[] MEGAKILLER N&O Infiltrator, 5:22 cruci, 0 greens, [g3][c+][vid]

^Picture of the day.I have so many questions and the only one answer - MAGIC!

Hello! It’s me, MarioJohn_Smith!


I missed almost all of 1070 and dawn of 1071 patch. So many of new imba-builds passed by me. Our Highly Respected Editor of the Compendium Veretragna improved his Deathmarked concept and made the greatest melee build ever. It was infiltrator Cholol. And experienced pilot Mercymaker raised the bar so high - 5.46, so for a long time no one could even get close.
It’s fun, but this invincibility breaks the balance. BALANCE! Do you get it? BALANCE, haha :stuck_out_tongue: I have to repair it. Or maybe break it even more.

>>>GRIMTOOLS<<< no green item used

with perma buffs+hungering void

res overcap

Easy 4 runs per buff 3buff+1banner 5.27 5.27 5.52 5.22

About build.
5.22, Carl! My personal spellbinder’s best time - 5.15, lol
You can see everything on the video, infiltrators beats previous best time 3 times per run.

I am convinced, that build can show better time, but I’m so tired of these endless variations and endless runs. Have nothing to say, inquisitor has proved to be all-around overpowered mastery once again.

Thanks to MadLee for idea!Changed relic. grimtools 5.15 CONFIRMED


Hmmm, nidalla’s relic +23 points to NB. Ignaffar’s relic +6 points to inq => the same power
I know, that got lucky with mutators, but for everyone saying “inq is not oupie”

It’s the end of build explanation, thanks for your attention! Below will be some
intermediate builds and my useless thoughts.

Interesting intermediate results.
Defensive only trickster - 6.08 I used sabo’s constellation map with no agressive devotions and it showed time better than deathmarked trickster before

Tsunami is back!
It’s infiltrator. Still defensive, with Obelisk, but with Amatok. And Tsunami. This is not a joke, this tier1 devotion improved build. 5.45 run, first time I improved previous 5.46 (with aetherward oil) time
>>grimtools <<

Build history and how I got here.

First time I saw how unbalanced is Elemental Harmony set while trying to make Deathmarked reaper. I took Veretragna’s infil and adapted it to reaper(spoiler: cold reaper is a piece of shit). I changed Alkamos’ rings with Harmony and… … nothing changed. Big part of pierce damage converted to cold was just replaced by Lethal assault flat damage.
Next time I saw how unbalanced are N&O testing MadLee’s classical SS spellbreakers. At first he made it with 2 Crescent moons and later rebuild to N&O with Mageslayer set, and it shows much better time. Lee says that Olexra is back, but it’s bullshit, it’s just Elemental Harmony set being oupie.
Rimetongue is just great set with great stat’s, which improves previous two converting big part of damage to cold.

Later I was notified that my video was used on this forum(wow, someone saw it) and read Nandi’s theme about lack of sabo builds. It was my time to shine :D.

Stolen Ideas or sources of inspiration

Boots and devotions were appropriated from MadLee’s build.
Pants were appropriated from Veretragna’s build.

The end
Thanks for your attention and excuse me for mistakes.
Other my builds you can find in russian-speaking comunity compendium. Thanks to Safarel stream discord comunity for support.

That’s an absolutely insane result. Congratulations! It’s a shame that Trickster couldn’t pull it, but it’s impossible to compete with power of Inquisitor.

I think this is the most fun we had with the new oupie sets of I feel like nerfs are going to hit melee meta with doubled force now.

Checks infiltrator off the N&O list

RIP Nex/Ortus and probably Elemental balance rings next patch

Rip Melee Era in Forgotten Gods. But it was sure fun :slight_smile:

Even if nerfs hit, this result should be set in stone for those who want to touch the greatness of pure melee.

Nex and Ortus nerfs are expected but I think the rings only shine so much because of how good they made the swords.

inquisitor has proved to be all-around overpowered mastery once again.

And yet, you only picked Censure, WoR and Deadly Aim. How is Inquisitor broken again if you picked an healing skill, a buff based on critting to activate and an exclusive? Seems to me Inquisitor is not doing much in this build and some other stuff is actually doing a lot more.

As gathered by barely touching the mastery outside of three buffs.

Nice. Nightblades and Inquisitors, oh my!

Nex and Ortus nerfs are expected but I think the rings only shine so much because of how good they made the swords.

N+O made it obvious. But the EB rings have always seemed to dominate elemental melee, except lightning focus.

But which will it be next?

spins the wheel

Yeah they’ve always been good but how long as elemental melee “dominated”. They are just sharing some some of the spotlight because of N&O being so powerful. I don’t think the rings were ever overpowered.

Thank you! Yep, it’s a shame.

thanks!:smiley: pure melee with tonnnsss of vrzzoooooooh

Have nothing to answer you guys, just will be sitting there and waiting for new OP non-inq builds. (just look at the pic at the beginnig)

It’s not like Nex and Ortus and Elemental Harmony are doing most of the job. Wait, they are. :rolleyes:

That’s why melee builds doing 5 minutes Cruc existed before Nex and Ortus got buffed in a major way. Oh, wait.

Seems to me Inquisitor is not doing much in this build .

You have to admit though, that those few inquis skills are just packed with goodness:
essentially perpetual all damage boost, crit, OA,
then damage reduction, RR, disruption, some damage,
then heal, even more specific DR, DA, even more specific damage boost and resistances

I’d say that it’s doing quite a bit.

Dude, he knows his shit. Yes, N&O and Elemental Harmony are pretty oupie. And new Deathmarked is pretty oupie. But guess who is the best performing class for both builds? Yes, you guessed it right, it’s Inquisitor. John Smith even posted a pic breakdown of auto-attack damage - that’s a comparison between Inquisitor+Nightblade wearing Rimetongue of all sets and N&O+Elemental balance and my recent Trickster build. And still Infiltrator is quicker, and most importantly safer to play and easier to assemble.

Deathmarked arms race ended in the same way. Trickster proved to be stronger than Blademaster but Infiltrator proved to be the strongest of them all.

So turns out “just three skills” is better than anything other masteries can offer to Nightblade. I can confirm it. John Smith can confirm it. Veretragna can confirm it. MercyMaker can confirm it.

Didn’t know perpetual meant up half the time because that’s how often Deadly Aim is up. Claiming Inquis is broken but then picking up only three skills that are basically buffs, stuff other masteries do as well, is a gigantic stretch.

Again, Inquis is a minor part of this build. Nex/Ortus and Elemental Harmony are doing the majority of the work.

Yeah, doing less, what, 20 seconds? Is that the difference between strong and broken now? Again, Inquis is not doing much here. And even with this, are you surprised the “elemental mastery” is doing its job when combined with a mastery that specializes in one of the elements? Should we now scream “broken” when something does it job? You know, having actual synergy?

No shit Trickster is worse than a Infiltrator on a cold build when Infiltrator is the king of cold. Because it’s the combination of two masteries with the best cold support.

Whine constantly about Inquisitor being supposedly “broken” and don’t be surprised it gets nerfed. Then come complaining that your build is no longer doing 5 minutes Crucible.

That’s not the definition of overpowered, though. That’s just called synergy.

Have you not read my post just above you?

That’s not the definition of overpowered, though. That’s just called synergy.

This is true. But the synergy extends to most everything in the game in those few skills. A little too compact imho.