[] Dagallon Purifier, 7:50 clear time buffed/bannered

GT link: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/m23KpD42
YT link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3M3TO6zrjFs&feature=youtu.be

Disclaimer: You’ll see that I have 500 tribute points in the youtube video because I used GDstash. The toon itself, however, isn’t doctored.

After a long hiatus due to life, I’ve finally decided to come back to GD.

To all, my sincerest apologies for dropping the compendium. I’ve made a post explaining the situation for those interested.

Dagallon Purifier demands your respect
With the changes/buffs to the dagallon set, I’m a little puzzled as to why it’s still not getting the recognition it deserves.

IMO, it’s made the strongest 1H ranged weapon even better.

I’ve done an unbannered run in around 9 minutes as well, a timing I’m sure I can beat if I weren’t so rusty.

Fire damage: ~1900% with average rolls, -129% RR
Lightning damage: ~1800% with average rolls, -133%
200% AS
105% WPS
22/12 FS, 22/12 Static Strike

Very lackluster (a measly 3% phys res)
The workaround this is to play around Ghoul/Blastshield

Purple, Green, Grey crossroads
Viper, Eel, Ghoul, Hawk, Quill, Candle (aka scholar’s light)
3 points into crown (bind to FS)
Solael’s witchblade (bind to Storm spread)
Widow (bind to chilling rounds)
Refund purple crossroad
Ultos (ignore chaos res node; bind to seal)
Ulzuin’s torch (ignore burn damage node, bind to thermite mines)

As always, I’m open to feedback. Hope ya’ll liked the guide! :slight_smile:

Have you tried to break the set and focus on one dmg type? Two annihilators look like they would perform better. :eek:

I see you decided not to honor the new flar rr mod to Deadly Aim and went for Elemental Storm anyway…:wink:


You can do that???

Sure, same place where you edit character skill points and such.

Something like this? https://www.grimtools.com/calc/w263pkvV

EDIT: Honestly, the flat damage on the GT link looks worse, so too does the defence. I feel like storm spread got hit hard since we can’t get 5 projectiles anymore.


A reliable 32 RR is worth getting imo. Also, I’ll gladly spend 3 devotions points (4 if you include crossroads) for an additional 12 RR.

The physical resistance band-aid: pants + boots

I’ve tried using those pants actually. It doesn’t work as well because the loss of OA + slow res really really hurts the build.

In my experience, it seems like I have more success when I try to burst down enemies during the 6 seconds of ghoul.

I just noticed 3% physical resistance:D,I have storm box Vindicator with same amount and can complete 170,but just not against Reaper and game gave me on second try double Reaper and Iron maiden on last wave,so impressive piloting!

Spent a bit more time on this GT link that I should’ve, lol.

But if you wanna go with dual elements, I think something like this should be better. More flat, more adtch, more trap res, more Inquisitor Seal. Only downside is 38% Slow Res but should be fine I think.

I’m a little puzzled as to why it’s still not getting the recognition it deserves.

Head is too big :eek:

I’m currently testing this variation : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/w263jn0V
Pretty sure boots can be replaced by swapping a few components.

Before the patch, I used two Annihilators and know I wanted to try the full set bonuses. I haven’t timed my runs, but the build feel safer and faster.

@ Mad_lee - looks promising. I hate to give up the WPS and the slow res, but it definitely looks good.

@ MArl - looks good! If I may be so bold as to offer some suggestions:

  1. Justice gloves are by far BiS. They give a massive 600-700 hp as well as attack speed.
  2. As for your skill point allocation, I tried not to change it too much, but I think getting more fumble and 8/10 chilling rounds is a must.


  1. Justice gloves are by far BiS. They give a massive 600-700 hp as well as attack speed.
  2. As for your skill point allocation, I tried not to change it too much, but I think getting more fumble and 8/10 chilling rounds is a must.

Thx for the feedbacks.

  1. I love Cindertouch :stuck_out_tongue:
  2. I’m still playing with skills points. I’ll try 8/10 chilling rounds, and I noticed that I forgot Ulzuin’s Wrath.

Oh and I looked at what’s coming with FG and what do you guys think of those gloves? https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/12250

I think mortar trap is finally going to be viable come FG. Especially with this medal: https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/11718

Mortar traps biggest issue has always been the unconverted physical damage.

EDIT: Especially when combined with this and this

I also suspect that the new light’s defender is going to make stunjacks absolutely beastly though I haven’t had time to test it.

I actually did make Mortar’s work with old Dagallon set.

What was the damage like on mortar trap? Was it even worth the trouble?

Well, you can see in the video in the link above. It was about 7-7:30 minutes build, just an average top-tier build. QoL sucked though and making it work was the most tilting thing ever - I hated this set and the concept with every inch of my soul.

But quite a few things changed since then (including of course a total overhaul of Dagallon set) so no more awkward hybrid playstyle builds for now.

Is it just me, or is the mortar animation absolutely hilarious?

For some reason, all that comes to mind is someone constantly dropping fiery turds on the monster mobs.

7 x Mortar Trap Purifier

And you absolutely have to stand in one place for them to do damage. I shiver every time I remember how I was playing and testing it.