Exactly what mad_lee said. Read the explanation I gave in the original post as to why they are so broken.
Bear in mind that the calculation done does not include the multiplier which comes with FS.
Exactly what mad_lee said. Read the explanation I gave in the original post as to why they are so broken.
Bear in mind that the calculation done does not include the multiplier which comes with FS.
Sigils are better for Inquisitor focused gunslinger. http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=76180
With capped WPS you don’t need piercing.
Very true. Can’t argue that.
You can cap WPS and still use 1 dagallon gun tho (if you get +1 wps in relic). You’ve probably already tested it but I’d like to hear how luminari+1 dagallon gun performs.
Yeah, tested and didn’t like it. I loose too much of single target output for piercing that I don’t really need. In that setup Bursting rounds oneshot half of screen anyway
I see. Thanks.
How sturdy is this? It seems to have relatively low DA, health, and armor. It seems frail, to say the least. Are the devotions set in stone? Could you take the emphasis off of lightning damage, use two Destroyers, and focus more on things like Chariot of the Dead, Solemn Watcher, and Bard’s Harp? Would the damage loss be too severe?
It depends on your playstyle and where you use it.
Stating the obvious:
-Defensively it has the typical Inquis Aura of Censure (19% DR) and Seal (240 flat DR). So you are looking at dmg *0.81 - 240(after armor/resists/etc)
-Armor is 100% and ~2k is very decent for most stuff.
-potentially word of renewal for more specific % DR
-leech is nominally 4% (off of huge dps) and has ghoul as circuit breaker for 89%leech. Also has Blast shield for even more short flat DR for 4s.
-Offensively it has tons of dps, as it exploits bursting round/brimstone + chilling rounds + storm spread. Also has 12/12 deadly aim. And the aura/seal dps :rolleyes:
-not to mention the pistols have bullet pass-thru and buff further a couple of the silly-powerful Inquis inherent dps sources.
-flashbang for CC
In campaign I find 26-2700 DA without any DR works for me as shooter and that does most everything except maybe super-bosses (depending). Quite a bit less firepower and armor than this, as well. But that requires kiting the tough stuff.
This is my rendition of a Purifier: plug in after Grimtools Calculator (low post count): d2jX3qEZ
Obviously it could use some fine-tuning (don’t have good MI’s, hence the sub-optimal boots) and some levels. Would something like this fare well in the Crucible? I play HC (masochist), so I tend to lean towards more defensive builds.
Honestly, this is not a build suitable for HC. Sure it can clear 170 crucible, but unless you are very experienced player, expect to die a lot with such defenses, one mistake and its over. I play classic Justicar purifier (3K more HP and 1K! more armor) and I still die from time to time. If you are fine farming just 150 it should be fairly safe.
Any advice on killing grava tul?.. It seems impossible…
The fight:
The charge.
Once he initiates this, he is aiming at where your currently stand. So let him initiate, then step back and shoot. He will end up short.
If this charge connects, it disrupts your skills and hurts. It also increases his attack speed for the charge which can result in a few smacks to the face.
His Debuff attacks:
a. Close up total debuff attack. He telegraphs this with a small animation of shaking his arms to the sky. Move away when you see this or go around a corner/rock. It does ~1/3 health reduction and some damage. It removes all buffs.
b. A wave that reduces resistances 28. It’s medium range so and it can be side-stepped, but isn’t that big of a deal. It does some damage.
a. Ball of damage. Phs/Fire/Chaos ball that is heat-seeking. Follows you around unless you move behind something. Just damage, so …be aware. Sometimes even after you kill him the remaining heat-seekers will hit you.
All ranges.
b. Wave attack that reduces health, gives you a fair miss chance (~60%) and some damage. This also heals him with leech. Short range, so can be avoided by keeping on the move. He initiates this from stand-still.
c. Summons a pool of miss. This pool applies a high chance (~50%) of fumble/impaired aim to you. Small damage + some health reduction. Just avoid moving through therm.
Note he has an Aura (medium range that has a small debuf to attack speed and reduces your total health available). It’s not that big of a deal, but you need to know that will reduce your damage a bit.
So. As a kiter/ranged you can alternate between pulling his charge and stepping back from his stationary stuff. Having a nice bit of cover or a circular path helps to dodge his waves and projectiles.
ie. charge…step back and shoot. If he moves at you…shoot. Don’t face tank if possible - to avoid the annoying stuff - move back.
If you do plan to run a circle route…do your best to make sure it is relatively clear. Nothing like kiting and bumping into a pack of heroes or getting stuck in a pack.
(If he debuffs you, I’d suggest to not get too stressed…as the build can handle it imho. Up to you. I use a controller which is limited in hotkeys, and as such if he does get me debuffed, I just finish the fight debufed. Although…if it was really critical I could reassign my buttons for that one fight…)
Thanks so much my friend, will try again…
Ooooh nice its kite, kite and kite again, done, thanks my friend, I never killed Grava with a ranged toiled paper build, allways tanks, but love this build, thanks again…
Im wondering in what order should i get the devotions at really? Having a hard time figuring it out on my own.
Ehy, I’m replicating this build but I don’t understand what’s going on with attack speed. Grim tools caps it with buffs and no devotion procs, but in-game it sits at around 188%, ofc with permanent buffs and not considering devotion procs. Happens also if I load my Gtools, which is here https://www.grimtools.com/calc/4VxMxYpZ Items are all mine except the stoneplates, which are gdstashed , wanna test before I commit fully
Any insight?
I’d try comparing the attack/total speed values on any gear pieces you have with the values on grimtools, it sounds like you have below average rolls. Grimtools uses the base values for item stats.
Did that, rolls are > than the one listed on grim tools on every piece.
Only other suggestion I’d make is to check if you had Vindictive Flame active in-game as that’s the only thing I can think of that could result in a lower attack speed :undecided:
There’s also the possibility that there’s a mistake/wrong stat on grimtools somewhere in your build.
I got the same issues with my other gunslinger build. It seems that grimtools doesn’t shows correct % AS values as the one ingame for one-handed range. It maybe because base attack speed of gun is slower compared to melee and the game calculate the % attack speed based on attack per second.
You could compare the attack per second instead. Usually 4 attacks per second = 200% attack speed.