Beyblade Chaos Sentinel

Edit2: Link to guide => http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83225
Firstly im not a native english speaker so sorry for the formulation :wink:

I have started this extension 1 week ago and of course im trying the new class.
I was in the idea of doing an acid sentinel but during the leveling I fall in love with EOR. Then mythical wrath of tenebris loot my eyes went :rolleyes:ok lets build something cool!!!

Edited:So this my build for the moment https://www.grimtools.com/calc/xZyOaWn2

For the devotion its from someone on the forum cant remember you sorry but your devotion build rock!!!

I manage to beat crucible 150 -170 with buff and no banner

But im stuck in SR I can go sometime to 65 and sometime fail at 52.
It just depend of the boss im facing but I suppose all build suffer that :slight_smile:

This build hit really really hard even the chaos hard resistance ennemy when you debuff them ofc. The main source of damage is ofc EOR but DB do a lot to.
Im nearly unkillable in pack of mob however hp bar is in total yoyo effect so the moment you stop spinning for 2 sec or more -> DEAD.

To counter freeze effect im 100% of the time with Hoarfrost Ointment and for stun MI boots and pants should do the tricks. Petrify however is my worth ennemy

So the probleme I think this build got (im not expert that just supposition)
its the OA and the energy regen :furious:
Also the chest and shoulder just suck but there is nothing better I think so :stuck_out_tongue:
maybe some insane MI

Now reason why some boss phase in SR are just impossible is beyhond me so I hope someone give me some advice for this build or maybe this build is just not that good to begin with XD

EDIT: ok so with some tuning and the help of this great forum :smiley: I just do a ST run to 70 without breaking a sweat with the current build post. I die like 4 or 5 time and got stuck on a magic kubacabra with flying aether crystal around him XD this bad guy make me fail the timer but its all because of these damn crystal if someone know what is it?( some kind of buff I suppose).

So I think I can easly push to 75 but I will tell you that tommorow :stuck_out_tongue:

U should use Rah’zin belt and Mythical vestments of the severed faith chest

Damn yes that good for the OA thank you one less probleme :smiley:

While I was doing my Sentinel guide I tried Doom bolt vitality/acid version but this looks a bit odd at first glance. Also your poison/acid resist is very low

My poison resist is cap with blood of dreg and because it’s up all the time that should not be a probleme at least I think

Oh yea, you are right :smiley: I forgot about that active bonus. I have it at 85% without augments in my build so I was a bit confused when I looked at your resistances. But I would definitely increase your armor absorption.

Yeah I forgot to mention my armor absorbtion probleme and the only way I can think to solve that is to remove chaine of oleron from my chest and put living armor or sacred plating.
But I will loose OA did you know if there is an other way to upgrade my armor absorbtion?
Edit: nevermind chaine of oleron suck living armor is way better now im at 92 % armor absorbation :smiley: TY

Why are you using rahzin’s belt? There’s a belt which converts 50% fire to chaos. That’s clearly BiS.

You lose 10% attack speed that way. And +1 occultist. Is that worth it? I doubt it.

Use rahzin’s chest piece. 10% AS gained.

Again, I wouldn’t make that change, it will cost you the aura which is awesome and the 25% acid > chaos. In return you get a rather mediocre piece of armor.

I don’t know, looks decent to me. https://www.grimtools.com/calc/4NOvx5XZ

That being said, I can see the argument for rah zin’s belt.

Only way to know is to test both out.

I was using it but I was in need of OA and someone suggest razhin belt belt and the chest of severed faith which seem better to me
But im actually testing will see if its was better before
Oh and also the razin chest piece suck

See the GT I linked above. You don’t need 'cleric’s per-se, but you need something which fixes pierce res on those pants. OA would be nice too.

Regardless, test both.

The reason why I don’t like rah’zins belt or severed faith is because you are adding only a fraction of that flat damage to EoR. I feel like the bulk of you damage comes from the skill line itself.

But I could be wrong.

You can also go for seal of blades for adcth, and about 30% of the flat pierce on it will also be converted to chaos courtesy of rahzin’s chest

EDIT: I would personally roll with this - https://www.grimtools.com/calc/DV9xoy62

Not sure how energy would pan out though. M. Severed Faith will definitely win out in that regard.

I haven’t played EoR myself yet, what’s the energy consumption of maxed EoR like? I notice that spanks has much less regeneration than the original. Not sure if it matters, but I have to ask.

My eor is 25/16 not the max but it drain so hard you use manapotion on CD and during long fight like SR boss phase you are going to walk and waiting cd on mana potion ;D

Yeah - that’s a definite problem for sure. I have the bad habit of trying to resolve my energy sustain problem retrospectively after theorycrafting my builds.

I’d first try arcane spark, then mark of illusions, then potent outcasts rift storm, before finally turning to devotions.

If it can’t be managed, then severed faith + rah’zin’s belt is the way to go.

Yeah your build seem really good

rift stone on weapon is way better how cant I think of that before :confused:

for the pants im actively farming a better one :smiley:

your relic is for 26/16 EOR i suppose?

But i cant understand the boots ? for the effect?

but mana problem is the real ennemy XD

  1. Relic is needed for resistance, and a circuit breaker. By using serenity, I can slap DA augments on all my armor pieces, thereby allowing me to avoid taking consecration.

26/16 EoR is also a HUGE plus.

  1. Boots - massive stun resist & +2 soulfire? BiS for sure

When the blueprint for the relic will drop i will try that 26/16 for sure :smiley:
But will the loose of that -10 chaos resist on ignaffar will not be too much with little debuff chaos we got?

For boots yeah I can understand but war cry is really good maybe if i can get war cry on the leggs i will try these boots

Also using rightous fervor is not a bad filler when you are out of mana and waiting for cd potion and consecration buff is really good but a bit annoying to maintain for sure.