[] Winter King 6:05. cruci 150 - 170 (Infiltrator) (c+) (sr+) (g3) (vid)

Very good build, especially for 2h. But I am sad too, about RoH. Before AoM people playing completely different build, added it to carry them.

In current state RoH builds, needs another skill to carry them :slight_smile:

RoH is shite but I wouldn’t go THAT far. Even with full conversions, cdr, mods and support SS is still one of the crappiest dmg skills in the game (as demonstrated on Dunefiend and Deathguard). And on Winter all conversion you have is from Alkamos rings, you got nothing for poison from NJE (or very little like Silver shoulders), no cdr except for NJE, etc. Even RoH is better. As reflected by crucible times.

we seriously need to demand/beg for a RoH buff

Well considering chillwhisper roh is under 6min clears that is an uphill battle

I thought chillwisper was about bladespirits

That Chilwhisper that 1-points RoH just for the debuff?

I think thats blade spirit doing the most work. He has 4 blade spirit fully buffed with all of the modifiers. Whereas offensive RoH mod is only pathetic +20 cold damage.

Very interesting though. I missed that build. Now I wanted to make a blade spirit build. Lol.

This one is a Blade Spirits build rather than RoH. No Starfury Emerald, no Alkamos Rings, almost everything is put into Spirits.

It is almost distrusting to see chillwhisper blade spirit build knowing what devs did to RoH…
here you get sick flat damage added, damage conversion which effectively tripling the damage. Then you also get adcth. RIP RoH

Like I said a couple times. All nerf (also buff) need to be tested. Otherwise it will just cripple the skill/mastery. RoH pre-nerf doesn’t even come close to today’s fastest clear time. It’s clunky, has 1.5sec setup, and not really enjoyable in campaign. It’s just need its nerf taken out, same as RoK. RoK nerf doesn’t even make any sense.

All this damn neverending game balancing. Poor crate, they should already working in GD2…

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This ^
10 chars

Btw I wanted to ask, if you don’t use auto attack as filler, what’s the best way to sustain RoH Infiltrator?

I use bat on seal/storm box/WoP, with pierce to cold damage conversion you get pretty dope heal, you also have two healing skills from the classes

Thanks, I will try that. Undecided on weapons. I wanted to try different than Chillstrifes.

Mythical Crescent moon is of course very good since you can get chillsurge up very high then.
Also provide cdr and is craftable

Poor mad_lee, this fun build and most of the comments are about the poor nerfed to death cold rune

Tis’ a Nandi build. Plus RoH talks is not spamming in the topic. Please improve RoH :pleading_face:

yeah true, I need more coffee.

poor nandi, I have already forgotten about him xD

This is the “best” RoH infiltrator I can come up with btw https://www.grimtools.com/calc/nZodBjBN

IMO pure RoH/Crescent/Chillspikes of old is dead. RoH is only good for support now. Not all that bad but costly support.

Chillwhisper got Spirits to carry the build. Winter King has Winter King. Can also stash some crazy Chillstrifes for a Silver Sentinel and get some melee in (I actually did 5 something lately on one such but it was an perfect run). But on its lonesome RoH is tragic now.

Why tragic? Because if you can’t kill 'em with two RoHs then you gotta kill 'em with three RoH’s. How many percent more time does it take? Solid support is needed to keep dps going between the runes.

30% lower damage in central means you need 43% more runes being casted i.e. you would need 4 runes if you earlier needed 2 since 43% < 50%. BUT I have neglected frostburn damage and other sources of damage. So yes, you would need 3 runes compared to 2 before.

I can’t believe the amount of nerfs RoH got. Removal / lowering of flat damage, lowering the number of extra projectiles and changing the breakpoints for those AND wooop wooop 30% lower damage in central. A perfect example on how you kill a skill and a build. RoH requires pretty much 4 things being maxed, i.e. a pretty big investment in terms of a main skill. It has been “left alone” for almost a year and then being reduced to #dedbiilds in a blink of an eye is beyond understanding on my behalf.

I can’t wait for them to remove piercing on AAR * sarcasm *