[] Cholol, the Breathtaking - Deathmarked Blademaster, Gladiator (6:08) and SR 80 viable

That kill is much faster with Belgo :slight_smile:

5,5 Sacred Strikes out of 10

Oooh, what a shame :frowning:
IDGAF though.

Jokes aside, this was awfully slow. But without these resistances Mogdrogen kills me. I’ll think more about this later

Added a video with Lokarr, 37 seconds kill time.
Used my dedicated Ravager setup but with some items from Mogdrogen setup to keep fire resistance overcapped.



amazing build, didn’t realized that this set can be such powerful! :wink:

No one expected this from good old classics :slight_smile:
All the time Deathmarked needed only Cadence to shine

Looks like an awesome build!

A few questions though…
Leviathan not viable? Ultos is just for aoe / weapon damage? I can’t see any conversion other that pierce / phys.


Leviathan’s route is simply worse than Ultos’ in all cases.
Leviathan devotion route forces you to take a pack of useless constellations to stack green/violet points and thus miss some great constellations such as Ghoul and Chariot of the Dead.
Ultos on other hand provides great AoE proc, massive OA, same 180% cold boost and its devotion route is way more versatile.

Yeah, thats true.
Lots of crap on the way to leviathan, especially the purple constellations.

Thanks man!

Edit: Dinged lvl 100 earlier today. I play exclusively main campaign, and are using this build with slightly less DA, but a bit more OA. Don’t have the legendary alkamos rings yet either.


Major update.

Due to Crucible buffs in I had to slightly redesign this build.
More damage, but now Crucible is harder.

Did a quick test run with whooping 7:20 under banner. My personal record for now.
Without banner clear times fluctuate between 7:50 and 9:10.



Played a Blademaster for a bit but it felt weak compared to many of my other builds (though I only got to ~45 before I gave up) because the lack of good damage absorption skills and being forced to facetank everything due to the nature of a full melee build combined with lackluster dps to make up for the danger.
Might give it another spin at some point after looking at how other people put their Blademasters together.

But I have a question, why don’t you have a point in ‘Belgothian’s Shears’? Seems like a great value point, especially with all your + Nightblade skill gear. ‘Amarasta’s Quick Cut’ also seems like a solid 1 pointer (with your gear it goes to 10/8) and with all the cold damage you have it doesn’t seem like a big deal that it converts piercing damage unlike ‘Nidalla’s Hidden Hand’ which I totally understand that you don’t want since it converts to acid damage.

I’m not trying to give you advice as much as I’m attempting to understand your reasoning behind the choices you’ve made, I’m guessing you have your reasons.
Though if it’s something as simple as being starved for points (which your build seems to be skirting the edge of), taking a point each from ‘Pneumatic Burst’ and ‘Veil of Shadow’ seems like a low price to pay.

Speaking of, how does the conversion on those passive skills work? Does it merely convert that skill’s specific damage proc into X?

Soldiers are pretty easy to level. Most people do Forcewave until they respec to their target. Jumping right into dw Cadence is hard at low levels.

Belgo Shears is great for Belgo pierce bm with two slicers. Otherwise it’s questionable (sth about animation, I hear). And AQC would need about 3 points here to be viable (at 8/8 and above). Personally, I think I’d take it. Idk about now but when I tested cadence supercharging a couple months ago it seemed to slightly boost it. But others did dummy kill tests and it had no effect. I’m kinda curious what veterantragna have to say about it.

  1. Blademaster is probably the most dependent on gear class to level. I leveled as DW Cadence + RoS, but I have some epic gear and swords to not suffer from early glassiness of Blademaster.

  2. AQC is direct loss of damage no matter how much points you put into it. I tested this WPS immediately after Deathmarked was buffed in, it was kinda 12/8 in my setup there, more or less, don’t remember clearly. Belgo shears are good on Belgo set, in Deathmarked they are not needed and don’t provide significant damage boost. Whether you take it or not, it won’t break the build’s overall performance.

Yes, yes and yes, you’re right.
Except my opinion was to not take extra (potentially useless) WPS, because this build uses Cadence and every WPS postpones Cadence hit.

