. Combine when you feel like it.


3x 150-170 runs with banner + 3 blessings :slight_smile:

This run had a few close calls since i was playing super aggressively, the first run i did was much smoother (test run, didn’t record it), despite getting 3-4 waves with the Toughened mutator. Swapped out the double-rare stoneplates with Kriegs boots just for the sake of having no greens in the build.

1st run: 6:15mins
2nd run: 6:06mins
3rd run: 6:14mins

Did like a dozen runs and the highest time i got was like 6:50mins. The average run being 6:30mins. This build has been in my backlog to test for quite some time cause i completely forgot about it lol. Didn’t think it would be this strong though. Well done :slight_smile:

You’ve been producing quality runs for multiple builds recently. Thanks for including my builds! Will be adding this to the OP.

Anasteria is IMO superior to Maw on all accounts unless you go pure CT as in OP. More devastation make up for the flat (on CT with 27% haircut anyway) and seal of blades gots more armor than angrim’s max roll . Why would you lose seal of corruption? https://www.grimtools.com/calc/nZo1j5z2

Why exactly Anasteria adds lag?