[] Oirunas, The Lord of the Watch - 2H Aether Savagery Ritualist, Gladiator Farmer (11")

UPD: works pretty shitty, not worth it.

I don’t get it - why does the physical build work so bad?
In the Aether setup I can get up to 650k crits, but in Physical I don’t see crits more than 250k.

And Physical setup have so good physical RR sources - 26 from Spectral Wrath, 32 from Assassin’s Blade, 30 (in my drop) from Guardian, total 88. It can’t even burst out Fabius quickly. UPD: I mean, it kills and lives, but it kills nemeses very slow compared to Aether version.
UPD2: also tried with Avenger’s Crusher and Gutsmasher (more damage), still bad.
Is that some kind of bug or I’m just doing something wrong?

Atm im lvl 40 and struggle a bit . Till i get the item which convert the dmg this build is mostly about physical dmg and as you say it dont work so well? So it would be a pain to lvl till 90+ or not ?

Enemies have armor too.

Use totem + Ravenous earth + devouring swarm to level

Or just your typical Primal Strike build.
Problem is not levelling with this build but getting gear to make it work, and without the gear it’s pretty bad.
My version used both Aether and Lightning. Iskandra set, Temporal Arcblade - but still only 70k-ish DPS.

Due to how armor work in the game - each source of flat phyz dmg is cheched against armor separately. This lead to huge DPS loss if you lack enough punch to overcome this mecanic.

It’s not Avenger that is what it’s wrong:p

But really what ptiro said. You need a really good base of phys dmg which is lacking in this case.

WPS is also not at ZT level

I leveled this build using Lightning Savagery with random found lightning 2H weapon. Everything went pretty smooth. Then I changed the weapon to Temporal Arcblade (75 lvl) and it turned into Lightning + Aether build, like Dragon said. Also had no problems with walkthrough

Armor! That’s it.
So, Physical damage works differently. I understand now

Random tangent: IT is unaffected by armor, yes?

I think yes, IT is unaffected, but i can be wrong

Yeah it’s unaffected



Yet another theorycraft, now on Fire Savagery:
Always wanted to make Blazerush work.

Is 100 fire RR enough to make this build work? I’ll try to do it anyway, but never played fire builds until now

No advice on fire damage type, huh? Well, I should investigate it myself then.

Looks like a good setup… Although I probably would roll with the blue elemental balance rings for more flat damage, as well as weapon damage on the proc. I’ve wanted to test blaze rush since the change to upheaval too. Wasn’t able to check the devotions as im on my phone right now. Also mog ador + peerless eye might be nice for the +2 all skills.

Yep, Elemental Balance rings are goood, thanks! :slight_smile:

I went for Ignaffars since I have only 90 RR without it, seems underwhelming. Also flat and % elemental damage.
Conduit makes Zolhan’s Technique “fire”, so I’ll test it separately. If damage difference is negligible compared to other amulets, my next suggestions are Shard of the Eternal Flame (flat fire and conversion) and M. Herald of Apocalypse (love that meteor shower). Then Beronath.

Devotions are pretty common for fire builds I’ve seen: Ulzuin’s Torch, Solael’s Witchblade, Crown, Ghoul, Revenant, Kraken, Chariot, not mentioning 1st tier.

If you don’t have fiend, i would recommend fitting that in. Very nice dps boost, especially for a fire build

Forgot it completely.
I can safely remove Chariot or Revenant to get Fiend. Thinking about what is less useful for this build

Here’s what I would do https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RVvKwaWZ with angrim crafts over 3k armor… this should melt face lol

Edit : ending up using seal of the void. build seems solid af. dont have 5 savagery badge, but lvl 25 just fine