As u see there are 3 chars that can use 3 mobility skill. Warlord made by veretragna (before roll back.). Now Blademaster and dervish. The first 2 works.
Why dervish is not working? Cause u don’t need to use 3 mobilty skills, x1x1x1x2 made his Templer with vanquisher set wich has huge CDR on Vire’s might. Same on Dervish, u can reduce the CD of vire’s migth to 1 or 1,5 sec.
First Markovian reduce the DA (248) wich is huge. Second this is a candance build. So ur OA will be good. “Markovian is like giving 248 OA.” Blindside do the same, but i think DA reduction not stack.
If u want use it, but the dmg is good and wasting 12 or more points to get some OA and pressing 1 more buttton is a wasting. Still better to use anatomy of murder wich is passive and gives u cunning, wich is OA and Physical dmg + racial bonus.