I believe that was posted by another builder
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I believe that was posted by another builder
Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
Have a question
I know the theme for the build is 3x blitz but which is better between maxing Oleron’s rage and blitz itself?
Blitz. Oleron doesn’t give anything for the build mostly good for IT builds like octavius.
Oleron good if u need OA. And u don’t use shield.
ty for the build i will try it now but … что на счет 90 Shattered Reality?
and guys sry for Runglish но, блин, зачем ты используешь 3 “рывка”? Это для мобильности, или ключевые навыки для урона?
90 is too much for this build.
90, вероятно, он осилит, но нелегко. Он еле-еле 86 прошел, осколки Александера снимают по 12к здоровья, а метеоры вообще ваншотят. Не вариант
3x Blitz are main damage skills on par with Cadence and Vire’s Cascade.
Ну ты понял) И ритм, и блицы, и Каскад Вайр здесь работают примерно поровну. Если упарываться только в Ритм, низкая скорость атаки не даст этому билду выехать дальше 50 шарда, я думаю. А в сумме получается неплохо
Please tell me in what sequence it is better to open the devotion.
hello here I play with your build for three weeks and I can not pass the shattered 60
Nowadays I understand that my passive skills are being removed and I do not know why you would have an answer to that.
Hi! What about Malmouth’s Redemption weapon augment? The flat damage gets converted, it gives a lot of armor and aether resist, which allows us to play around with our other augments a bit. Or it is too defensive?
Hello and thank you for this amazing build ! I just wanted to know if this character is able to kill Callagadra ?
Hi! Not in this variation. You need full Stoneguard set to kill Calla with this build.
And probably some more physical resistance from Seal of Might, Menhir’s Bastion and devotions.
I tried exactly your build but mine is really fragile, really easy to die and can not face tank anything in shatterealm 76. Is there any tip for me in battle :(. I don’t know what I have done wrongly.
Post your grimtools, and a video of your SR 76 attempt would be good too.
From my experience of playing this build, it’s a good build but it takes a lot of practice to perfect the gameplay, and it’s pretty easy to die in higher SR. Plus, things like what mutators you have and what boss map/boss combo you get have a huge impact on success.
I think there are multiple simple ways of making the build even tankier, if needed, for example putting more points to War Cry and/or Haven, using Malmouth’s Redemption augments, and using Menhir’s Bulwark instead of Oleron’s Rage. Maybe Menhirian ring. But it is all at the cost of the damage.
Hey people - I’m trying to save this page in Chrome to my desktop. I save as “Webpage, Complete” and it downloads a folder. But inside the folder there isn’t an *.html file. There are some icons (.png) and a bunch of *.js.download. Chrome is telling me that these files are temporary and are awaiting the actual download…
What am I doing wrong?
I tried the same, I got the folder and an html file, and it opens the page offline perfectly. I don’t know what you are doing wrong. Only thing that happened, that I started the download on the first page, it stopped, and I switched to the last (this) thread page and the download finished. Maybe it has nothing to do with it.
Edit: it is not perfect, when I switch pages it goes online. So I don’t know. It seems it saved only the last page.
Would you make any changes to this build for HC?
i am not sure why my devotions are coming out wrong i dont have the ghoul devotion complete may someone help me what exactly i am doing wrong to get this outcome
Cant you use GrimTools instead?
You have to remove the crossroad points. Devotions can sustain themselves. If you have too few points to be able to do that, remove some points from the big devotions first, you can put them back afterwards. You can do this at a spirit guide where you can remove the skill points as well, either in the Crucible, or in the Coven’s Refuge or in the forgotten gods first town.
is there a other way I can do this honestly I have all the devotions ready 55/55 and I cant start using them until I add a point of crossroads so what am I doing wrong I am new using those devotions and it started with the small ones so I went to the left side with ghoul and it said affinity requirement 1 of the red so I add a red but if I do already use to much its just weird for me