[] Oirunas, The Lord of the Watch - 2H Aether Savagery Ritualist, Gladiator Farmer (11")

My avenger feeling:rolleyes:

what’s wrong with the anime?

2nd season of the Berserk anime is infected by Chaos :rolleyes:
Experiments with mixing 3d and 2d graphics do not lead to anything good.

I think this build can kill Ravager of Flesh. But it still lacks something I can’t get. Physical resistance?

I tried to kill him yesterday with this setup. Half of the entire battle everything went really smooth, but I always get shredded in last half of the battle.

What isn’t wrong with the anime? They take a classic manga and shit on it with the worst animation quality, OSTs are lackluster and the adaptation itself isn’t too impressive either.

It’d be great if Ufotable did Berserk.

Maybe i’m not seing it in that setup but where is the aetehr resist? He has some nasty aether dmg in his last form ans single target which would explain your struggle at that point

Single target:

494 Physical Damage
602 Lightning Damage
1005 Aether Damage
40 Reduced target’s Resistances for 5 Seconds Red flags all over the place:)

Followed by AoE aether BH:

8 Meter Target Area
1508 Physical Damage
1748 Aether Damage
Stun target for 3 Seconds

PS: For the life of me remove those stalwarts mate :frowning: There are better ways, don’t fall into that darkness. Heck just use Judicators. Theodin has adds anyway

Hm. Where is Aether? Don’t see it here. Ravager of Souls have Aether damage iirc.

Judicator signets unfortunately are not for this battle - they proc on enemy death, so I don’t receive any bonus DA using them.

My bad. I thought you were referring to theodin

So ravager. It is normal on a good build to feel fine until half way. But at half way he boes Berzerk. he hits 2x faster. Pllies RR more often and hits harder.

6 Charge Levels: 100%
1 Second Charge Level Duration (Hidden)
+30% Crit Damage
25 Reduced target’s Resistances for 2 Seconds
+55% Attack Speed
+35% Movement Speed

Ravager’s Presence -He does this a lot after 50% and hits 2x faster all the time
You’ve been shaken by the very presence of Ravager, the Wendigo Spirit, shattering your Defenses and reducing Health and Health Regeneration.
110 Energy Cost
6 Second Duration
8 Meter Radius
10% Reduction to Enemy’s Health
Increases Health Regeneration by -100%
-30% Physical Resistance
-30% Pierce Resistance
-30% Poison & Acid Resistance
-30% Vitality Resistance
-30% Aether Resistance
-30% Chaos Resistance
-30% Elemental Resistance
-30% Bleeding Resistance

That’s why I overcapped Bleed and Vitality for huge amount. But Physical res is so hard to get! Well, I’ll try to raise phys resistance. Also swapped Seal of Corruption for Haunted Steel.

I would get TD for more MoT

Formidable affix on pants. Ravager poison dmg is shit, negligible really. It’s the phys dmg killing you

Haunt+Ratosh+Capped Il omen+3600(3900 for Mindrager) DA is the key to sucsess.
Haunt provide Fumble effecttively reducing incoming dmg by 3/4. With Ratosh it double your effective Life leech, aloving to insta replenish life. 30% Reduced phys dmg to avoid oneshot .
I suggest to drop MoT completely against ravager unless you can chain it with 100% uptime (Aeon+capped MoT+Necro hoodie+27%+CDR) and increase lifepool as much as possible. 25K is a good target.

I’ll leave Ravenous earth instead of Ill Omen since I can’t overcap it anyway.
MoT is needed in rotation, why not? Bloodthirster, MoT, Cursed Tincture. Should work

I just started the game. Can i use this build also for scenario content ?

Yes, you surely can.
Few tips for leveling: get Savagery to max level, get transmuter 3/3, then go for Feral Hunger, Reaping Strike and Necrotic Edge and level them to max level. That’s it, you’re unstoppable :wink:

nice thank you :slight_smile: Putting all my points in physique or some in cunning too ?

This build have no usage for Cunning since it have neither Pierce nor Physical damage. Put all into Physique

Thanks for the fast answer :smiley:

You’re welcome!

Which spells should i focus on when i maxed the ones you mentioned ?

Spectral Binding + Spectral Wrath, then rush for Harbinger of Souls, then passives of Savagery (Storm Touched is preferred first).

Other skills are supporting and can be leveled in any order.

Going to make physical variation of this build.
IDK if this can be called “variation” :smiley: Most likely this is “making builds form sh*t and sticks”.

What do you think about it, guys?