Gimmick: Pets scaling with Player bonuses. A lot of them. Like, really a lot.
First, I had to try a very uncommon devotion path to get Revenant Skeletons and Shadows from Unknown Soldier.
And then, Blood Knight Set obviously, Oathkeeper mastery for 2 Guardians of Empyrion. I could have taken Deathstalker relic but the build craves skill points.
Pet count = 19
Revenant = 6
Shadows = 3
Oathkeeper = 2
Shoulders = 1
Amulet = 4
Gloves = 3 (those are « real » pets)
Results: good enough for Master of Flesh and Korvaak. Valdarran and KupaCabana went down easily. But Lokarr was a nightmare.
I’ve tried the Cold Trickster with Yeti like a long time ago and wasn’t good at building at the time. I’m still not regarding pet builds. That’s why this is a fake pet build
And the Archon version is pure bleeding. Frankly, I made the devotion path first, which was my first idea and looked at the damage the Pets (Revenant and Shadows) did, then vitality/bleeding + Blood Knight was an obvious choice. I can’t take Rattosh this way unfortunately.
Going pure Vitality without the Shadows would be indeed the rational way to build it in a “normal” way. Revenant Skeletons have RR now and that means acid spray can be skipped, although RR applied via Pets can be tricky sometimes.