[] Oirunas, The Lord of the Watch - 2H Aether Savagery Ritualist, Gladiator Farmer (11")

I’d not agree with Seal of the Void - it converts 10% useful physical to unused chaos providing only 4% attack speed and another WPS. In this case another WPS is bad, it narrows the window for Upheaval to proc. This needs testing.

Other changes look reasonably.
Are you sure about Elemental seekers? Didn’t use them as well, how do they perform in real?

Edit: after little time thinking about it I stopped on this build.
Almost same as yours but with bunch of racial bonuses, also removed BoM entirely. However, without Blind Sage.

Edit 2: or even this one.
8% crit damage, skill bonuses and 25% to humans in exchange for some resists and 40 OA.

A quick question for you.
For someone who doesn’t have a lvl100 character yet, so no pool of high level legendaries to draw from, would you suggest the build in the OP, or perhaps the Fire version that you posted recently?
(Why I’m asking about the fire version is because Blitz seems appealing, since I haven’t played a character with a decent move skill in a while. But if the fire version is not nearly as good as the OP Aether version, then I’d rather give up Blitz then.)

I’ve also looked a bit at your 2h Cold Trickster, and at Jägermeister’s version of it too, but his statement of:
“Yes, the items are a bitch to get, but worth farming for (took me 5000 hours to collect all my gear). As a beginner, you might want to aim for a different setup.”
That statement makes me think that perhaps either the Aether or the Fire version of this current build of yours might be a better option for the time being.

Thanks a bunch in advance if you happen to reply :slight_smile:


For Aether version: as I said in Jagermeisters’s thread, +5 BoM medal can be replaced with Direwolf Crest + Crimson Claws + Ultos shoulders.

Fire version is better. I think the Fire savagery vindicator is my most powerful build atm, and it requires only one green item to cover resistances.
You can take a look here:
Take Myth. Legplates of Valor and swap some components to cover resistances if you don’t have proper pants.

Thanks for the reply.

Just read through your Vindicator build. Will look into it, although Inquisitor seems to be jammed into everything lately with it’s overpowered Inq. Seal and stuff (last two characters I did were Phys ranged Tactician and Fire ranged Purifier :slight_smile: )

That’s why I was looking forward to doing something non-Inquisitor like.

Maybe I’ll try your Aether Ritualist, or break down and try the Fire Vindicator.

Or maybe I’ll respec my Tactician into something with Forcewave, or Retaliation or something.

Hello veretragna
Why you don’t use Grava’Thul’s Legguards insted?
Its give +3 to Spectral Wrath

I used the first pair of pants that matched my lacking resistances. Feel free to use Grava’s Legguards if they’re good.


I reassembled this build with no green items.
Everything remains the same including clear times.

>> Grimtools << No green items used

Stats pane (Savagery and Hungering Void up)

It’s a good build, I think you can’t squeeze out more out of gimmicky concept with miminum item support. I made this draft too quite some time ago.

Reason I am writing, it’s just I had an idea, have you tried very similiar concept but with Aether Thunderous Strike and epic Soulsplitter? (would probably require +5 Primal Strike Bom though)

I think it should work. Soulsplitter, however, have 45% phys->aether conversion and this build can’t have more, so its damage will be lower.
This way opens the possibility to use full Krieg, drop Manticore and take Aeon’s Hourglass.
Like this.
Shitty OA/DA though


I decided to redone this build with full Krieg set and some skill tweaks.
Now it clears Crucible in ~11 minutes.

>> Grimtools << No green items used

Stats pane (Savagery and Hungering Void up)



Hi i have been having a blast with this build so far but i do have a couple of questions: how do you get 124% Aether RR? Also, some enemies like Valaxteria seem to take longer to kill than others.

I have most of the items except for the rings, belt and medal.

20% Krieg’s Wrath, 15% Band of the Eternal Haunt, 8% Aether Corruption, and heavy artillery: Spectral Wrath 40% and Widow 35%. Totally 118%.
It was 124% when I had Manticore in this build, but I replaced it with Krieg’s Wrath to free some devotion points. 8% RR difference.

Valaxteria is hard enemy to kill mainly due to her “75% Reduced target’s Damage for 3 Seconds” fire wave ability. She reduces your damage by 3/4 and you can’t deal damage reliably.

Thanks for the quick reply! I thought Krieg’s Wrath is a flat reduction though?

My Pierce Cadence BM seems to kill Valax much faster though. The Rare Aether mages in my Crown Hill / infestation runs also take a longer time somehow. Haven’t encountered Aleks yet - will I be able to tank 1 meteor?

Flat reduction, yes, but who said flat reduction can’t be stacked with other types? There’s only one source of flat reduction in this build, it’s Krieg’s Wrath and it stack with other listed ones.

Valaxteria has 48% aether resistance and only 10% pierce resistance, so it’s easier to kill her using Pierce. Overall monsters in this game are well balanced and you’ll encounter ones with heavy resistance to your type of damage earlier or later.

This build is very sturdy bastard, I think it’s almost impossible to kill. It handles unlimited amount of Aleks meteors if you caught him alone. Don’t forget to place Wendigo Totem and cast Mark of Torment time after time, and that’s it.
Two Aleksanders in Crucible mode are totally different story though.


Yeah I knew about the stacking of diff resist reduction. Flat applies first before % right?

Thanks for the great build. Knew I had to try it out when an Arcblade dropped while I was farming Krieg’s originally for a new DK with Mindwarp.

-X% resist, then %Y resist, then flat resist.
Okay, hope you’ll enjoy it!

Okay I just face-tanked Aleksander alone. Crazy tanking ability as you said!

What about Avatar and Ravager? I don’t have a single character who can kill them yet… :undecided:

Unfortunately, this build can’t handle Ravager, damage output is not enough.
Didn’t try Avatar yet with this char. Will try to kill him when I have time.

If you want the true godkiller, you can use my other builds: