[] No Devastation CT SpamBinder - EZ 8:25 170 clear (bannered)

6:06 was actually the fastest :wink:
I’m pretty sure the build is capable of under 6mins, but you’d have to get no toughened, Aetherwarped or Regenerating mutators, no monsters stuck in their spawns, preferably no Ilgorr on wave 159 and no slow moving nemesis on 160/170.
I’d say average run would be 6:20-ish mins

I usually just ignore Ilgorr’s second stage and go straight to killing nemeses. Even if you don’t kill Ilgorr in 160 the stage will still finish and he’ll die immediately.

I can’t wait for FG for this one. Binder nerf or not, I’ll be including that Korvaak spin2win proc here.

Cause my rig is shit and every meteor I add adds more shit. I play triple meteor build and it takes 10 mins for me to clear. Anasteria is better tho objectively. Maw is just an additional layer of protection.

Wait a second… Aren’t YOU the guy who invented Stormspread+Jaxxons+Brimstone? :rolleyes::D:D:D

I know, but he still takes a while from his top right position to get to the banner area, and ideally, you don’t really wanna be off position at the start of wave 160. Many times i’ve been where i don’t wanna be on 159 and as a result i either ended up dying or ended up wasting time having to kite

I lose Seal of corruption cos the other slot is occupied by Rifstone (which is way too good to give up IMO, I cant rly play without it).

And ye, Anasterias helm adds more lag cos more meteors lol…even with 1070 GTX I am getting under 30 fps in some cruci waves, I am upgrading CPU, RAM and MOBO in a week so will see if it fixes it or its just engine problem.

That build was literally stop dance for me. It was just so damn tanky that as long as you press your fire strike button then you’re fine.

So I remembered I drafted Anasteria Agrivix Binder for couple of steam friends some time ago and one of them sent me their save file. After few minor adjustments I tested it and it’s gotta be the strongest spec ever. It’s immortal, and it clears Crucible very fast.

My fastest time was 6:40 with 4 blessings + 1 banner, but I am pretty sure it can be improved with a better pilot, I was messing up a lot and getting stuck with shift+left mous button CT spam quite a bit. I have also tested it with Reckless Power and not only it was slower but I also managed to die to double Reaper combo. With Star Pact I could facetank anything.

Here is the spec I used (boots are not optimal, just whatever that steam friend had on him, components could be improved too I guess).

Here is my fastest run (like 1 out of 2 I made with 4 blessings 1 banner).

7:15 Run with just 4 blessings and no banner

EDIT: Decided to try out the spec with all the best items and components: here it is. Made couple of runs with 4 blessings and one banner and it’s a bit slower than previous spec for some reason (is it “of kings” affix? Probably). So safe to say sanctified bones hugely overrated on this build. I would probably take Chains of Oleron over one bone for sure.

Idk how you die with reckless power against double reaper, I just facetank both and both die in the duration of mirror+mark+nullification. Even without maw setup it’s the same. Maybe you got shit mutators. Star pact should be faster on devastation setups tho, especially since you have capped cs already before reckless and hungering void.

I died more because of my slopiness obviously, but the point is that Star Pact Agrivix Spellbinder is better than Reckless Power one in all departments. CDR speeds up not only Devastation cooldown, but everything, you spawn Arcane Mines more frequently, Spear of Heavens hits more frequently, etc. etc. And obviously with Star Pact you are immortal, but with Reckless Power it’s possible to die if not careful.

Well at least that’s what I could conclude after testing. I could also conclude that the char is extremely op and probably light years ahead of all other builds including rune builds all things considered.

Only true in devastation setups because there’s such a huge gap in cdr between 20% and 40% on a 15s cooldown spell and devastation is 40-50% of your damage. The impact is less in low cooldown skills like arcane bomb and spear. This means that in no devastation setups, the returns you get in increasing your CT damage (and spear, arcane bomb, flame torrent and guardian gaze) is higher than reducing the cooldown of arcane bomb by 0.3s

The immortality part is another issue. If you need to be immortal then go for pact even in no devastation setups but I personally don’t :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t even want TD.

No devastation: Reckless>pact if you have no problems surviving without cdr. Get pact (and TD) if you die a lot.

Devastation: get pact and TD whether you like it or not.

Agreement reached

Spellbinder n000b question. The AdctH on Myth Maw Of Despair helm, is that applied to the flat aether & fire damage, only the weapon dmg component, or both?

Thanks in advance

It is applied to entire skill: %WD, flat fire and flat aether damage.
It’s “both” i think

Any attack with %weapon damage will apply any weapon/gear/devotion lifesteal to the entire attack. If there is less than 100% weapon damage the lifesteal is reduced however so something like flame torrent does 28% of your sheet lifesteal on each projectile but it affects all your converted flat

yeah that I know of, but I was asking what happens to lifesteal from the Maw Of Despair helm.

in the game-guide it reads “When found on a skill, Percent of Attack Damage Converted to Health applies to all of that skill’s direct damage.”

so I guess its “both” as veretragna replied: both the flat aether and fire damage and the weapon dmg.

And yeah I need to figure out a way to include flame torrent into my build :confused:

Yeah… my bad misread the question. Both at 100% strength in this case cause its skill based

Thanks, I did think so but always nice with confirmation! - I don’t know why I tested this even tho I already knew this would still be OP. Mark nerf did absolutely nothing to this build. And yeah that’s with no TD and Pact. Pact+TD users will have a lot easier time.

A Russian builder tested his spec (Anasteria helmet plus balanced towards offense). 5:55 time. It’s more insane that it has been.

Crate wanted to nerf Spellbinders, but somehow made them stronger while nerfing weaker classes like Spellbreaker/Sorceress/Warlock who depended on high cdr + mirror. Good job, Crate.