Serious thanks to rxjunkie for making this repost possible. <3
^How lonely tainted flames was till solael’s devourer showed up
GT (BiS’d with guardian’s gaze):
GT (Budget):
YT (Done with BiS’d):
Huge thanks to: Mad_lee, thejabrixone, ya_, x1x1x1x2, superfluff, malawiglenn
I love chaos damage.
I love 2H casters.
And I love purging pagan heathens with fire.
Ergo - I love this build.
Life is about to start up again for me, and this may be my last build for awhile, so I decided to “end” on a high note.
Since AoM, I’ve been trying to find a way to effectively use tainted flames. And I’ve finally done it.
Dreams do come true.
FoI - the swiss army knife of skills
- 98% WD
- 18% damage reduction
- 40% reduced energy cost
- 18% chance of Impaired aim
- 25% chance of fumble
- 13% adcth
- 106% crit damage
- 200% Casting speed
- -123% RR
- And 276k dps worth of non-stop, fuck-off flames
- Eldritch crossroad
- Eye of the guardian, Scholar’s light
- Chaos crossroad
- Viper, eel, sailor’s guide, solemn watcher, kraken, ghoul
- Spec out of order crossroad
- Solael’s witchfire (bind to FoI)
- Dying god (bind to WoP)
- 5 nodes of revenant + 4 nodes of Aeon’s
Biggest weakness of the build
ENERGY. Crafting energy bonuses on ALL items is a must (Duncan is finally useful).
If you want to use guardian gaze and do SR runs with it, you gotta use consumables. Without it, owl is a must (creds to mad_lee for this suggestion).
Questions? Comments? Suggestions?