Could someone pls update to 1.1.5.
Is it still op?
Vitality PB was nerfed few times and in the last patch Blade spirits part of Demonslayer set was toned down. But PB is doing nice spread damage and vitality caster is strong archetype, so build should still be good!
Nah, Iām a failure of a pilot. Iām struggling to reach SR50 with builds that others use to farm SR75. Zantai have no mercy when judging builds by the results of top pilots.
Since Iāve already leveled this toon to 70 few moths ago, I suppose Iāll better respec it to smth else that still in trend and yet overnerfed.
Sort of, but you need to be a lot more on your toes as otherwise you will die. And as per usual the best place to position yourself for best dps is right fudging in front of the boss. Which I forgot to do in the Hereticās Tomb and died 2 times. But otherwise it still carves most things to shreds provided you remember to hit the āoh-shitā button that is Blade Barrier.
Current experience with patch
FG content - you will die if you donāt use your brain in Tomb of the Heretic, mainly the optional chest room (kill Scions asap, then other heroes, retreat from pools), and facing Korvaak or Kaisen otherwise you delete everything. With Kaisen you want to draw them away from their summoned crystals and pop some resistance pots. However with Morgoneth you can delete them by getting in their face and spam knives at them and is relatively straightforward.
AoM content - Mostly delete everything bar Kraāvell easily, while Gargabol requires avoiding the fissures and flame jets. Nemesi will fall to you mostly straightforward as long as you avoid their most dangerous attacks, especially Alexās meteor since with 13K health you arenāt tanky.
Main Game - steeeeeeeeeamroll - you are pretty much unstoppable, everything falls at your feet, flayed by your knives, flensed by the blade spirits or have the very life eaten from them via bloody pox. Nemesi can be handled without resistance pots, Rouge-like superbosses just require resistance pots and the only boss you need worry about is the Mad Queen on her red phase.
As for the celestialās:
Mog - killed, takes ages, you will die easily if you do what I did and not swap out some stuff to make you more resistant to lightening.
Lokarr - once you get used to his attacks, you can kill him, need +health pot, energy regen and load up on resistance pots. Can spawn with weapons that make him near impossible, but usually he can be killed as my stuff-to-the-brim stash once attested to.
Ravager - havenāt tried yet, his high vitality resist makes him hard to kill with without needing other gear to reduce his resistances more. Probably easier with the Reaper version of this build due to itās better survivability and innate hit-me-and-be-debuffed skill.
Callagadra - 136% vitality resist and hits harder than Ravager. nope.gif
Crate Entertainment - Possibly, spam like nature of PB + blade spirits makes it hard to not kill the fluffing crates and not end up drowned in them.
Does Solaels Witchfire apply to PB? Or is it just the %-increase to vitality dmg & decay that matters?
Do you guys have any tipps for energy regeneration/handling? Iām very afraid of putting any points in PB, but still have problems keeping up (i guess the eel (devotion) helps alot?)
Hi and welcome to the forum!
Solael %vitality damage is added to all of your skills and procs, not just PB.
Energy regeneration leveling: Youāre better investing more points NOT in PB but to itās secondary nodes. Also look for gear with āof insightā suffix. Energy components like Ectoplasm and Mark of Illusions might help you.
End game you can select devotions that boost energy regeneration, augments like Arcanum Dust and more points in Spirit.
Hope this is helpful.
The PB Witch Hunter is still strong, I am playing with a 127% RR build setup and it wrecks the crucible and with some tweakings (extra physical resistance from components / devotions) performs nicely in SR too.
This is the gear / skill / devotion setup I am running atm, updated to the current patch. Necrosis relic is super strong on tough targets. Undying oath and hallowed ground on chest are used because I like to mantain positive health regen while DG is active, Dark Oneās gloves for the nice DR on pox. Imbued Silver on the gun for faster Grava. Consecrated + Of Kings should be the BIS combo on boots, but after thousands of crafts I still have to see that one. Last thing, I love playing with 10/10 CoF for the huge radius and duration. Itās a big QoL in all content, and too good to pass for me.
Update on Morgoneth in - died twice to him, since on the skills he has either nerfed my damage output or gave him damage absorption. So if that happens while facing him, withdrawl via teleport etc and pop Blade Barrier if need be, then attack the shade he summons until it dies at your hands and proceed back to face tanking him. He should then die easily, but if he summons tentacles, kill them asap.
I just suck down energy pots when need be, usually the drop rate for themās such that you end up with more than enough energy pots. But in Shattered Realm, youāre best to carry 3-4 stacks of them where as Crucible, I think 2 stacks usually does a 10 round interval nicely. Also you can save some energy via getting enemies to go in a line/group so your PBās going through many of them.