[ -] (2H Ranged) Let's bring BIG GUNS TO THE BATTLE - Desolator Purifier [c+] [sr+]

the 3 node of sailor cover my 3 most lacking res: physical res / freeze and slow res. thats it. i can get 3 node of Wendigo for 5% more atk speed and 4% physical res instead, but then in SR 75 and higher Reaper destroyed me so easily with his Slow debuff, or moosie will perma-freeze this build. i dont use Behemoth in a low HP regen and low CDR builds, but idk, players can use whatever they need

I am new to these forums and i am curious about how to level this build. From the small description I dont see anything typed out for devotions. Did i miss something?

You start with Demolitionist, take some guns and start to shoot. 2 points in Mastery Bar, 1 point in skills until you reach 50 points in Mastery
Somewhere in 50-60 levels you take Inquisitor, 1 point all skills and push Mastery to 50, then you push the skills further.

Somehow I can’t beat wave 160 in Crucible… What do i do wrong?

I actually dunno. If there’s some tough combo, you may die but do you die constantly?

I died 3 times out of 3 tries. I had Kuba everytime. Once there was the reaper, other times i do not remember.

I’d post Grim Tools with your character, maybe upload a save + record a video. Maybe changing your strategy/gameplay could be enough. You could also try Haunted Steel weapon component for Bloodthirst, it’s a pretty ridiculous 8s lifesteal boost on demand.

Unfortunately, i can’t record video or upload to GT, because of restrictions on my computer - i play from work. I know it sounds stupid, but that’s how restrictions work on my workplace.

Here’s a save file though - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YTnZpVmrieISiLdLAIOt98SXzSOlkj7x/view?usp=drivesdk

It’s the same, I thought maybe you have something different :thinking:
Anyway, either try Haunted Steel I mentioned above (it makes a big difference)

or implement the strategy that is presented in the Crucible video - madroman goes to the spawning portal in te left upper corner and you can see that bosses cannot attack him all at once there. Maybe you can also do it in a different place, i.e. on the stairs where npcs are or even in a different Crucibles which are not speed but rather defense oriented with more obstacles. Or start 160 in one corner, very close to some Boss to kill it before others appear.

I think you’ll manage to do it because the character looks tanky enough for me. Althought maybe you can more Pierce Res overcap somehow? For example by using Titan’s Plating in the helmet or maybe Potent Malmouth’s Soul weapon augment

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Well, i guess this is a piloting problem. I just need to improve…

Hey guys, slowly finding my way back into the game after having played in EA

There aren’t any special factions but you need to be friendly with Barrowholm and Kymon’s Chosen.

Can someone give me a hint why Kymon’s Chosen is needed?
Barrowholm is for Ravagers Rage I guess?

I am playing in coop, trying to coordinate faction choices :sweat_smile:

Make sure you both choose the same ones, otherwise you can get a conflict in the game sometimes.

Yeah I figured, but we have a Death Knight, so Kymon’s is not an option for him.
Hence the question…

Any leveling guide?
What affix should i look for? Armor and weapon affixes

new to GD!

Hello may i know the devotion route please? I’m new and i dunno how to route the devotions. Thankyou :slight_smile:


I leveling my Purifier for this build.
Nerf or up in ?

More likely buff, I’ll drop the new link soon.

hi guys, lovely build but so far I have bough only base game (will get all the exp packs asap) and inqisitor class is unavailable, anyway I want to play demolitionist + soldier = commando tough guy with double barrel (2h ranged), any good guide for that ?
Mostly what devotions to take , stat points, what items to look for, skills.

probably I won’t be any of help here as almost no one plays w/o expansions now …
for Commando, there’s one never-getting-old build - fire FW (Justicar set+Worldeater), it’s just fine.
can’t say that about ranged, tho.


found my build, mainly soldier Force Wave 2 handed melee with some demolitionists skills to aid, so commando.

I am totally happy with damage output and survivability, and now I found crazy item for my early level (15) holly crap, my dam went from 800 up to 1320+