Hello, wonderful people!
It’s been a while since I seen Deathmarked set and paid attention to it. I think it was in Vanilla.
Today I unexpectedly noticed this set, and considering my love to Cadence I thought - what about?..
Well, I did it. Yep. That’s right.
Meet Cholol, the Breathtaking.
Clears Crucible in ~6 minutes. Completes 80 shards of Shattered Reality (85 for Infiltrator).
With slight refinement kills Ravager and Avatar of Mogdrogen with ease (see Ashes of malmouth stuff).
This thread shares both Blademaster and Infiltrator versions of single concept.
>> Grimtools << Blademaster
>> Grimtools << Infiltrator
[] Ashes of Malmouth GT links
>> Grimtools << default setup << Blademaster
>> Grimtools << default setup << Infiltrator
>> Grimtools << alternative setup by mad_lee << Blademaster
>> Grimtools << PURE Nightblade build used in Single Mastery Challenge
>> Grimtools << dedicated build for Ravager of Flesh
>> Grimtools << dedicated build for Avatar of Mogdrogen
>> Grimtools << dedicated build for Lokarr
Core of the build
- Main damage skill of this build is Cadence supported by Execution.
- Core of this build is Deathmarked set.
- Other items are pretty much self-explanatory: all items of this setup are focused on adding flat cold and % cold damage, but not miss resistances and secondary resistances at the same time.
- Executioner’s Judgement amulet is attractive, yet it lacks Offensive ability, +1 to Nightblade skills and super powerful RR skill.
- Nemesis relic looks more attractive on paper than Nidalla’s Outbreak, but on practice Nidalla’s Final Strike deals huge damage in AoE, especially in shotgun range.
- This build generally has huge AoE potential, including Blizzard, Hand of Ultos, Nidalla’s Final Strike, Dreadfire and Black Blood of Yugol. AoE component of damage makes him even more lethal than ever.
- Build’s defenses include moderate ADCtH, fumble from Circle of Slaughter, some dodge and deflect chance, constant physical resistance, big armor, Prismatic Diamond and Ghoul.
- Aggressive melee combat.
- Aleks meteors are dangerous, choose the arena wisely and cover under arks when you see him. Especially in Shattered Reality, where meteors start to instantly oneshot you at ~77 shard.
Stats pane (permanent auras, Deadly Momentum/Deadly Aim, Lethal Assault up)
Max crit landed in Crucible (solo, Crucible buffs, Vanguard Banner)
Shattered Reality
Blademaster - shard 80 is completed
Infiltrator - shard 85 is completed
Blademaster: Crucible (best run 6:08 by John_Smith)
Infiltrator: Crucible (best run 5:58 with Resistant mutator)
[] Ashes of Malmouth content
Stats pane (permanent auras, Deadly Momentum/Deadly Aim, Lethal Assault up)
Max crit landed in Crucible (solo, Crucible buffs, Vanguard Banner)
Default setup: Crucible (6:34 with banner)
PURE Nightblade - Single Mastery Challenge (7:37)
Infiltrator: Crucible (5:39 run by Mercymaker), uses altered setup
Default setup: Mad Queen
Dedicated setup: Ravager
Dedicated setup: Avatar of Mogdrogen
Dedicated setup: Lokarr
Outdated >> Grimtools << no green items used >> Grimtools << alternative (mad_lee’s spec: Dying God, alternative gear)
Videos Default setup: Crucible
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnsw7MpKFps Alternative setup: Crucible