[] Max CDR Vire's Might Skater Templar - Cruci Farmer - SR 75-76 Passed

Re-updated this build with what was deleted on the rollback. It’s not as detailed anymore (since I didn’t make backups) but I made sure to put the detail on the weapon itemization part. Also added an almost greenless setup (almost cause the green offhand is a core item).

this build looks amazing. ive played charge barb (d3) competitively top 20 players on board for many seasons. i might have to give this a go

I’m enjoying this build so far quite a bit even though I haven’t completed Vanquishers yet so it has room for growth.

Something I found while playing was Mythical Warpfire which appears pretty decent for the build.
I’m fairly new to grim dawn but if I understand the resistance reduction calculations presented here warpfire is type C and stacks additively with other type Cs thus providing a neat bonus to fire damage.

Warpfire is okay but I didn’t use it cause it provides less raw damage compared to other options, so the advantage of RR is negated. But it’s more than usable for this build.

It’s really cool concept with CDR movement skill,but did you think is possible to create with this set burning CT build?Inferno seems quite potent.

Fluff had a link somewhere in this thread using 2h brimstone mace and max burns. That’s the max damage build tho VM cooldown there is 1.5 seconds, not spammable.

Vanquisher Set - Don’t ask me why. BTW, this is easy to farm cause each of the roguelikes drop 1 piece of this.

I’m still very new to this game. I bought it 2 months ago, and just hit level 100 on my first character a few days ago. What are the “roguelikes”, and how would I farm this set?

Nice build guide, thank you for making it. My Templar is only level 58 and has been using Aegis of Menhir as my main dps as I have a good shield for the build (1.8 sec cooldown). I’m looking forward to level 100 and switching to Vires Might on 0.7 sec cooldown.

Any advice for leveling from 60 to 100 as a Templar?


Sorry for the very late reply. I forgot to reply when I read this last night before going to sleep.

Roguelikes are the term we use here for the four skeleton key dungeons (Steps of Torment, Bastion of Chaos, Port Valbury, Ancient Grove). Each of those dungeons have a chance to drop a specific piece of the Vanquisher set (and IIRC, the Sentinel of the Three set) at the end chest after you kill the final boss.

Levelling? This is advice for ANY BUILD. Cap resistances, get enough damage for your main skill. How? That depends on your personal circumstances. I’m not fond on giving specific tips on this part, sorry.

Thank you for the reply. I figured out what you meant by roguelikes, but I didn’t know exactly how they gave Vanquisher pieces, so thanks for clarifying that it’s the final chest. That is helpful. I can try to farm them with my Blademaster who is level 100 and has just good enough gear to do them without dying. My templar is level 68 now, levelling nicely, just got access to Ultimate difficulty and will try to make an xp push there. Your advice is spot on (capping resists and maxing main dps), that’s what I did when I levelled my Blademaster to 100.


Heya x1! Is this a fun build to play?

Fun depends on the person playing it, so only you can answer that for yourself. But personally it’s one of the most fun shit I’ve had in GD.

Well, my Templar is now level 96, from level 82 until level 90 I was able to farm Steps of Torment on Ultimate. Ran it about 10 times, only got one piece of Vanquishers. Starting around level 90 my gear fell behind and I struggled to complete, and the Nemesis started spawning and I typically died to it. Now at level 94, with a huge gear upgrade, I can mow through everything in Steps of Torment (Ultimate) without breaking a sweat. But still only have that one piece of Vanquishers. Sigh. On to Bastion of Chaos, maybe I’ll have better luck there.



have you tried this weapon https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/12479?

could be a good alternative for non green

still cant decide between warpfire, blazing Ends and cinderscorn.

love this build thanks for sharing

Was the Vire’s might mod added just recently or did I miss it? Cause that’s actually a very solid option. Probably even better than warpfire.

checked all Patch-notes after FG release , no changes to this weap. except they were hidden


First off, thanks a lot for posting this!

This is my first serious character, in FG at least. I had a lvl80’ish Cabalist before FG, but saves got deleted, so got at least some experience. But nothing end-game.

