Cyclone with Mortars don’t work. Set blocks off-hand and medal. Try LD set.
well, if you think about mortars are just another source of damage, support for Cyclone’s overbuff 9 Mines + 4 Wind Devils + 3 Storm tortems, then just 3 mortar traps 24/22 (with 100% physic and 60% fire dam converted to lightning) is still very good. Clearly the build doesnt focus around MTraps, so i dont think terrnox tomb is required for it to work
Yeah but then if you’re not modding Mortars, points are better spent on BwC or(/and) Canister. Especially when it requires such drastic compromises in the gear department. But ofc by “don’t work” I mean “don’t work the way I want” lol
sorry but i dont understand the “not modding Mortars” part? Isnt Elgoloth has “100% physical dam converted to lightning to Mortar traps” is a mod? its just lack the number of traps, not the conversion mod. for some reasons a casual player like me never want to use BWC or Canister, and even Mines before it got changed to immediate placement. The “throwing” animation is sometimes f*ck me up. Flashbang and Mines now are so great. Place 3 Mortar + 9 Mines + 4 Wind + 3 Tortem and run around in Crucible is satisfied as hell, like Trap Assassin in D2. I just hate the fact that Elementalist doesnt have a mobidity skill or a “press when panic” button when i screw up
My bad. You’re right. The weapon has mods.
Most players used to have that sentiment. Demo used to utter shite before FG. And then demo skills were buffed in a series of patches (which made this build hold a world record in Crucible for quite a while) and they are pretty awesome now despite the animation delay.
BwC also has the big advantage of opening great devotions paths where you don’t have to take flat rr. And both Canister and BwC have very good proccing power. Canister hits many times in a big area, and BwC has increased proc chance higher than other skills that tick per second.
Check out this build of mine: [] MEGASORC - BwC+Canister+Mortars Super Duper Tanky Sorcerer (c5:30 average) (sr80 no aggro abuse). It shows the power of demo skills, and Mortars, too.
I’ve been testing a Runecaster’s Segarius’ blade and that works really well as well, 25% aetherial / Cthonic damage is really nice and 8% more shred on wind devils is nice. Given the nerfs I changed Hungering Void to Eye of Korvaak and Chains of Anguish back to Storm Shepard. Resists arn’t friendly to play with and my OA is lower than I want it to be, much lower TBH.
Still testing setups. Hungering void doesn’t feel worth it at all, especially since you can get about half the crit from HV from EoK and there’s no downtime with the crit from EoK and no health/sec loss either. I don’t run with Chains given the heavy nerfs with phys res but it might still be possible to run with them.
Next thing I want to test is replacing Stormcage with grava legs , possibly of insight? I’m unsure, but I think green legs as a res stick to help balance out OA/DA would be nice. Here’s what I’m currently running.
Sure, top fantasy Segarius beats Spark of Ultos. I also tried Stormstrife but the uptime on the 4th Totem is not full. And, yeah, everyone takes Korvaak for DG now especially when there’s more than enough stuff to proc it.
Everything seems BiS-y. I’d consider binding Widow to Stormfire and Korvaak to Aether Corruption. more Immediate -35%rr is better than more immediate -130da shred. But it’s so minor that it’s irrelevant especially in Crucible.
Also, I’d consider of the Flamecaller suffix for the oa and +2 to CB might be worth it over ST hardcap.
These Not sure. -30%dmg from spirit and -60% electrocute and -2 to Maelstrom: not sure it’s worth that oa and ranks to Agonizing. Might be, though. Every drop of oa is golden on setups with such high crit dmg. Cyclone lost a lot of oa sue to this DG situation and Storm Witch rings nerfs.
Sure, top fantasy Segarius beats Spark of Ultos. I also tried Stormstrife but the uptime on the 4th Totem is not full. And, yeah, everyone takes Korvaak for DG now especially when there’s more than enough stuff to proc it.
I’ve had a double rolled Stormstrife since LD ele was op af way back when cap was just pushed to 100. I tested it; even a badly rolled segarius is better, totems don’t last long enough. You get more damage from the shred increasing your other totems/wd/etc then 1 more totem.
Everything seems BiS-y. I’d consider binding Widow to Stormfire and Korvaak to Aether Corruption. more Immediate -35%rr is better than more immediate -130da shred. But it’s so minor that it’s irrelevant especially in Crucible.
Also, I’d consider of the Flamecaller suffix for the oa and +2 to CB might be worth it over ST hardcap.
Yeah I really don’t like being this “low” on effective OA.
These Not sure. -30%dmg from spirit and -60% electrocute and -2 to Maelstrom: not sure it’s worth that oa and ranks to Agonizing. Might be, though. Every drop of oa is golden on setups with such high crit dmg. Cyclone lost a lot of oa sue to this DG situation and Storm Witch rings nerfs.
Yeah we’re pushing like 100 crit damage, I think losing some % on lightning to be able to push OA would be better. I really think it would be better to get a huge amount of resists on the legs than OA. That frees up jewelry and armor augments to run skyshard / DA augments.
Edit: I’m also semi to pretty sure that just a runecaster’s is better than ultos because 25% aetherial and cth damage slaps hard. getting a nice suffix is just a bonus.