[] Supah Hot Fiah - 98% WD 2H tainted flames deceiver (75+, Naked cruci, 276k dps)

Serious thanks to rxjunkie for making this repost possible. <3


^How lonely tainted flames was till solael’s devourer showed up

GT (BiS’d with guardian’s gaze): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RVvlpgzN
GT (Budget): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/d2jYodlN
YT (Done with BiS’d): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mz8whXpNbEg&t

Huge thanks to: Mad_lee, thejabrixone, ya_, x1x1x1x2, superfluff, malawiglenn

I love chaos damage.
I love 2H casters.
And I love purging pagan heathens with fire.

Ergo - I love this build.

Life is about to start up again for me, and this may be my last build for awhile, so I decided to “end” on a high note.

Since AoM, I’ve been trying to find a way to effectively use tainted flames. And I’ve finally done it.

Dreams do come true.

FoI - the swiss army knife of skills

  1. 98% WD
  2. 18% damage reduction
  3. 40% reduced energy cost
  4. 18% chance of Impaired aim
  5. 25% chance of fumble
  6. 13% adcth
  7. 106% crit damage
  8. 200% Casting speed
  9. -123% RR
  10. And 276k dps worth of non-stop, fuck-off flames


  1. Eldritch crossroad
  2. Eye of the guardian, Scholar’s light
  3. Chaos crossroad
  4. Viper, eel, sailor’s guide, solemn watcher, kraken, ghoul
  5. Spec out of order crossroad
  6. Solael’s witchfire (bind to FoI)
  7. Dying god (bind to WoP)
  8. 5 nodes of revenant + 4 nodes of Aeon’s

Biggest weakness of the build
ENERGY. Crafting energy bonuses on ALL items is a must (Duncan is finally useful).

If you want to use guardian gaze and do SR runs with it, you gotta use consumables. Without it, owl is a must (creds to mad_lee for this suggestion).

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?


glad you save this… well done mate awesome build !!
maybe next patch we got some FoI buffs aswell

I didn’t save it :stuck_out_tongue:

Rxjunkie had it opened, and he pm’d me it.

God bless, that darling prince.