[] MEGAKILLER N&O Infiltrator, 5:22 cruci, 0 greens, [g3][c+][vid]

Thank you!

someone understood me :smiley:

Working as intended ©

Why is infiltrator faster? I suggest an experiment. Remove Censure from it and remove Devils from the trickster and then compare. I have a feeling the trickster might win then.

if you remove Censure from this guy he is gonna very dead - very fast

Great build! Added to my thread. :wink:

Just a little update, guys


Good, good! We need to go faster! :metal:

5:15. Nothing to do with Inquisitor tho!!

And they nerfed binder, cool :slight_smile: At 160 he doesnt even look at Reaper and still kills him.

Nice piloting nonetheless.

Speaking for the rings (haven’t used the swords) but I really hope not, it’s one of the few interesting epic combinations available.

This build is indeed very well put together and quite impressive - something to enjoy until it’s inevitably nerfed. :stuck_out_tongue:

That said I think it could be improved even further through devotion bindings:

  • Rumor on SS
  • Blizzard on ABB
  • HV on RoS

The goal behind this is to get Rumor up ASAP when entering a new area through SS. A few weapon attacks afterwards to trigger Ultos, then finish with ABB and hopefully Blizzard.

Attaching HV to RoS means you don’t need to cast RoS as often, only when you need it or every 29 seconds, whichever comes first.

You need to cast RoS for the fumble.

But I would indeed move SS from blizzard to rumor. Just change places with RoS. You want blizzards to fall after rumor is applied, ideally. But it’s so minor that I doubt it would be noticeable. Everything dies in 2 hits and nemeses in 3-4 seconds anyway. Curious what op would say.

I just respecced my old runefiltrator to this and there’s one thing I don’t understand. I was hoping, Mr. Smith, you could help me understand. I understand this gt in op is to max bannered crucible runs. Why the investment in cunning then? Dumpling all in physique (or spirit for dmg) makes oa about 3150 (with Lethal). Isn’t that more than enough for blessings and banner?

Also: why the focus on chaos res and not fire?

First of all, “Dumpling all in physique”? LMAO. That’s like a position in a menu of an authentic Chinese restaurant with English menu written by Chinese person using Google Translate.

Second of all, because Infiltrator allows us to, that’s why, so why not. A lot of build’s strength comes from killing really fast before any potentially dangerous situation starts to build up with all debuffs stacking etc.

Why not? This spec’s survival rate is pretty high with correct piloting. I died maybe 1 time out of 15 in the situations, where 100-200 additional DA would not save me. Fast killing enemies is good source of survivability too(a lot of their dangerous attacks has charges like savagery or initial use timeout) +free cunning from Anatomy of murder+Amatok and Ultos activation condition=32p in cunning.

Enemies have much more dangerous sources of vitality&chaos damage. For this build only Grava and Gabal’Thunn is dangerous (they also have chaos dmg, no choice for me), counterplay is fast and merciless killing:cool:

Right. Got it. Thanks.

What I meant was, did you put those 32 in cunning because you wanted to make it universally fast with and without the banner as well as in main game, or does 4500 oa over 4350 really make a difference in a bannered run? I’m seriously asking because I’m trying to understand. I know that you don’t need da and health but putting that 32 in spirit for example would have given you about 120% cold. Wouldn’t that be better assuming you wanna max bannered clears?

You are very serious about builds, guys :rolleyes:
Honestly, a even did not tested another combinations of attributes. My intuition, experience and Veretragna prompted to invest in cunning. With buffs and banners this spirit %% give a few % of total damage, while cunning gives OA, which is increased by % with Anatomy and next time increased by % OA bonuces, buff and banner bonuses, and huge crit multiplier I already have. => triple profit

I tested my spellbinder before, and didn’t see the difference between 20 and 60 spirit points(increased by arcanist), so with infiltrator i have not even tried.

Amatok has the highest priority, and binded to SS it is cheched 3 times(with DW) even with solotarget.

Build a awesome though a bit too on the squishy side for my tastes.

Just be sure to stay under an arc as soon as you are at a wave spawning Alex - his meteors tend to 1 shot you without warning.

I have died every time at w170 when Alex spawns in the north west corner and Grava at the south west.

If you dont stay under the arc and fight Grava/whoever is there - Alex just comes and kills you - hate the fuck like nothing else…

Fine work!
One question: Why do you use Stormtitan’s? HP? Proc?
What about Resonant Stoneplate Greaves of King’s?

With buffs you have 16k+ health and a whooping 88!% aether, 26% physical resist, how is aleksander’s meteor ever one shotting you?