~Phys Retal Warlord~
Edit: A small edit since initially posted this build a week ago. By now we all know what phys retal is about. It was very bad during testing and got bettter little by little until one patch all pierce retal was turned tp phys and put the build and a few others too far up. Naturally it will be tweaked. I had a video prepared but it’s made with all chunks from 75 to 76 and I notice that’s not the trend. I did it that way to show that the fights are not so hand picked. I might remake it
New Retal mechanic and OK WPS were two of my most favorite things to try this xpac so here it is.
GT:https://www.grimtools.com/calc/aZqJBy8N - The rings are just too comfortable for stats
GT no green:https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RZR0BJ42 - You can change whatever:)
The Devotion pattern is the best for me. You get the best of everything retal wise for SR (you need shield wall). Vire is far too expensive, get that in MC or crucible if you want. You can also defuff reliably now with decent OA and Assassin’s Mark (you can pump more cunning if you wish) and also Crushing Verdict is a must.
All buffs up…I think, hard to tell at times. However that DPS is with low AS so it hit hard. Shatter procs and Honor casts are the best
Video: I had a video prepared but it’s made with all chunks from 75 to 76 and I notice that’s not the trend around here. I did it that way to show that the fights are not so hand picked. I might remake it. Any feedback on how the video is preferred would be interesting to hear and what SR level. My preference is to stop at 75 or 80 max cause I ain’t got time for more without checkpoints
>>>GT Callagadra<<<: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKkxo9Y1afE 2:20 min - I used Reckoning relic for more RR ans I really like the fact that I finally got goood use for this vanilla relic. The Physique on it also allows us to have more cunning so more OA to proc Assassin mark on her. Overguard was not used in the first half of the fight to avoid transmuter penalty. Was kept for 2nd half of the fight where it is more needed.
Here is how it works with RF and WPS:
Shattering smash:
It works like upheval basicaly. Main target will receive full damage(in this case retal damage) from Main hand and Shield. MAin target also receives both Retribution damage and Shattering Smash retal mod from main hand an off hand. Mobs behind your main target will be hit by Off hand shield damage only as described in tool tip. As retal dmg varies a lot the 2 dmg sources can vary a lot too. Sometimes a crit from main hand can be lower than non crit from off hand for example
All 3 targets get hit by retribution if in range. Not only that but it applies to both main hand and off hand. If you use Final Stop shield for the Smite mod, it will also apply to all 3 targets, main hand and off hand
Zolhan Technique:
Same as smite. Retribution to all targets + Mod from Zolhan shield if you use it. Only difference is that there is no off hand. To compensate for that the mod is slightly stronger and also ZT hits in a much wider arc.
Have fun and…
Don’t forget to SMASH!