I’ve tried probably 10 different builds up to Logg now, and I feel like this is the perfect starter for getting to farming stuff for alts, cause you just zoom zoom and if you ever take damage you just Mirror and everything melts before it’s done. Plus the set is semi-farmable I guess?

Here’s my journey so far if anyone want some pointers. Definitely would max out everything to do with Vire earlier if I did it again though. So far it’s been a breeze though, everything just melts before hitting me.

ACT1 - Warden killed (lvl16): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/qNY4qEgZ
ACT2 - Up to Ulgrim (lvl27): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/lNkKQe4N
ACT3 - Karroz (lvl36): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/62a1Qek2
ACT4 - Logg (lvl40): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/M2glgaBV
ACT5 - Up to meeting Ulgrim outside Sewers (lvl47): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/1NX4wrON
ACT6 - AoM done (lvl51): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/4NOkL3eN
ACT7 (or 8?) All of Forgotten Gods anyways (lvl54): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/qNY4p3BZ

Then I went to Elite, and just rushed through everything up to Logg and killed him no problems. I’d say Elite was easier than Normal almost up to that point.

I decided after killing Elite Logg, to just try Ultimate, and it’s actually no problem to farm the early parts there. Just not sure if it’s worth? I rushed through Act 1 and killed Ultimate Warden. A couple of big monsters (Warden included) hit me for 70% of my HP, but with Mirror and the crazy burn damage I managed to get through it all without dying.

My character right now is: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/dVblGrON

So, to my questions. If anyone would be so kind to help.

  • First off, should I just continue in Ultimate? It seems easy enough, and well, purples are fun. Or is it better to go back to Elite?
  • Seeing as I have no end-game gear at all. What should I focus on now? Reputations are mostly Honored. I’ve bought the things that increase the gain.
  • I guess I need to be higher level to start farming any of the end-game gear pieces, so I was considering farming Malm rep. to max to get the exp-potions. But is there anywhere outside AoM content you can farm Malm rep.? I guess I could go back to Elite and just finish off that.
  • Any easy improvements you can see that would instantly help me (my only short term gear goal is upgrading the Off-hand in SoT)? If I’m going back to Elite I feel like I’m practically immortal though, so not sure it’s worth focusing on anything in particular (other than leveling) atm.


First of all I can’t give you any advice on levelling a VM build since I leveled this as arcanist before FG was even released. My only experience in VM is only endgame. Still I advice you to continue onto ultimate since there’s no use having it easy. Makes the game kinda boring. First priority should be to get to level 94 sp you can use anything good you find. You can probably figure out the other stuff by yourself, if trial and error is fun for you. If it isn’t then there are probably other people who love levelling that can help you here.

Ok, thanks!

Decided to go back to Elite and finish AoM. Got me max rep. with Malm without farming (just finishing quests). Then back to elite. Swapped some stuff around and managed to max most resists, and I just killed Logg there to with this: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/d2jlzklZ - not very amazing gear imo.

Died 2 times - once to a white Hulk, just stunned me and 2 shot me :rolleyes: And once to the boss right before Logg (got a bit to confident with Mirror down).

I’d recommend this as a starter (at least on SC). VM is absolutely brilliant for leveling imo. Coupled with a second movement like Vanish from FG vendors you can just fly through the campaign and the damage is crazy good. And even with terrible gear (like I have) you can start farming Ultimate for purples. Sadly the game seem to want me to play a vit-caster or pierce melee something, looking at the drops so far. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks again!

how hard is it to get the right offhand book 2 drop?

@insaneredeye1 I haven’t had trouble with getting it to drop. It’s sort of a long walk to get to him, but I got one after a few tries. Getting one with great prefix/suffix will obviously take much longer. Grim Internals has a nifty option to teleport to the Skeleton Key parts of roguelike dungeons for a few thousand iron. Simply teleporting in, killing him and restarting (or running the roguelike and then restarting) speeds up the process greatly while still feeling mostly genuine :wink:

Edit: Droprate is around 15%