[] Ultimate Guide to AGRIVIX

Long live the king. Nice to see a new record before FG.

I always disregarded Siphon Souls as a nuke, investing in Nullification for shorter cd and radius and investing in Arcane Will but apparently I was wrong.
However, I still think you could do even better with my setup because your piloting is way ahead of mine. Maybe tweaked like this https://www.grimtools.com/calc/YVWk9JnV.

Eat that, Japanese bone harvest guy!

I really think that John’s setup is optimal here. The suplementary damage from Guardian Gaze is not helping because our main spells melt everything super fast. I think if you want record runs you gotta invest more in your core stats, because build has maximum AOE already.

Can’t argue with the champ. In the end good ol’ oa and crit dmg gives most horsepower.

But Blood Boil does nothing for offense and costs a lot of points. Bone Harvest doesn’t do much, agreed, but at least increases CT output (about 6%). I get investing in Siphon Souls for better rr spread but it gets huge diminishing returns to the radius after 12/12 (10cm per point lol) and even maxed (19/12 for Agrivix) its damage not even half of a single CT shot.

Agree about Siphon Souls, John’s setup is also like not full glass cannon offensive (i.e. 12/12 mirror). Maybe points from Siphon overcap could go into mastery. Maybe even (crazy thought) softcap Ravenous Earth or it’s third mod since we are using it so much, might as well do some damage with it.

Any ideas how Agrivix will fare in new (1.1) patch?

Wpn dmg removed, aether rr removed from siphon souls and nerfed rr proc on band of eternal haunt ring.

Kinda sucks.

Aether rr on Siphon was still there last time I checked. The rest is hard to say. Feels like Argivix will still cope, it’s far from ‘dead’, but it’s strict-top-tier days are gone. No more sub 5 minute runs, dropping adcth for even better dmg, moving all attributes from physique to spirit and seeing it don’t give damn, etc. That’s for sure. Looks like 6-7 min on the more offensive setups. We’ll see.

What RR removed?

ah nice siphon soul rr is still there :slight_smile:

I am not that interested in cruci run times, perhaps it will be top tier still.

I prefer the defensive approach, so I think i need to find more adcth somehow to cope with the reduced wpn dmg on CT…

The biggest nerf to this build I can see is the loss of 18% weapon damage to CT. So high level CT will be 42% WD instead of 60%. Isn’t this quite a huge nerf?

I’m specifically referring to the patch notes.

50% instead of 68% and yes it’s quite big. But poor Agri got hit in many places. Flame Torrent, Dying God, Haunt ring, flat on Spectral line, etc.

It’s still a good build in its more conservative versions but the days of running with 2.2k da and saying “Dammit! 5:10 again? What’s wrong with me?” - those beautiful days are past… :cry:

I think it is a good thing actually that those days are past. It feels much more challenging now.

We also got a few minor defensive upgrades, like bloodied crystals (DA, armor, bleed res)

I was half way through finding all the gear for this build.:cry:

I want to play a caster in Forgotten Gods. Should I stick to this, or is there another caster I should consider? Is there anything notable that got buffed or didn’t get nerfed?

Just because it got nerfed does not mean it doesnt is good…

Cant wait to try it <3

Well… Crossroads didn’t get nerfed… :stuck_out_tongue:

Kidding. Argivix got hit hard but is still one of the best. Just not by such a ridiculous margin. What this guy was doing in 7.1 was insane and it was unavoidable that he be nerfed. I suggest one of the more conservative setups form this op. Maybe the one that did naked crucible. The most extreme setups are no longer viable.

Anyways, if you’re halfway gearing up for Agrivix you probably have a leveled binder anyway, and now there isn’t much else you can do with a binder. Nukers been dead since 1.6 and now the ridiculous and totally unwarranted nerfs to aether PRM closed the deal. I wonder why Crate didn’t go for a mercy kill and nerf Devastation as well…

What got buffed in the binder world? Oh… yes, there is one thing: AAR. It got buffed from ‘what-the-fuck’ to ‘what-the-hell.’ :smiley:

I still enjoy my Drain Essence / Devastation binder tbh

Thx for correction. I overlooked that. DE is quite strong for a channeling skill. And there are lots of other builds, too, like Diviner, some weird hybrid pets, etc.

I guess I’m prejudiced after all that time associating binders with top-tier high-power spellcasting.

Excuse me for a noob question, but what is the source for lifesteal (ADCTH) to CT in this build?

ADctH is always abilty to heal yourself from skills with weapon damage.CT has some(it was recently reduced) that is the main,but Spear proc also has some WD.Plus of course SIphon souls has in built life steal.