[ -] (2H Ranged) Let's bring BIG GUNS TO THE BATTLE - Desolator Purifier [c+] [sr+]

Proc is really good, 55DA and 55OA shred which should be up all the time with good OA.
If the component read like this I wouldnt really see any other alternatives
5% AS/CS, 20 spirit, 55OA, 55DA
But questioning build decisions is a good thing :slight_smile:

Had no idea ranged expertise doesnt show up in grimtools

It does not for 2H ranged no. Works in game of course but GT can not show it.

Which this build has, I just assume that Angmar has never played anything besides pet builds and thus doesn’t know that seal of annihilation procs like all the time with decent OA. In particular with this kinda build with multi-projectiles.

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Build does not need 20 spirit (damage increase is negligible here), 5%cast speed and -10% skill reduction in my opinion - no problem for me to drink mana potion every now and then
5% attack speed is nice, but at what cost?
Proc to reduce 20% enemy health (15% chance on crit, mind you): does it work on Avatar of Mogdrogen, Crate of Entertainment, Lokarr, Callagadra, Nemesis? I think it does not as it would be overpowered as hell. Thrash dies so fast it does not even matter of them.

So what is the point?

Yes, pro builders put it to squeeze extra second on lucky run exclusively on Crucible (unless i am mistaken) and i prefer Shattered Realm over Crucible, so does not matter for me.

i would really like to have a substantiated argument why seal of Annihilation is better here.

Tainted Heart gives %crit damage, OA, Vitality and Aether res - stats which are always with you.

NO ONE selects seal of annihilation for its chance to reduce monster hp, because as you said, does not work on bosses.

If you want some safer option, consider blazing ruby for more slow res…

So people take it for 5% attack speed, i got your point.

well, time to bring some order to the thread, I think …

first of all, taking SoA, as was mentioned, is like a tradition. The component is overall good as it gives AS (vital for all auto-attackers), CS (vital for casters/important for ranged/melee builds to cast things a bit faster), some spirit (so less investments are needed) and a proc that works well on low-tier mobs.

Nemesis are not a problem and superbosses are almost immune to CC-effects and life reduction.

But okay, let’s look at other options. Not taking into consideration low-tier components, ofc.

Bloodied Crystal/ Runebound Topaze - no need to put them in amulet slot as u have ring/medal slots for them and the case of not capping Bleed res is sth impossible.
Blazing Ruby - a good components but for medals. You often have the opportunity to cover slow res sith items/devos/crafts.
Tainted Heart - resists are good but are also almost always covered by other means or by putting it into medal slot. OA gain is very small, crit gain is insignificant. In this particular case too, as the build neither has high native crit, nor it has huge OA/high dots to apply. Anyway, these 5% crit are like 1% DPS gain or sth like that.

Loadstone - not needed here at all.

Lenses - give some small ele damage boost but again, AS is too valuable for auto-attackers, unless not capped already somehow. Even then it’s good for some -AS mods.

Skull - same 5% speed bonus.

Spark - very strong component but again, for medals.

Seal of Ancestry - for some tanky builds, not needed here at all.

you can use what-ever-you-want in that slot. no one force you to use Seal of Anni. IMO, 5% atk spped alone is much more precious than 5% crit dam and 15 OA. you can compare those option in-game, to see how it affect your DPS between Tainted Heart and SoA and see for yourself


I can’t seem to be able to deal with Mad Queen in SR 65-66. Is it normal, or i just suck badly at this game?

Grava with some mutators (especially with +HP) is a pain as well. Fabius one-shotted me once when i head -15% mutator and some +OA mutator for mobs (a lucky crit i suppose).

Mad queen has a shot-gun skill, she spams lots of fragments with each fragment deal 5% of your hp. Playing range char is one of the best way to deal with her, cuz you can spam atk feom far away rather than try to facetank her. Just disengage when she has glow red aura around her to avoid being shot-guned. Grava and Iron Maiden has huge Fire res, so you need to extra careful, but not impossible. People often build with just slightly minor overcap Pierce res (cuz Fabius is maybe the only notable boss that use Pierce dam), but now with so many complaint about Fabius’ OPness, then maybe they will pay more attention to Pierce res overcap to avoid being one shot, especially when his Veil of Shadow aura is an immediate RR source

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i know about mad queen’s aura, but running around and shooting her takes forever. and not being in the seal makes it so much more difficult, even those spams of her can kill me this way…

Tbh, this build is no where near tanky to facetank and shoot mad-queen. Low physic res, mediocre single target damage, average leeching. Seal can help you with hoard of mini monsters, but not so much when fighting 1-2 big bosses. Standing inside seal and facetank her shotgun is way more worse than leave seal and avoid getting hit. Easy said than done, i also often getting killed by her in SR with much more tanky build than this.

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MQ is probably one of the most enraging bosses in SR alongside with Korvaak and Theodin. Tbh, I just quit when I see her if only I don’t have a super-tanky or tricky build to fight her.

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Seal of Destruction: flat fire, physical to fire (Meteor Shower, Temper), +6% crit damage
Seal of the Void: 4% attack speed, another WPS

Seal of the Void wins?

Yes? /10char

Especially with 100% pass through mechanic of that rifle

SoV won by a-freaking-lot. Especially when you use Dagallon’s helmet for chaos conversion.

All right, thanks. Never hurts to question something to be sure it’s the best option, i think.


this is setup that i am using inspired by Afanasenkov build.

Dropped the seal and put points in Temper + Blast Shield instead,
WPS are at one-point.
Probably for Fightting Mogdrogen it’s better to put the points back to Seal.

Oh, and the Fissure is brilliant, bound to Storm Spread it procs every time and if it is under mob, it shotguns the hell out of it. Really like it.

as i said before, you can play and use what-ever-you-want. i see not much different from the original, only some changes in devo allow you got more RR but less ADCTH. Here is my own version: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/qNYrDXr2. Basically i like the conversion from Dagallon’s helm to huge boost for Brimstone/ Solael Witchfire and WPS dam. Not much to talk about, since they are all similar.

and btw, you should get rid of Scholar’s Light devo completely and fully complete Magi devo to compensate. The 2 left node from Magi you ignore is much much better than what SL gives (flat Fire, 5% atk speed, % dam…)

Thanks for the tip on Scholar’s Light, will change it.
Dagallon Helment looks interesting, but need the Mythical Tainted Ruby of Gar’Dal as well.
and the last node on Sailor’s Guide would rather be spent on 5% health or the last node of Ulzuin’s Torch.
You never stop learning :slight_smile:

I know also question if it’s worth keeping 3 nodes of Saiilor Guide or is it better to take Behemoth instead.