[] Cholol, the Breathtaking - Deathmarked Blademaster, Gladiator (6:08) and SR 80 viable

2h spammable forcewave

Hi mate!
Will reply when I’m home.

Unfortunately Blademaster is highly gear dependent class if you decide to go any route that includes DW weapons.
So, I’m going to provide you some tips in general leveling of a Soldier using Forcewave, it’s really easy and forgiving.

Probably the easiest start has soldier with 2h transmuted forcewave (with Tremor). It combines well with occultist and death knight because they have physical RR and inquisitor - because it’s a incredibly strong mastery in general. Not only 2h forcewave is a beast itself, you can very soon get Kraken devotion for +170% all damage, which is absolutely insane in the beginning. Even if you do not go for forcewave, leveling with a two-hander with Kraken is good.

Put first 11 devotion points like this, 170% all damage from Kraken is unmatched in early game (only works with 2 hand weapons):

More tips:

  • this game is focused around Reducing Resistances (RR), skills and devotions with RR are a must in any good build. So after Kraken go for Assasin’s Blade and bind it to Forcewave.
  • your own resistances also matter a lot, they are your main source of durability early on. So search for them on gear. Most important are elemental (fire/ice/lightning) and poison.
  • Forcewave is considered a spell, so attack speed does not matter anymore, you search for Casting speed now - on a weapon and on rings.

Check this MortalKombat’s thread:

You can go for witchblade as he did, go for tactician version which is more suited for tanking (and in late game you’ll have options to switch into fire or elemental forcewave that do more damage).
Also you can do it as a Death Knight, then you’ll have an option to get Krieg Set (very easy to farm since every piece drops from exact boss) and go for s&b aether krieg build which is pretty versatile and strong.

This is my own DK, started with zero items in both stashes, was able to beat 150 waves of aspirant crucible:
This wil give you idea how a forcewave build should progress.
(by Zhuugus)

When you have enough skill points and some legendary gear, you can respec into DW Cadence and continue with that.

The rest depends on what you want from the build: this one (cold), Superfluff’s and thejabrixone’s builds are all good and well balanced. However, this current build is the most powerful Blademaster ever seen on forums, and it’s also very tanky to withstand any threat this game has to offer.

Slight update.

I took not needed points from Spirit, took some points from Physique and invested 20 pts into Cunning.
Seems like I broke the existing balance using this build and took 6:34.

Now I’ll stop I think.



Oh shi- :eek:

Damn it! (10 chars)

You’re just gonna have to meet at the parking lot after work 4pm to settle it :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems like we have a winner :smiley:
Thanks Mercymaker, that was really unexpected result.
Btw, what do you think about survivability? I prefer Phoenix because it’s basically BM’s Inquisitor seal.

Vids if anyone cares


And drink beer! Of course, the discussion without beer is pointless.


I have a greedier devotion route, see if you like it:


It takes all the ADCtH points. you will net 18% life steal with this devotion

ADCtH don’t come from Harp and Giant. Nope, bad route

Without damage absorbation from the phoenix there is a high chance to not survive in 160th wave on Crucible.
Extremely high.
So, yes,

Nope, bad route

Thanks a lot, man. You did use my relic in Veretragna’s build tho, but I don’t think it matters much (or does it?) :smiley:

So i did, always seem to be forgetting something :frowning:

ADCtH comes from Toad and Ghoul in that devotion. 3% in Toad and 4% in Ghoul. Add in the deathmarked sword and axes and whilrling blade, you will net 18% lifesteal.

Harp and Giant is just more buff in general.

Here it is again. Just check life steal stat and you will see:

oh i see what you mean now.

That setup is just bad. Giant is absolutely and utterly useless on this build and on melee builds in general. Harp is useless here as well because build has 0% cdr and has no mana problems. Charriot is a bit of a points waste as well since build has enough OA already. Boots are just random and honestly one of the worst choices for this build. Same goes for pants - one of the worst choices here as well. Gloves are absolutely wrong for this build too.

Additional ADCtH doesn’t stop your spec from being very supoptimal. Believe me, I have played this build and made a spec that is equal to Veretragna’s.

You missed one thing - my setup already includes Ghoul. Toad is just +3% adcth, but loss of Phoenix. Giant and Harp are not needed anyway.

I tried the build and can agree that Giant is not as good. But is Harp bad as well…? I thought Harp is a general good choice because of OA and DA right? (at least it is my belief, would really appreciate if anyone can give me insight on this)

Er and my build is kinda different tho, I use ABB and no Cadence, so I just thought that any cold damage gear is good.