AQC is meh

Stats look good. If to sum up weapon dmg and flat on all 3 hits and consider the crit dmg then it looks kinda awesome. I used it on Fluff’s Belgo as it’s best for proccing Oleron against nemeses. Then I just followed the meta and dropped it for WB but I can’t say I fully understand why. Is it all about the longer animation?

  1. AQC is direct loss of damage no matter how much points you put into it. I tested this WPS immediately after Deathmarked was buffed in, it was kinda 12/8 in my setup there, more or less, don’t remember clearly. Belgo shears are good on Belgo set, in Deathmarked they are not needed and don’t provide significant damage boost. Whether you take it or not, it won’t break the build’s overall performance.

For cadence AQC is always a dps loss, even at 18/8. For AA replacer it even at 12/8 and gets good at top lvl. At least that what my softcore friend told me =)

Belgo boosts all WPS attacks by 1.78 or kinda, Belgo’s performance is built around WPS skills. You want to deal as much damage through WPS as possible.
Cadence is another story, long animation of AQC and Belgo delays Cadence hits, it’s damage loss.

I made a test run to see if new tactics can provide some advantages.
Took around 15-20 seconds on wave 161 by bursting Aleks and broke my own record.
Now it’s 7:01.


Nice run. Although we need MercyMaker to figure out which spec is faster! :stuck_out_tongue:

Here is my updated version: Grimtools.

Here are my 7:28 and 7:30 runs: run1 and run2.

Gonna pm Mercy and see if he is not sick of testing our shit :stuck_out_tongue:

i am sure you tried, nonetheless: is it worth to use Shard of Beronath as one of components for Beronath’s Fury instead of Cadence and use the saved skillpoints elsewhere?

There are some builds around Beronath’s Fury on this forum, Blademasters too, but no one of them deals such beast damage as this build.
Cadence is irreplaceable here and it’s godlike

Evil grin to all of you dark fellas!

1st of all thank you for all the great work and input on Blademaster matters, not only in this thread but all of those in this forum.

Im new to Grim Dawn and playing my 1st hero - a Blademaster, naturally - at lvl 35 now.

My matter is:
I havent decided yet what final build I will play (this one or Superfluff’s or Thejabrixone’s …) and as far as I understand this game/your posts I wont be able to pull any of those builds off until later on when I have the needed gear for it.
–> So I need some leveling-up-build in the meantime. <–

Since you can reskill later on, the final build should not matter when leveling. So in my understanding there should be something like THE best build/route to level up a Blademaster, in terms of fast killing, gaining levels and killing bosses on the way without dying too much or loosing time by having to kite them around.

Apparently there are 3 paths: DualWield, 2h or using a Shield.
Is any of these superior over the others? If not Id love to go for dualwield cause I think that fits assassin gameplay the best.

For clear speed you surely need AoE damage and considering the available Nightblade skills doing so I recognise they partly have cold damage bringing along. Hence the question arises if I want to focus on elemental damage, on physical (pierce?) or on both? Not knowing this makes decisions for gear, skills and devotions hard.

Atm Im running this:
Grimtools-link (I may not link directly on my 1st post, sadly): r2Bw0qzV
I have split Attribute-points about evenly between Physique and Cunning.
I have lifeleech on each of my 2 weapons.
Shadow Strike --> ABB --> Pneumatic Burst --> Ground Stomp (from Boots) --> Slam (from component)

The 1st 4 skills are all AoE and Slam is used on any one mob still standing by then. After that ABB is back from cooldown and I can AoE again or throw in some DefaultAttacks until so. Against bosses I use BladeBarrier as a way to recover (HP and cooldowns) for not having to kite/run, combined with HP-Potions.

Im pretty happy so far, just I dont know how much more I could squeeze out and also have no clue what stats I want to be after. Cold? Frostburn? Ele-dmg? Pierce? Physical? AttackSpeed? OffenseRating?
Additionally, what skills and Devotions should I get next?
What about Soldier-tree?
What about Physique vs. Cunning?
What about getting (much) more LifeLeech, for example from Devotions?
My tooltip DPS-number doesnt show cold-dmg for example, does it?

I have chosen to post in this thread because 1st I might be aiming for this build as my final one and 2nd it seems to be one that is alive these days.

Any input is highly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,