[] Pyro 5:09. cruci 150 - 170 (Shieldbreaker) (c+) (sr+) (g3) (vid)

Checked only on RR% every others just work independently. It can work.

I have only 22 cold and 68 lightning. IMO not worthy.

May be, i will try. Still the time won’t change too much.

Yeah, you are obviously completely right.

But - unfortunately - you walked straight into the min-maxer’s den of madness the minute you posted such a crazy efficient bordering-on-broken build :joy:

So I’m afraid we are now going to shave every last hair on that pyromaniac body of yours - just for aerodynamics sake, of course. I swear, this is no fetish.


I mean John made 5:15 out of this non min-maxed spec and it wasn’t his best possible run, I think with proper min-maxing sub-5 minute time is more than possible. And we have very little time before the inevitable nerf hammer.

Also, good metaphor with body hair, rofl.

But if you shave the body,what will keep Demo warm in the cold and cruel winter,when the fire show will be nerfed? :sweat:

But on this build is inevitable to avoid that sort of comments,cause this set is so good offensively and is new on top of that.


Just for u, i changed the skills. :smiley:

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the set is super. but how do u think about taking arcanist with OFF - 100% fire RR at lvl 12. And we have devastion too. throw fire everywhere…

Use OFF against a boss at ultimate and you’ll know the answer

Don’t be rude. :sweat_smile:

OFF doesn’t work on Bosses, Nemesis. That’s why has arcanist lower RR. Devastion is super, but u kite a few times if the mobs are not under that, u fail.

so u mean OFF -%rr duration will bass on how long it freeze enemies? i never play arcanist before, i like devastion skill and plan to play one char base on that skill. good to know how it work. Thanks!

% RR and freeze only works on mobs, that is not Nemesis and Boss. Frankly if u play SR and Cruci, u won’t afraid of normal mobs, rather than nemesis and bosses.

Thanks bro :D.
Another question: The modifier motar trap 100% physical to fire, does it effect “The big one” too? there are alot of flat physical damage in “the big one” skill.

Yes, every conversation works on the whole line, regardless anything else, and that happen first.

Example: fire forcewawe (IMO In this case itnernal trauma too), aether savagary, aether vit primal strike, vit firestrike, chaos candance, etc.

“The order of events for Conversion is as follows: Base Skill > Skill Modifiers > Conversion on the Skill or Transmuter > Conversion on Equipment and Buffs > Equipment, Auras and Passives”

Well done! I like this version of Pyran

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I agree with Mad_Lee on Celestial Presence. Not only is to more efficient to get 1% rr for 1p from there than Mines, but also overcap there increases the radius, and we got 20% free rr from the set on it, so that radius is all the more important.

Divine Mandate is imo maxed always and on every build. Global 2%crit alone is worth 1p. And with this crazy oa - no brainer.

Temper imo is 1p. 9da per point, nah. I really prefer Fervor on this. Not only does it give ele res and armor on top of da but also carries Viper’s %reduced rr (afaik the only other thing with weapon dmg here is Korvaak relic active - still melee - and it’s easy to forget about it in this piano)

Heavy Ordnance is also for the radius. The biggest problem with mortars is that enemies step out the way. So that radius is important even if you don’t convert.

But I think Clarity is pretty good to softcap. Even if uptime is 50%, it gives crazy 15% oa so it’s like 7.5%oa on the average, and this build stacks crit dmg quite high. And cc res is only available from there, if just half the time.

5:09 John tested it last time with mad_lee’s changes, i didn’t want him to do another video.

This is the new record of this build. Still can be under 5 min with good enemys and mutators. Still a good time. I closed the testings, thx to all.

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How is this build currently in

IMO, still good, but i am retired from the game.

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Temporarily :grin:

Hi and welcome to the forums!

After the recent patch, the Pyran set is probably a little better on Sorcerers (Arcanist got buffed big time) – but it’s still strong enough on a Shieldbreaker, too :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for your help!