[] Malakor's Denial: 4:30 Crucible 150-170, SR, Celestials, tanky melee elemental Tactician [vid] [c+]

Forcewave build? Never heard of such thing.

Have you ever encountered Arcanor? Heard it’s pretty good. You can probably do some forcewave shenanigans with it.

Maybe even an op build? So that it can be buffed in the next patch.

If only Tacticians were good enough to do a build around one weapon and one skill without the need of the set support, imagine the possibilities!

If you are being serious, since you seem like a new player, just scroll down a bit for a top-tier arcanor build by superfluff.

Yes, thanks for the tip, Im going to check it out.

How does this build fair against the likes of Modrogen or Ravager?

Nice build, I have a purifier version, with proc her dps ~125k, havent tested in crucible yet.:stuck_out_tongue:
Her sheet with perma-buffs, no procs yet, armor could go higher with good crafts but Im broken now.

I haven’t tested it, but with some gear tweaks it would kill both without a problem. I just can’t be arsed to test it since I don’t have this character (this was entirely gd-stashed) and I don’t think that killing Mogdrogen and Ravager reflects one’s build true worth. To me those are just gimmicky fights that most top melee builds are able to win with some tweaking.

I wonder how it compares to Tactician.

Cant test him well in crucible due to huge lag with these wisps, but I have 7:15 mins crucible, I think with good computer I can down 6:30~6:40 mins.

I managed a 6:19 run with a slightly tweaked setup https://www.grimtools.com/calc/DV9qD1PV
-Swapped chest component to sanctified bone
-Skyshard powder on all the jewelry
-Moved some skill points around
Purifier version is also a complete faceroll.

Managed a 6:11 run with https://www.grimtools.com/calc/a2EQalP2 devotions. Took the 3 points from ulzuin, 1 from ghoul and 1 from crossroads and got solael’s witchblade. Moved some skill points around to max explosive strike (don’t think that did much difference though. Gonna try out maxing static strike and see if i notice any difference)

So, purifier is faster than tactician.

Time to buff soldier, ppl.

so the new new new melee king? But I bet Tactician is so much more consistent and easier to use though.

It’s as much a faceroll as tactician is and average runs are 6:30. Thermite mines are always annoying to use though

so how would you rate it melee builds that you have tried? 1) Deathmarked Trickster 2) Malakor Tactician/Purifier 3)…?

Thank you the big assiduous ant :p, somehow I still cant decide between korvaak or ignaffar relic (psedo-blink/ vs dmg burst), and about these stupid mines I think it should be like devotion proc, rather than we have to cast it every 2s:rolleyes:.

after those belgothian BM/infil, korba set tricksters then dw phys witchblades. Those are the ones i’ve tried this patch so far. I’m probably forgetting something though

I haven’t tried DW phys witchblades but I think DW phys Death Knights are better and more consistent in general. And I do have a guide for that too, lol.

But seems about right. It’s a shame that Deathmarked makes Korba a bit irrelevant.

Crucible in 5 min by nonpet build, I dreamed about this for years…

Hey cheerful guys, anyone amazing enough to put some devotions down while GT is down?.
