[] Wrath of the Arcane - 2H Elemental Cadence Tactician, Gladiator farmer (10 minutes)

Inelegant but a major sin not to use DM :slight_smile: I’d rather win back +2 Cadence with % phsy and flat phys from oleron gloves and get DM. Damage should be higher by a noticeable amount. And as a small bonus once you get discord the pretty large % phys dmg on DM will help elemental

Oleron gloves + DM + Discord:

Voidsteels + DM + Discord:

Hm, even with partial conversion to Chaos, Voidsteel gauntlets win.
I still think it’s inelegant, but effective.
Will test it later

Not worth it. Clear time is the same or little slower due to lack of OA compared to default setup.
So I recommend to wear Voidsteels and don’t invest into Deadly Momentum.

Voidsteels without Deadly Momentum (default setup)
Voidsteels with Discord and Deadly Momentum (minus damage mutator, can affect measurements)

I don’t want to upload videos and fill youtube with garbage, but I can if someone’s doubting.

Youtube gets filled with like a million hours of garbage every day, I wouldn’t worry :stuck_out_tongue:

DM has ~100 phys flat dmg added. That is a third of Arcanor base dmg. How much does Voidsteel convert from Discorded Cadence?

50/50 surely. Cadence mod from gloves and Discord have the same priority, so extra physical damage from DM is converted 50% to Chaos and 50% to Elemental.
Edit: btw, sheet dps should include elemental dots with Deadly Momentum. In default setup I had only flat damage and no dots at all. Maybe that’s why sheet dps is bigger while effective damage is same or lower. I think it’s a best explanation of same performance

Well then, damned if you do, damned if you don’t. DM is juicy, 55%wp dmg to cadence is jucy but they don’t fit.

Hopefully FG will look into Discord builds more

Look at my recent edit. That could make sense

I know. Problem remains that there is not enough discord cadence support. And so you have to go for the modded voidsteel.

I’m surprised it doesn’t also mess up the flat phys in main skill.

I mean i’d put 3 points in Discord for that alone. It’s a lot of phys on Cadence that is not converted and would hit harder ever 3rd hit. Even if voidsteel fucks up half of it, it’s just 3 pts as opposed to DM

If I remember correct, I used discord with mythical voidsteel for my elemental cadence battle mage build and it was fine. :slight_smile:

Correct me if I wrong, but that component in your weapon is also converting part of the physical damage to vitality damage. So conversion is 47.6/47.6/4.8

yeah it’s very little but it’s there. Ideally a seal of blades.

No because transmuters and skill mods have highest priority. Damage is already converted when Haunted Steel comes into action

Now that you mentioned it: if priority of conversion is Base Skill > Skill Modifiers > Conversion on the Skill or Transmuter > Conversion on Equipment and Buffs > Equipment, Auras and Passives (http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=52486), then why conversation from voidsteel even applyed? The highest priority goes to Discord

This. Skill mod from gear and transmuter are the same mechanically and they have same priority. That’s why 50% comes to Chaos and 50% to Elemental when Discord and Voidsteels are active at the same time.

Wow, that wast’t very obvious. Thanks, I think I learned something today

well happened differently for me on spellscourge. Component lost me more than just IEE

Proofs of same priority of Discord and chaos mod:

Physical weapon with Discord without gloves:

Physical weapon with Discord + Voidsteel gloves:

Physical weapon without Discord and gloves:

What do you mean exactly? Spellscourge devo includes 18% WD. So, one projectile will include physical damage irreversibly converted from aether and fire, and 18% WD which may include 10% cold with Seal of the Night and 25% elemental with IEE 12/12.
How much elemental damage actually appears there?

Maths: IEE also provides decent flat elemental bonus. Let’s say your physical weapon damage is 350 (without Deadly Momentum). IEE converts 25% (or 87 flat damage) to elemental, but it provides 37 elemental which is converted to physical. Then we should have 387 total, 337 physical and 50 elemental.
With Seal of the Night (11 flat cold, 10% phys->cold conversion) we should have 361 total, 326 physical and 35 cold.