[] The Lightning (Mc)Queen - Allagast+Cyclone Lightning Caster Vindicator

Well, heck, I’ve got over 2,000 and I never claim I’m good at it. Doesn’t mean I don’t have a lot of fun anyway. :rofl:

12k hours what the hell. I got about 1.7k in 1.5 years I played GD. How can they get 12k hours in 3 years of GD age? Mother of God…

They played it since alpha

but are still casuals according to Heapheus :rofl:

Everybody seems to forget f****** in front of casuals.

That’s because we’re more polite than Heaph. :smile:

Build updated for Longer clear times due to round of nerfs but more resilient and easier to pilot.

Screenshot with all permanent buff + Word of Renewal, Deadly Aim, and Sitting on Inquisitor Seal.

Video with 4 buff without banner:

6:40 clear time. The consecutive nerfs on storm box and maelstrom hit the build quite a bit. It is now safer with bane relic though. I have tested the build so many times and I think the average without banner will be 6:30 to 6:45. Sadly 6 minutes without banner may not be achievable anymore.

I’ve been burnt out from GD and having lost of interest lately. Might come back again for the new rogue dungeon if I happen to have more interesting ideas.

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hmm, interesting choice of a freshly buffed Bane. How does it compare to Ignaffar?

Despite the nerf, ignaffar is still good. This one doesn’t really need additional 10% RR though, because it has 147+25% already. However it desperately needs another survival healing kit, which Bane come to play. It’s undoubtedly BiS for this build.

BTW, just played this build in campaign, killing gargabol and stuff. Damn what a joy to play, and gargabol got down pretty easily too. I thought it will not be enjoyable as storm box spam is funny in cruci. Make me want to try SR with this build.

maybe I should try Bane on my Cyclone Vindicator, hmm.

More RR is never bad, there are no diminishing returns with that particular stat. But I understand the need for more tankiness tho.


Haven’t tried SR. But it certainly made ADCTH from SoTH noticeable. The build feels much tankier, it cannot die in 169 wave now.